

  • readingrocket
    Thank you for your reply - I am going with my surgeon being proactive. I know that he conferred with other doctors and my instinct is to move ahead. Knowing that my risk level has been lowered will ease my mind and I will be able to deal with managing my bowels. Thank you so much - I appreciate your help! You have no idea what it means to me !
    May 2015
  • IronMom45
    Hello would you mind sharing your recipe for the snack bars you posted in the marinol response? Thanks
    November 2014
  • sonofwarrior
    Greetings zubsha! I see that you are still very active and supportive on this site, but haven't updated your own profile for quite some time. How are YOU doing? Are you currently in remission (I hope!) or active treatment? Thank for being a supporter of so many!!
    October 2014
  • Stylerman
    Subsea, good morning. So far the recovery from the surgery is taking a bit longer than excepted to get my strength back but all things consider its going as well as could be expected. Next week I go back into surgery to get my port placed in and also to be a suspicious nodule removed from my left lung. The oncologist and the surgeon both greet the nodule has to come out so that comes next week. I start my first round of chemo on the 23rd and it l looks like I'm set up for every 14 days for the next nine months. Things are about to get real but I ready to get started. I finally feel confident I have the right team of doctors around me they know I'm a little whiny but they're very helpful.
    October 2014
  • myronbob
    thanks . wondering if I got it right but I think colon was poor diff ,and met to liver well is that possible?
    October 2014
  • FROG1210
    How did your test go? You may have posted an update and I missed it. I been thinking about you and praying everything was clear
    August 2014
  • myronbob
    thanks zubsha . only concern is to try and stay on schedule . was having blood only on day before chemo ,now every Monday . was 82,000 off week and not sure bottomed or still dropping ,my onc said will do chemo at 75,000,past 2 sessions he dropped oxyi 20% and 5fu ,not avastin . so have 7 days to be at 75,000 from 82,00 a week from chemo and was wondering when I bottom . can't thank you enough for help thru process . have great day bob .
    August 2014
  • azsuper
    Hi Zubsha

    Maybe you can help me answer a question I have.
    What % of chemo stays in your body for ever?
    Thanks for your help.
    July 2014
  • azsuper
    Love your answer to my question about med a port stay in or out.
    June 2014
  • angeldancer
    I have a question for you Zubsha. Is it the pet scan or the ct scan that monitors the cancer. Which one see if its spread? Also should I ask for the BRAF and kRAS mutation test?
    May 2014
  • barryboomer
    I was Just wondering what kind of Doctor you are and are you still practicing?

    Also....have you changed the way you do business or relate to Patients?

    Do you treat Cancer Patients as I BELIEVE that a Doc who has cancer can do a better job than one who only knows about it in the abstract? They can surely be more empathetic.

    How about Prevention in your practice. Do you do any counseling on the benefits of Plant Foods?

    I find it Amazing that people would eat a food called Junk Food and even more amazing that they'd put a stick in their mouth with fire coming out the other end. People are dumber than Rocks.

    Did you ever hear my Good Nutrition / Anti Obesity Song and video called "DONUTS DON'T GROW ON TREES" ?

    Good Luck! As a Physician you have a unique perspective on all of this that we could all learn from.

    April 2014
  • slatebreak
    Thank you for your remarks regarding the port and chemo. You really had some excellent suggestions! It hadn't even occurred to me that the pump needed to be protected when showering. I guess I'd thought I could just disengage from it! LOL All these practical matters that newbies don't know and can't even think of because they have no frame of reference! Thank you for your expert advice. A few years ago I was treated at Dana Farber for an adenoma of the colon and received excellent care. I noticed you're from Massachusetts - here's to hoping you have a great spring! :)
    March 2014
  • fatima79
    Hi dear zubsha, hope u r fine and everything goes well for u. My dad s wbc even got worse & was 1200. but right now is 6000 ( after few injections)&I m really glad now. Just want to share my happiness with u. Xxxxxxx
    February 2014
  • fatima79
    Dear Zubsha thanks for giving such a wonderful help. u boost my energy a lot Butannd gave me lots of hope as well. his wbc is coming down day by day right now is 1400. I wish my dad could read your nice comment but I ll translate it for him. Thanks a lot.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    February 2014
  • Bestmomever
    I was wondering how you're doing? I was diagnosed in May 2012. I'm having issues. Did you have to change your diet?
    January 2014
  • laforge908
    congrats on your success, its good to hear positive stories. My dad has stage IV with mets to liver and spleen. His prognosis is not very hopeful although he isnt experiencing any affects as of yet. He was just diagnosed and hasn't begun Chemo yet. if you have any success stories with this late of a stage and mets beyond the liver plz share :-) its amazing how such news can change your hole life so suddenly, this is always something that happens to someone else and then the reality is difficult to swallow. God Bless!!
    January 2014
  • angeldancer
    I asked my oncologist about the kris mutation and the braf-mutation and he says it doesn't matter. All protocol is the same for colon cancer and he sticks to it. Does this make sense to you or should I stick to being tested for those mutations. He also said chemo and radiation first. The surgeon that will do the surgery before or after says that he prefers to do surgery first so he can resection it because it is at my rectosigmoid junction which has a suv of 6.8 (read from my pet scan). Can you shed any light to this situation. Thanks
    December 2013
  • angeldancer
    I am interested in why does the colon cancer reoccur in other places. Are doctors not looking for it in other locations. I ask because right now everyone is concentrating on my colon but their are cysts on my overies (gynecologist says they are benign through ultrasound) and then there is one cyst on my liver (oncologist says its nothing). Are these signals that they will become malignant after the colon cancer. Why not attack them now? Just curious.
    December 2013
  • geekling
    Hi; Let's talk. You described the lymph system as an open "barn door". How, please, did you come to think of this metaphor. I've always thought of the body as one system with interconnected parts. The barn doors of this barn in which we live would be nasal cavities, mouth cavities, ear cavities, rectal cavities and wall cracks like broken skin.

