a little holiday cheer!
Member Posts: 528
I hope this link will work here? This is just a fun video and no matter what event you are celebrating, it is sure to include the iconic family dinner, right? Love to all of you!
(If the link doesn't work, try copying it in your browser, you won't be sorry!) ;-)
(If the link doesn't work, try copying it in your browser, you won't be sorry!) ;-)
Oh, my gosh, that is so funny. Thank you for sending, MarcieB.
Happy Holidays to everyone. I hope everyone has a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.0 -
That's so cute Marcie. Thank you for sharing. Happy holidays to all. May 2022 bring us all a more peaceful world.
0 -
Very cute!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.0 -
That was GREAT!! Happy holidays to all!0
Very cute. Happy Holidays to everyone.0
That never gets old. Merry Christmas!0
Carool, you are right - it never gets old. There is something about pet videos that always cheer our hearts, don't you think? The ones where cats jump straight up in the air ALWAYS make me laugh out loud! (although, at the same time, I feel sorry for the terrified cat!)
I hope everyone who celebrates Christmas Day had a lovely one yesterday. Now, I say we focus on the new year and do whatever we can to make it good! And lets hope our beloved WN site keeps working well!0 -
Marcie hope your Christmas was nice. I tried to see the video and it wouldn't let me. Then yesterday when I tried to get in WN site my PC said it wasn't a secure site. Wow I don't know what to make of that. I feel bad for new members thinking they'll get lots of support here..0
Marcie hope your Christmas was nice. I tried to see the video and it wouldn't let me. Then yesterday when I tried to get in WN site my PC said it wasn't a secure site. Wow I don't know what to make of that. I feel bad for new members thinking they'll get lots of support here..0
Try sending me mail at lw underscore 650 at Yahoo (decoded without spaces) put WN as subject.0
So, now that questions are being posted in the right place, I am wondering if we are still getting daily digests? Because I am not. I have never received a daily digest when I am the only one posting a question, and I have posted the last two questions...so maybe that's it? I am beginning a New Years Resolution to post a question once a week. It may be lame questions, like, "Does anyone here have a solution for brittle nails?" (actually, that's not so lame, is it?) I think the monitors are trying, so maybe we should try too? It would be a better coming year if we could again count on this site for answers and support, like we used to.0
MarcieB, I get the Digest every two or three days.
I clicked on the video link you posted and saw a funny video about an overly dramatic meteorologist. I guess that the video others saw wasn’t this one. Still, I liked the one I saw. Thank you!0
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