

  • lo15
    I'm sorry that you think that this is a forum for political posts. I came here because my husband has stage 4 cancer. You and your cronies can harp all day on politics , who said what to whom and what links I clicked. You are completely oblivious to what this page is supposed to be for. Its not all about you, how sad
    August 2018
  • LiveWithCancer
    You know what's really sad? Until about a week ago, I didn't even realize that Voila was how you wrote "wal-la" ... I always read it way wrong and then when I wanted to type it, I always used wal-la,.. So embarrassing!!
    August 2018
  • Bug
    Hi, Carol! Don't you have a mammogram and ultrasound scheduled for June?
    June 2018
  • biga17133
    hope all is fine with you also thanks for checking, just trying to spend time with my grandbaby Faith and win at this fight....I'm still taking a bath by myself,, lol .
    July 2018
  • geekling
    You amaze me. You have "heard of" 2 people who died horrible deaths & I tell you I know 2 living people who are alive sans treatment and, yet ... 2 people, whose details I do not know means little but the number of people who come through less scathed when using BOTH Aleopathic & outside of the box methods are legion. Still, there is no reason for tribal warfare. That questioner has yet to even get a 2nd opinion and no matter eithervof our opinions, will make up her own mind as to how to continue.
    July 2018
  • ChicagoSandy
    Oh--one son (33) now living on his own; and at any one time 2 cats.
    July 2018
  • ChicagoSandy
    Carool, I lived on the corner of Legion & Riverdale--183 was on Riverdale between Strauss & Herzl. Had I lived on the other side of Livonia, I'd have gone to 156. When I was at Somers, Claire Eskowitz (a bit of a sourpuss bluenose) was principal. We moved to the top floor in one of a pair of attached 2-flats on Kings Hwy & Church, next to a car wash & across from Ices Queen (R.I.P.), the summer between graduating from Somers (2-yr SP) & entering Tilden. I graduated in '67 (I was 16) and went to Brooklyn College, where my husband & I met and married 3 wks after graduation in '71, and moved across the country to Seattle the next day (he started in Genetics and switched to the MD-PhD program at Univ. of Wash, while I was a Genetics tech for a year before going to law school. We moved to Chicago in '78 when he matched for his residency at UIC. He eventually became a cardiologist. He's still working at his own practice, but I retired from law in 2012 (though until I trashed my wrist & scaphoid in a series of falls this spring I'd been a touring singer-songwriter-musician). Last week was our 47th anniversary.

    How about you post-Tilden? (Other than breast cancer, of course).
    July 2018
  • Lorie
    I tried putting this under your post but it would not take it?

    So happy for you. Sharing your good news pumps us up.
    June 2018
  • lynn1950
    I am so happy for you.
    June 2018
  • beachbum5817
    Good luck today, Carol. I will be thinking of you. Let us know how it goes. Take care.
    June 2018
  • Lundmusik
    How did your scans go?
    May 2018
  • barryboomer
    Hey Carol.....What's going on? Anything I can do? My Tel Number is 8 6 3 3 8 5 5 6 9 0 if you want to call. I'm Barry Butler on facebook and my E mail is b d b u t l e r 4 5 @ g m a i l . c o m.....
    June 2018
  • Bug
    Carol, Happy Belated Birthday! I just saw a post where you said yesterday was your birthday. How did you celebrate? I hope you had a really nice time. I’m sending you warmest wishes and a hug. Love, Grace
    May 2018
  • Gabba
    Belated Happy Birthday and enjoy your party on the 12th!
    May 2018
  • BoiseB
    Hi Carool
    I thought I might update you on what I am doing to prevent falls. This week I have two physical therapy sessions then after I finish six therapy sessions and the headache is gone, I will join a movement class at the local YMCA . That being said, I am the most accident prone individual on the planet
    May 2018
  • LiveWithCancer
    @Carool, thank you, thank you, thank you for reading my comment as it was written and intended. I need to know that the Geek and I do not communicate on the same plane by any stretch of the imagination and stop even trying!!!! I TRY to not read anything she writes so I won't be tempted to respond but I thought my comment was friendly and supportive. I was dumbfounded when I got blasted for it!!!! (I did NOT read all of the diatribes... but I could tell from the first sentences that I was being soundly bashed!!!!!)

    Thanks again. I appreciate you!
    April 2018
  • Deann2002
    Thank you for following me! I will definitely keep you posted on my progress. It’s so great to see a breast cancer warrior like you!
    February 2018
  • Bug
    Hi, Carol! So I'm writing to get a virtual hug. I'm having a routine breast MRI tomorrow morning and the scanxiety has kicked in. Bleh. I'm trying to stay busy and keep my mind off of it as much as possible - but I am having my moments. :-/

    How are things with you? I hope you guys are warming up some in NY. It seems like it was brutally cold there for a while. We're having gorgeous low 70 degree-ish weather. Husband and I have a good friend who is in the hospital dying of lung cancer. On Thursday the doc told him he has "days to weeks" to live. Totally sucks. His wife is heartbroken and we, like many others, are just so sad.

