

  • HOBO
    HOBO zoe
    Hi Zoe! Just wanted to check in. I have not seen you lost for awhile. I think about you often. I returned to work part time last week for just two days per week and only a few hours a day but it is a start. Hope you are doing well.


    June 2014
  • Beeps
    Hi Zoe: I'm just hoping that you are doing ok! I've not seen any posts from you in a long time! Your communications on here impacted a lot of people I great ways! I know others join me in missing hearing from you! Prayers lifted! Whatever is going on... Know there are blessings being poured out!
    August 2014
  • pcsurvivor
    April 2014
  • CAS1
    CAS1 zoe
    Hi Zoe,
    just sending you good vibes and power to the immune system.
    March 2014
  • HOBO
    HOBO zoe
    Hello Zoe,
    How is it for going? I am looking forward to spring. I developed shingles last week so hoping this will soon. It has been raining this past week. We need it for drought California. I am ready for some Sun. Hope you are doing well.


    March 2014
  • Captmarty
    Zoe,Thank you so much for responding. Yes, I meant Dr. Malafa. Darn auto correct! You're right, I had feelings about him since meeting him back in July. Moffitt's GI team has been outstanding. Living in Sarasota, I had an hour and half drive,staying at Hope House for the radiation. Another wonderful place with great people. I feel if I've got to play this hand to the end and couldn't ask for a better experience than I've had at Moffitt .
    Thanks again for the answer and your prayers.
    Best regards, Marty
    February 2014
  • deSmile
    Hi Zoe,

    So glad to hear your story! We are finishing chemo..also IIB diagnosed Jul 8, 2013! Cannot wait for chemo to be over than getting pancreatic cancer vaccine...
    February 2014
  • HOBO
    HOBO zoe
    God works his magic. I was thinking I needed to connect to some familiar folks today and thought of you. I checked your page and could see you had not posted for some time so I thought we'll you contended me reaching out and adding more stress to you so I did not leave you a post. I am so happy to hear from you and that you are coming out of your dark days.

    How is the chemo going? I sure hope you are breezing through. I have had a lot of doctor appointments lately and it brings flashbacks to me. I just get overcome with sadness when I smell, see or hear the old chemo trauma. I am still needing weekly blood draws so I am visiting infusion frequently. While in the waiting room I see so many hairless heads and sad faces it just thrusts me back to my treatment days. I have an appointment with my therapist on Monday so I will talk with him.about it

    My onc scheduled me for a bone marrow biopsy this past Tuesday. But when I arrived for the procedure she had changed her mind. I was so relieved. She said she had reviewed my blood cells and they were of normal shape and size just not rebounding so she rescheduled the biopsy for March 13. I am hoping by then my blood will be better. I have so much to be grateful for that I feel bad whining. Cancer is such a process. I really just want to be sitting on the beach in Maui. I told my doctor that every cancer patient should go to a spa or retreat for a week or so after living through all this. We need time to recover an get our heads on straight. Some good food, sunshine, happy people and lots of love with people that understand all this would help. She agreed with me but was not sure a week was enough. Which it probably is not but would at least get us started.

    Ugh. Did not realize I had all this pent up inside. I have really missed your posts. I miss Maryedythe too. I know she was moving into a care facility. So many folks on this site have kept us all up when we are down and we have helped keep others up.

    Enough of my jabber. I am so glad you are back. Sending you warm hugs.
    February 2014
  • HOBO
    HOBO zoe
    Hello Zoe,
    I am.beginning to worry about you. Have not seen any posts. I am moving along..had my exam by my surgeon. She was.pleased. still anemic and taking B12 shots. Had labs done yesterday so waiting to hear results.

    Hope you are.well. sending warm hugs,

    January 2014
  • patrick1989
    Hi Zoe: Am still here but down in the dumps, BAD. New PET scan shows a new nodule now in the left lung. Too small yet (5CM?) so they will re scan in April. Biggest problem is no support even from my nieces and Nephews.(only family) They think I am too negative and am on a pity party. So far from the truth. All I want is someone who cares. You would think family would try to understand the Journey, with its ups and downs. they think I should be the jovial crazy Uncle I once was. I would love that also.I have not heard from them since Oct 4.and it is making me a basket case. Thank god for acupuncture, as she helps when she is working on me, once a week. She puts me as close to true peace as I have ever been along with helping with the back and Neuropathy. Enough of me. How are you doing? I don't get on here very often and am sorry that I do not. So many people that I like to follow, but just am so lazy. Maybe it is the Jelly Donuts from Publix. Still have my one a week. Best to all and hope you are on a better Journey than before.
    November 2013
  • pcsurvivor
    I think of you often....I'm sorry I haven't been on the site lately. Hope you're doing good....love and hugs to you.
    December 2013
  • HOBO
    HOBO zoe
    Hi Zoe,

    Wanted to.check in and see how chemo is going? Also, how is.the.depression. winter weather does.not help. Your part of the country gets pretty cold too.

    December 2013
  • HOBO
    HOBO zoe
    HI Zoe

    Just checking on you. Have not seen a post in a while. Not seen one from maryedythe either..I know.She was packing up to.move.
    Let me know how you are when you are up to it.


