Thankful Thursday Again. Hope this makes it to the right place. I've never posted before.
Member Posts: 110
Thankful Thursday Again. Hope this makes it to the right place. I've never posted before.
Thanks! BTW, not that it matters, but it’s still Wednesday.
I’m thankful that the heat will be much less tomorrow and until next Thursday, if the local (Brooklyn, NY) forecasters are correct. And the heat throughout the country will be lessened.0 -
Yes, this is the place. Curious where you are posting from. Where I'm sitting it's still Wednesday , the 30th! ( But not for long)
I'm thankful for my Mental Health Counselor. Long telemedicine conversation earlier today. She has been a huge positive resource helping me navigate not only my cancer journey but also the past 15 months of pandemic isolation including coping with having a parent imprisoned in nursing care for over a year. Huge thanks!0 -
I am thankful it is Thursday now that I am reading the message. I am also thankful that as of 11:59:59 on June 30th- tolls ended on the Cross Island Parkway on Hilton Head Island. This will save my boss a ton of money. He has graciously provided me with a transponder for the last 5 years. He and his wife have them as well, and he has always provided them for people who commute to work with him. Now I need to round up all of the transponders and turn them back in to get his deposits back. This may be like pulling teeth with him and his wife.. LOL
I am also thankful I stood my ground on Tuesday on a major issue we have been having in our office, although I was left in a quandary today and had to do some things I was not comfortable doing.I am thankful that someone actually cared enough to see if I was okay after I let out a crazy yell because I was frustrated (okay, super angry). It was already almost 7:30 p.m. and I didn't think anyone was even in the building.
I am thankful I have you people to vent to on occasion.
Bengal, I would be so thankful if I could find a really good mental health counselor.0 -
I am thankful that this morning my daughter-in-law is being induced to have their first baby. It has been a long 4 years to get to this point. I also am thankful to modern science that has made this a possibilty. Of course, I am thankful for answered prayers. My daughter-in-law didn't want to know to know the gender, so I am very, very thankful that today will be the gender reveal.0
beachbum5817, you have to let us know the gender! Whenever I hear someone is pregnant I instantly get a *feeling* about the gender and I am usually right. I am predicting a boy.
I am thankful for babies and for all the continuation of LIFE today! It might be because two days ago I found my first monarch butterfly caterpillar and this morning he is happily munching a ton of milkweed leaves, preparing to become a chrysalis and eventually a gorgeous butterfly.
And the beat goes on. ;-)0 -
Yes, Carool & Bengal, I posted it before I went to bed because last week I didn't get it until Friday & I didn't want to be late. I really like the idea of Thankful Thursday. Today, I thankful for my dental appointment being changed to accommodate my grandson's visit. He lives in FL. I've not seen him since February of 2020. He is all I have left of my son who died 16 years ago at 33. He is my reason for fighting this fight.0
Thankful I am finally getting some rain! Always thankful for all of you!0
petieagnor, it’s great that you’ll be seeing your grandson! And I’m so sorry about your son.
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beachbum5817, that’s wonderful! I’ll second MarcieB’s request re letting us know!0
legaljen1969, I’m glad that you stood your ground at work.
I had a great therapist for many years. When she died unexpectedly (almost twenty-one years ago), that was my last time in therapy, after almost a lifetime in therapy with different therapists. I don’t miss it now, but it was very helpful when I was younger, especially that last therapist.0 -
petieagnor, thank you for starting this post. I am thankful for cool mornings. It gives my husband and me an opportunity to take a walk.0
Bug, my husband and I walk every single morning (unless it is pouring rain). We call it, *the mosey.* It isn't a long walk, just around our cul-de-sac, on to another street and back...maybe 25 minutes? I began walking our older dog in the mornings to keep her hips loose, then my husband joined me. Sadly, we lost our dog over 5 years ago, but we kept the walk. We even go out in sub zero weather, complete with scarves and earmuffs! My doctors all say it is the best thing we can do for ourselves. I did the best I could to continue it through my treatment, and I only missed a few times.0
Petieagnor, I hope I didn't come across as flippant when I asked where you were posting from that it was already Thursday yesterday. I honestly thought perhaps you were in another time zone somewhere to the east like maybe Europe. No offence intended.
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I wanted to let you know that my granddaughter, Sienna Marie, was born this morning at 12:50. She weighs 7.2 lbs and is 18 inches long. Everyone is doing fine. Now I have one boy and one girl grandchildren. I am so thankful that I am here to see it.0
Beachbum, this is wonderful news! (I guess I am losing my touch at predicting I love the name. I'm so glad everyone is doing good.0
@Beachbum: That is wonderful. I hope I get some g-grandbabies. G-son is 24, but no one has interested him.
@Bengal: I'm not offended. Far way too long, I was always late with any responses. I just wanted to be on top of it for a change. I'm hoping someone else does it this coming Thursday as I'll be at CVG putting g-son on a plane. I'll be thankful for his visit.
@Marcie: My husband walks everyday. I'm too slow for him. I do walk nearly 2 miles throughout the house & climb stairs nearly 10-15 times a day. All 3 docs say I'm doing great. I also do all of the grocery shopping. I don't use my handicap sticker unless I just hurt. We have lots of hills in Erlanger. I live in the middle of one .0 -
Congratulations, beachbum!0
Congrats on new granddaughter beach bum! I also am waiting for the arrival of a new great grandson in a week or so! Might even be born on my birthday, July 8th. He will be 4th great grandchild! The family is getting so big! I’m so glad to still be around to enjoy these wonderful occasions! It’s Friday, late again responding, but I’m very thankful every day for so many things, including you guys!0
Congratulations, beachbum! I KNEW it would be a girl! LOL!0
Teachertina, that’s great!0
Teachertina, congratulations! And my birthday is July 8, too! I tell people it’s easy to remember – it’s four days after the fourth. ;-)0
Teachertina, how exciting for you. I doubt that I will ever see great-grandchildren, since I didn't get a grandchild until I was 66. However, you never know! Let us know when the addition to your family arrives. Happy 4th of July!!!0
Beachbum, my father was 65 when my first niece was born. We feel quite confident he will get to see and love his great grands too.
My paternal grandmother was 93 when my first niece was born. My maternal grandmother was 85 when she was born. Maternal grandmother was 93 when my second niece was born. She got to enjoy her for 8 years.
Granted I have no genetic connection to my maternal grandmother, but she was our wonder woman. She had a heart attack at 90 and survived. She got lymphoma at the age of 95 and survived. She lived to be 101. She determined at 100 that she was going to live to 105. She didn't quite make it, but she had the right attitude.0 -
Our 4th great grandchild arrived 2 days after my birthday! He is a healthy 8 and a half pounds with a head full of hair! So cute! Life is good!0
Teachertina, I am so glad for all of you. Congratulations!!0
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