Fuscia Friday
Member Posts: 787
What’s happening?
What's happening? I don't know-meanwhile I'm glad to get this----meanwhile I don't even have a Fuscia------ I need to go to Home Depot--- That should work for a happening around here.0
Got a fuscia last week. Hummingbirds love them!0
I love that color. Around here today... Zoom with some friends from The Netherlands, errands for husband, hopefully some peace...
How about you, Carool?0 -
Meyati, hahaha! It’s not a homework assignment, answering the question. I’m running out of topics in the form of questions here. Thanks for responding.0
MLT, good to know. I know zilch about flowers.0
Bug, this sounds very good, the peace part especially. It also sounds good to Zoom with friends so far away.0
I am preparing for family company! If you don't see me here for a while, it is because I am playing Clue with my grandchildren. ;-)0
@ Marcie-- good for you. I bet you are very excited.
Carol- I didn't take this as -homework- I'm taking this as being able to talk to others and enjoying it.0 -
@Marcie- I know you are looking forward to the family visit. Clue is one of my favorite games. I loved it as a child. There was a lady in front of me buying stamps today and they were Scooby Doo stamps. She shared with the postal worker that when her nieces and nephews used to visit they would ask her how far from her house to the beach and she always told them "About four Scooby Doos." She said they are in their 40s now but she was sending them each a letter with a Scooby Doo stamp. I thought that was really cute and sweet.
@Carool, my only "goings on" for today was a COVID shot #2. Yuck.0 -
Meyati, I guess I felt it was homework for ME to find a question to ask. My imagination runs dry, but I like asking a weekly question. I didn’t mean to imply it was a burden for you (or anyone) to answer.
Marcie, that’s great! I loved Clue, too, way, way back when.
legaljen, that’s cute about the postage stamps. I never saw Scoobie Doo (past my time), but of course I know who he is.
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