    December 2013
  • CAS1
    CAS1 zoe
    Hi Zoe,
    just want you to know I am praying for you tonight.

    December 2013
  • HOBO
    HOBO zoe
    HI Zoe,
    Good to see you on the site. Hope you are feeling well. I have almost finished my online shopping and now just need to wrap up packages. My youngest son turns 29 on Monday and I already bought him his new phone so no pressure there.

    I did my final appointment with the radiologist yesterday. Be says I am doing fine. I thanked him and said no offense but I hope I do not need his services again. Ha!!

    Take care,

    December 2013
  • Peroll
    Zoe, I saw you mentioned feeling depressed in another post. Chemo and oother cancer treatments affect the seretonin levels in our brains and that causes depression. Its chemical and noot your fault. The good news is that it can easilly be helped with meds. The bad news iis thst cancer Drs. are not trained to spot or treat depression so you may have to see your regular Dr. to get the help you need. You should aslo know that it takes a couple of weeks foor the meds to take effect. I know all of this first hand. Please go see you Dr. about this ASAP and you should be feeling better inn time foor the hoildays. Good luck!!!!!!!
    December 2013
  • MaryEdythe
    Zoe, please forgive me. I had a few very bad weeks. All is resolved. My life moves on. Forgive me for not being in touch. Things were very bad.
    November 2013
  • HOBO
    HOBO zoe
    Hi Zoe,

    Hope you are.doing well. I am.getting concerned about Maryedythe. Have not seen a.post from her for quite a.bit. I hope she is okay. I was hoping you might know.

    Take care,

    November 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Hi Zoe, checking in to see how you are doing. How did your appts. with your Dr.s go? Hope it was news and have some sort of plan in place if needed. I am going for round 5 of 6 today so I'll catch you later....:)
    November 2013
  • pcsurvivor
    Hi.Zoe...I've been thinking about you and praying that this morning's surgery went well and all that bad stuff is gone! And HAPPY anniversary to you and your hubby. Wow, what a way to spend it BUT! You're here and the surgery is over and I just wish for you the very best! Hope to hear from you soon. We all do! Lots of love, Donna
    October 2013
  • PhillieG
    Hi Zoe, I hope you're doing and feeling well
    October 2013
  • MaryEdythe
    Zoe, Let us know how you are when you can.
    October 2013
  • nicki0920
    Just look at how much you are loved. All of us are on pins and needles to hear how your surgery went. I know you'll update us as soon as you are home and feeling up to it. Remember that you have a little prayer army on a mission on your behalf. We're all praying for a speedy recovery from a successful surgery.
    October 2013
  • SueRae1
    Greg can't give me your e-mail due to technical difficulties with you account. your can contact me at sue_rae_rosenfeld @ yahoo . com or 917 817 5939
    November 2013
  • SueRae1
    area code 917
    exchange 817
    last 4 5939
    November 2013
  • Beeps
    Hi Zoe- I hope your surgery went well and you are on the fast track with recovery!! Prayers!!
    October 2013
  • SueRae1
    Hi zoe, Saw your comment to Aliza. Looks like you are willing to come to NYC - may I recommend finding a 2nd opinion at NY Presbyterian hospital, They are located in North Manhattan at 168 & FT wash about a mile from the George Washington Bridge. I am being treated there for both my Kidney and TNBC. The doctors and oncology teams are wonderful and very collaborative with each other, all my doctors and me.

    I would also recommend Weill Cornell - where I went for 2nd opinions. another option would be NYU.

    If you need any help finding a dr - please contact me - as greg for my info or leave a message on my wall, I am sure my Oncologists would be happy to supply a name or two.

    October 2013
  • MaryEdythe
    Zoe, I will be watching for the post you will give us tomorrow when you return.
    October 2013
  • AlizaMLS
    Dear Zoe,

    You're right in that I began my treatment at Sloan Kettering. However, once they have you, they route you across the specific path that pertains to your cancer alone, so I do not know any physician there (or anywhere for that matter) who specializes in Pancreatic Cancer. Having knowledge of medicine as a Librarian and knowing specific people are often two different things unfortunately. I left Sloan for two reasons: 1) because though I reside in NYC, from where I live it's a 2 hour commute 1-way, and 2) I hated my oncologist. If I'd liked her, I'd offer you her/his name to follow up with to get a referral for a specialist in that area.

    Just as any other hospital, they do have a physician referral service and you can see how things go. I did love my breast surgeon, and plastic surgeon however, so two out of three ain't bad...;)

    Hope you find the doc you're seeking!

    Warm wishes,
    October 2013
  • SueRae1
    Wow - you live about 3 hours from Kripalu - one thing I forgot to mention in my reply to your comment that starting Nov 1 they have some good deals - like if you have two R&R you get a third night free - if you take a week-end program and do R&R Friday &/or Monday you get 25% off of those days.

    here's what it cost us
    Sun, 10/06/13 - Fri, 10/11/13 Kripalu R&R Retreat 400.00
    Sun, 10/06/13 - Fri, 10/11/13 Standard - Hall Bath - Shared - Mountainside - 565.00

    My husband & Daughter took a cooking workshop that cost 485.
    the dorm room was 430.
    October 2013