Thankful Thursday?
Member Posts: 528
Shall we try for a Thankful Thursday post today? It might be worth it just to see if we continue to get notifications? It sounds like a lot of us have some heavy things going on in our personal lives and hopefully we can reach out and help each other on this site - like we love to do. Meanwhile I will start us off today with a silver lining, instead of a cloud (!) Just for today...
I am thankful for fuzzy bumble bees who are busily pollinating my flower garden - which is another thing I'm thankful for! (not so thrilled with chipmunks, but they ARE cute...)
I am thankful for fuzzy bumble bees who are busily pollinating my flower garden - which is another thing I'm thankful for! (not so thrilled with chipmunks, but they ARE cute...)
MarcieB, I like the image of "fuzzy" bumble bees. Made me smile.
As you know, my husband is having a serious health issue. But I'm going to take a page from Greg's book. He used to say that there is "always something" to be thankful for. So I am very thankful that my husband's situation is not any worse than it is. I know that there are folks who are a lot worse off.
Thank you for starting this, MarcieB.0 -
MarcieB, thank you! I’m thankful that all of my loved ones and I made it through the pandemic so far. And that NY is now fully open. I’m aware that the pandemic is very much ongoing and we may have to go back to stringent measures at some point.0
Bug, I’m thankful about your husband’s situation not being any worse, and I send you hugs and my fervent hope that he gets well soon.0
CHIPMUNKS!!!! Yes, they are cute by they are driving me to distraction. They are constantly stealing from my bird feeders. Even worse are the squirrels. The are just so in your face devious. I catch them in a "have a heart" trap and transport them to what we euphemistically call "Australia" . Far, far away.
But Thankful Thursday. Today has been good day. Beautiful day but not hot. I worked outside all day and got alot done. First time my whole yard has been mowed at the same time. Usually after just an hour or so I find I am too tired to continue but today I was able to just keep on keeping on. No anxiety or panic attacks. Yay. Now to make it even better would be to sleep well tonight.
Bug, I will keep you and your husband in my thoughts.
And, yes, even at his lowest Greg could always find the positive.0 -
Bengal, funny! I hope “Australia” is just another area far from your bird feeder (the need of a euphemism makes me wonder).0
Bengal, those darn chippies drive me crazy too! I am trying to encourage them to relocate by putting peppermint oil around their holes. I think I am seeing less, but I can't be sure. I have heard of people who go to beauty salons and ask for their sweepings of human hair to put on their flower gardens to get rid of chipmunks. ???? Ever heard that one? the next time I get my hair cut I am going to ask for that. Might as well try?0
No worries Carool. "Australia" is a lovely woodsy place I hope far enough away that they can't find their way back. No, MacieB I hadn't heard about the hair thing. Sounds kinda messy to me but I do need a haircut so maybe I'll try it.0
Bengal, good to know! I didn’t REALLY think it was that infamous “farm” that kids are told dead pets go to, but still it’s good to know.0
I didn't see this until just now. Perhaps I am wishfully thinking it is Friday. I was thinking "I am a day behind." Oh well. It IS still Thursday.
So on a lighthearted note- I am thankful for AC- when it is still 80 degrees at 10 p.m. I am thankful I was the only one in the office today and I got to turn the AC down to 70 for part of the afternoon to make my fluffy body cooler as my personal radiator (thanks Arimidex) turned on and off. I did have to drive back to the office tonight to re-adjust the thermostat because I forgot to turn it back up. LOL
On a serious note, I am thankful that people have maintained a decent amount of decorum in light of the losses of community members that passed away last week. There was a love hate relationship with many members of the family, but most people have been very kind and supportive rather than starting gossip and conspiracy theories.
I am thankful for trying to something new and working on getting a Facebook group up and running. I am also thankful for the new App/ program we are trying at work. It has helped me with being more organized and staying more focused.0 -
Bug, I am so sorry to hear that your husband is dealing with a serious health issue. I am sending you both good thoughts and healing energy.
Legaljen, I too am grateful for air conditioning. I went out to pick up the mail tonight at 9:00 and it had cooled down to a balmy 106. My poor dogs are climbing the walls, and my tomatoes are cooking on the vines.