    I'm not arguing or interrogating; simply curious as to how your thunk the metaphor up.

    Best healthy wishes,
    November 2013
  • Joyex
    "Been there - done that This is epic scary but not hopeless. I had a patient who had local recurrence about 15 years ago Got chemo and is still disease free. The chemo is better now!"

    Hi Zubsha - I was encouraged by this post you put on Frogs wall. I am hoping this is the case with my husband. His recurrence is in the scar tissue around bladder area - and does not seem to have travelled. Lets hope.
    Thanks for all your posting - Your experience and knowledge is so valuable to us although I wish you did not have to have the experience of it.
    November 2013
  • Joyex
    Thank you so much for replying to my question. I have asked another doctor who has confirmed as you say this is right - chemo is first line of treatment. I hope things are going well for you. Really appreciate you stopping by.
    November 2013
  • FROG1210
    Thank you
    October 2013
  • Justellen
    Made it thru two doses (actually a week since treatment 2) the first time just had tongue thing, this time got cold sensitivity, that was a surprise (didn't happen 1st time) I was separating cold chicken from chicken broth and my finger got tingly and burning...
    I was afraid to touch anything cold without gloves! Probably didn't last that long but I was afraid to test! gone now but the weird tongue and thread sensation remains. And sore gums and sore tush! I saw tht mucosal cells replicate quickly and that is the type of cells chemo goes for, so I am assuming the chemo is working! (that makes it .....tolerable.......um :-)) My stomach is all acidy, I am assuming the above for that too......and my hair is thinning, but it is curly and I refuse to cut ( i have to not do something that is recommended , rebel that i am, and I figured that won't effect treatment (just my drain pipes!)
    Sorry just babbling... (along with my psycho-stomach )
    August 2013
  • Justellen
    Oh btw, regarding the pump noise, I decided it isn't a pump, but a spy camera and every time it clicked they were photographing my illicit activities! I had to be very careful ! (insert really silly smilie face)
    August 2013
  • Justellen
    Two more silly things, I think
    1. I swallowed a skunk,

    2. and i think my surgeon left his whoopee cushion in me during surgery....
    August 2013
  • Gmo
    See the dr tomorrow so hopefully I will get some relief! Thank you!
    September 2013
  • Justellen
    I have been on a downward weight loss since this whole thing began (actually needed it, but not this way!) (silver lining alert!) and need to remember to eat in small amounts all day. And i forget since i am never hungry .(a new phenomonon) I certainly don't want to have to gain all this weight I just worked so "hard" to lose. ( insert sarcastic snicker) I am going to ask on the big board, but any suggestions for moisturizers, body care anything? And I made myself walk yesterday based on your encouragement...thanks el
    August 2013
  • Justellen
    August 2013
  • Justellen
    My kids would yell at you, as I always told them NEVER to call me normal! (insert smilie face! ) but thank you anyway. I have been walking (couldn't manage it for a few days) what kind of cardio did you do and did you do it before our lovely experience? I was only doing yoga and walking before.

    I am so happy I found this place...
    August 2013
  • Joeyb
    Thanks for your kind words!! For the most part I've kept a positive attitude during my journey and my "FAITH" has gotten me through so much. I keep saying this cancer is not going to beat me!!
    July 2013