

  • ponzlaw
    thank you!!!! Continued great health
    October 2015
  • DebbieI
    I have a friend who recently found out she has the same type of cancer that you have. She has been diagnosed and has started chemo before her big surgery in April. She is suffering from nausea big time and I saw that you posted about the Doctors finding a medicine for you that helped your nausea. Do you remember what the anti nausea medicine was that you took?
    February 2015
  • Dawntaylor
    Hey nice to meet you!
    December 2013
  • eyewonder2
    Thank you! :-)
    August 2013
  • Dawn1964
    Thank you for your support. You're right, I was looking at the internet and it was very depressing. I am feeling pretty good and up til then thought I was handling it very well. I'm sorry about that I just got freaked out about the internet statistics. I'll stay away from them from now on. I appreciate your time and comforting words.
    July 2013
  • Cellkiller
    I could not pass up a happy face and smile without saying hello
    July 2013
  • leslie48240
    Your reply to FlamingGirl re depression really made me laugh. An appt to cry later....hilarious! It is funny how the 'meltdowns' your UPS story...happen at the most unexpected times. And can hit so hard...and then be gone. I do experience those times ...both with cancer and the death of my husband. Cried through my dental hygenist appt just cuz he loved going to her to get his teeth cleaned. I didn't see that one coming. She must think I am totally out of my head. Emailed her afterwards...but really no way to explain it.
    July 2013
  • connie1947
    well I did have that thought a month ago when I found out about the cost of both a funeral and a cremation,BUT MY BODY wow they do NOT want IT,and as for the goverment #1 they have places they call BODY FARMS,they put out on the open ground an study how you decompose an how long it takes ,an how the bugs get you AND #2 they do cremate some people BUT they wont give your ashes to your family UNLESS they can pay. go ahead an check it out your self you will see I am telling you the truith ok thats all i can say I AM TIRED my 1 finger typeing is hard my fingers are cramping, GOD BLESS YOU connie Moreno
    July 2013
  • connie1947
    hello fastdog,I just posted a message on Tmassie"s wall with my answer,IT is a lot of typeing an I cant type well I am a one finger typer,SO please go there to read my answer,then I hope you will understand,but one thing I will tell you is you do not know this goverment , I was told by 3funeral chapels what is done ,an I called the morgue here they all said the same thing. I hope you do not have to face this your self, well that is all I can say,my finger is hurting , MAY GOD BLESS YOU, Connie Moreno
    July 2013
  • jad
    Tx for liking my reply to HMR. I am suffering from paralysis of the butt right now. I can't seem to move away from my chair in front of the laptop today. All day, so far. Yuk. I need to go out and spend some $$$!

    What I really want to say, as you see I looked at your wall and your post about the rescue greyhounds struck a chord. When my husband was alive we had a total of 4. Not all at once, We started with one, added a companion, one died got another ....etc. We were never a dog family. Our families never owned pets. Our children didn't have dogs growing up ----- but these greyhounds were spectacular. Ours came down from NH. We even met the truck early (like 5AM) once for the unloading and transfer to the Greyhound Pets of America Group out of Baltimore. That's the group we worked with. Many happy memories of the greys ....and my husband who really became a dog lover.

    I wonder if they still have tracks up there? I heard the one in Revere, MA (Suffolk Downs) closed up. Our families lived in the area way back when, and we passed the track all the time. The traditional "little gift for the kiddies" was $2.00 bills. Our families never went to the track, but those bills were in pretty high circulation in that area. Take care.
    May 2013
  • Eps23
    Thanks so much for the laugh. I rescued a dog two months before my diagnosis. I will be sure he does not sleep in my room during chemo! Feel better.
    May 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hiya Fastdog! Thanks for the comments. Actually, one time, one of the socks DID start floating out and of course, I DID laugh my head off! Breasts are SO overrated!
    April 2013
  • carm
    Fastdog, you are so welcome and thank you for giving me the opportunity to advance my knowledge with such an interesting question, Carm.
    December 2012
  • carm
    Fastdog, wow what an interesting question and I have to say it really got me going on trying to figure out what drug that might be, but I did manage to find the answer. The drug is Levamisole. You know after the 1930s when the first chemo's made from mustard gas were discontinued due to safety issues, it seemed that biochemists were either combining chemicals to make new compounds or use existing drugs like antibiotics or sulfa drugs to treat malignancies. The criteria for success was a relatively low threshhold; when testing these cytotoxins, all that was necessary was that the drug kill some tumor cells before it became a fatal drug to the patient. Sloan-Kettering and the National Cancer Institute tested around 400,000 cytotoxins and only 50 made the cut. One of those was Levamisole, a sheep de-worming agent. It is still considered by some to be a standard chemotherapy agent even though a study in the mid 90s showed double survival rates using a placebo compared to Levamisole. This drug made the cut for it's immune system modulation property, thought to increase the strength of the immune system which is wierd because the side effects lower the wbc's. A funny fact is that as a sheep dewormer it sold for about $1.00 a year, but as a chemo it now costs $1200.00 a year. I think it is disributed by Johnson & Johnson. I hope this answers your question, Carm.
    December 2012
  • abrub
    Hi. I'm a 5 1/2 year survivor of Appendix Cancer (mucinous adenocarcinoma of the appendix.) There are a few of us appendix cancer patients on here.

    Welcome to the board. I'm glad you are doing well.
    December 2012
  • DaveWaz

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    Team WhatNext
    November 2012