Lastly, I am grateful that I received a What Next Digest in my Inbox today, for the first time in a long while. I hope the tech gurus sorted out the problems and things will get back to normal.0 -
I am thankful for my previous health battles to have paid off. For husband having his heart issues on the mend. Thankful to have WhatNext to ask, share, understand.0
Yes, I am a day late, but I finally got a WhatNext Digest in my mail this morning. I think it is the first one in over a month. I know I can come here on my own, but I am thankful to get the notice to make me come here right away. Without the notice, I say I will check in later, and that doesn't seem to happen. My forgetfulness is very thankful for the reminder. Bug, I am sorry to hear that your husband is having some health issues. I hope he will soon be on the mend.0
It's Friday, but so happy to have WhatNext! I am thankful for being able to work in the yard! Thankful for all of you!0
What a great idea!
I am thankful how God wakes me up each morning with a beam of light shimmering through my bedroom window.....accompanied with the cooooing on my Diamond Dove.
I am thankful to my daughter, Ashley Ann, who has always been my strength, inspiration, my joy, and my best friend. She is my biggest blessing in life!!!!!
I am thankful to my family and friends who all form part of my support and "have fun " group. They always make sure to lift my spirits and encourage me through my ups and downs!
I am thankful to John who has been my best male friend for over 15 years!!! I don't even have to ask for what I need because he knows even before me. That's how well he knows and loves me. I am truly blessed to have him in my life!
Blessings to everyone and thank you for lifting up my spirits as well during this roller coaster relationship with Cancer!
Have a wonderful Thankful Thursday everyone!!!!
From: Geannie0 -
Thank you, everyone, for your kind words. I really appreciate the support.0
Geannie that is quite a support network you have. What a blessing!0
Thank you so much.. .I really couldn't make it without them.
When your medical team sits you down next to a nurse and gently gives you the big "C" literally freeze, become mute, and from that point on your body feels as though you're carrying a load of bricks!
We just need to let go of those bricks, maintain our faith, and be optimistic that there will be a turnaround in our health.
I practice different "Mindfullness" techniques with a friend. They are quite helpful. I highly recommend them!!!!
Blessings always and remember, no matter what, we will hold on to our faith and keep being strong!
Have a great weekend!
From: Geannie0 -
I’m late getting here but I have a good excuse! I had 2 daughters, 3 grandkids and a son in law come to the beach for 4 days to visit us. So thankful!! We had so much fun, made so many memories and ate so much food! I’m thankful too that the weather was perfect for their visit! Best weekend in a long time! Sending hugs to all my What Nexters and wishing you well!0
Teachertina, that sounds wonderful! Hugs back!0
Teachertina, that sounds like a great weekend. I was envisioning it. I’m happy for you.0
That's great!!! I'm so happy for you! May you have many more repeats of your wonderful weekend!!!
Happy 1st Day of Summer everyone and many blessings to everyone!!!
0 -
Geannie, I know I’ll sound like a downer, but I’ll still say that for me the first day of summer means we’re one day closer to the end of summer. It’s my least favorite season.0
I am THANKFUL today, Monday, that I finally got my digest after 3 weeks without!! And am thankful to again 'hear' so many familiar voices here!0
No worries...we all have different favorite seasons.
As a child I loved Winter time. I have wonderful childhood memories of my dad showing me the neighborhood full of snow from our roof top, sleigh riding, making snowmen with the neighborhood kids, having snow fights, etc. I also remember collecting leaves as they change colors during the Fall,........I guess I just enjoy and like each season.
Have a fantastic Tuesday everyone!0 -
Geannie, thank you! Summer does offer the most light-filled evenings, so there’s that.0
I love your sense of humor!!!
There are also wonderful sunrises and sunsets to enjoy.....and great seasonal fruits!
Carool, have a fantastic Tuesday. They call it "Taco Tuesday"....but today I have a taste for meatloaf, mashed potatoes with gravy, and corn on the cob.. .hahahaha.0 -
Good to see so many poster are here -- new ones & our old guys!
Carool-- One thing I hate about summer (besides heat & humidity) is we are on the western edge of the Eastern Time zone, and--------- that means it doesn't get dark until late, like 9:30 or even 10:00 pm. Terrible for those of us who go to bed very early! Such a kvetcher I am!0 -
Molly, kvetch ahoy! Or kvetch away! I didn’t know that nightfall is so late in Michigan summers (or at least where you are). I’m a night owl, so that’d work for me. I guess it’s good for you during winter, however.0
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