    That's the update. Sorry it isn't more upbeat! I hope all is well with you.


    February 2018
  • merpreb
    Carool- Can other people see your wall?
    February 2018
  • Bug
    Hi, Carol. I really liked what you said to Sharonroth in response to her question titled Isolation. That's good stuff. Sometimes I felt pretty lonely. Sometimes I would get the "stay positive" lecture. Well, I know they meant well but sometimes I think it's good just to feel what I'm feeling. Personally, I think it's healthier than stuffing it all inside. I've stuffed a lot of feelings in the past and, boy, when they finally came out it wasn't pretty. :-/ And, yeah, the added worry of "If I'm not positive I'm going to be even worse off"... Geez. Let's make ourselves feel even worse, shall we?

    So how are you doing? It has been raining literally all day here - very unusual for us. We need it, though. Our weather reports say you guys are super cold in NY.


    January 2018
  • Molly72
    Just read your message on Writing a book for Cancer docs, and.....
    wanted to tell you about a friend of mine who had breast cancer surgery last summer. It was done at a hospital that I call The University of Hell, as I had my surgeries there & know what I am talking about! It was The University of Michigan, a supposedly highly rated Cancer hospital. Highly rated my patootie!
    Anyway, this poor woman had her breast removed with just a LOCAL anesthetic! Yes, that is correct, and then was sent home that VERY evening. Dr. Schlock & the staff at the U. of HELL, were kind enough to send a visiting Nurse Rachett to administer to her needs two days later. This poor lady has really never recovered from this ordeal, & I think the cancer has spread to her lungs, but not positive.
    Anyway, I was so appalled at the lack of care, and, lack of pain meds & the entire thing, that I thought you might be interested. Your mention of the lack of pain medication really hit home with my poor friends situation.
    January 2018
  • Bug
    Hi, Carol. Did you tell me you live in the Bronx? Are you near where that apartment fire was? Those poor folks. Sigh.

    I have been so out of touch with WhatNext - and I hate that. Actually, I've been out of touch with everything. I've had family in and out for almost two weeks. I'm trying to get back to normal. Not complaining, mind you - just out of my routine with all of the activity. It was really nice having my family here for Christmas - even the nutty ones.

    How are YOU?


    December 2017
  • kalindria
    Thinking of you and sending best wishes for a healthy, happy, wonderful New Year!
    December 2017
  • Bug
    Hi, Carol. Did you tell me you live in the Bronx? Are you near where that apartment fire was? Those poor folks. Sigh.

    I have been so out of touch with WhatNext - and I hate that. Actually, I've been out of touch with everything. I've got a lot of e-mails waiting for my attention. I've had family in and out for almost two weeks. I'm trying to get back to normal. Not complaining, mind you - just out of my routine with all of the activity. It was really nice having my family here for Christmas - even the nutty ones.

    How are YOU?

    December 2017
  • Bug
    Hi, Carol. The other day my husband and I were talking about diseases that are worse than cancer. You have mentioned a couple of diseases in the past. Can you remind me of what you said? I think you also mentioned either a friend or acquaintance of yours that has something frightening.
    November 2017
  • geekling
  • geekling
    Oh! Man!! I used to love Lord & Taylor ...
    November 2017
  • GregP_WN
    We just wanted to thank you for your help, support and guidance for those that come to the site looking for help. I remember 9 years ago when I was diagnosed for the first time, and how relieved I was when I was able to find answers, help, and hope!

    Please take a minute and browse those questions when you log on and see if there are any you can offer some help on. You just might be the light of someone's day!

    And, it would be great if you would post one of your favorite inspirational quotes or pictures on the Pinboard. Lots of people browse that page looking for something to gather hope from!

    Thanks again from all of us on the WhatNext Team!
    November 2017
  • geekling
    Hello! Next time I come across one of these studies, I'll send you a link. See if it qualifies as scientific to your artistic standards. Hugzm
    November 2017
  • Bug
    Hi, Carol! How are you? I've been out of the WhatNext loop for a while. We are still getting settled. Then my husband hurt his leg and was on crutches. Long story. And I was driving him everywhere he needed to go. Fortunately, he's driving himself now. Anyway, there isn't anything much new. I just wanted to say Hi and see how you're doing. Hugs, Grace
    October 2017