UPDATE #4 (?)

andreacha Member Posts: 196
edited 2021 11 in General Cancer
I've lost count. @Carool You have a good memory. I did go to my own Pulmonologist as scheduled. She said she recommends a minimally invasive procedure called an EBUS. It's a new procedure, first done about 10 years. She said that at that time she had an established practice and didn't want to lose the time from the practice to learn it. It was explained to me that it is like an endobronchial ultrasound that uses a small lighted tube with a camera and a needle. She highly recommended a Pulmonologist there in Canton, a Dr. Lee. He's been doing them for several years. I said OK and Dr. Lee called me yesterday and we spoke for a half hour. He went over everything. His target would be a particular lymph node which would be easier to reach for biopsy. My Pulmonologist thought it was done with a local (twilight sleep) anesthetic like Versed. It's not. A general will be used. Like me, he's concerned about my lungs tolerating that. He sent my pharmacy a prescription for thirty (to be cont'd)


  • andreacha
    andreacha Member Posts: 196
    edited 2021 11
    Prednisone to be taken in 12 days. This supposedly is to improve my breathing. I started that today. I have not yet spoken to my Oncologist. Since I have only part of one kidney, I was worried about the prednisone injuring it. My GFR is in the mid-thirties where it should be a minimum of sixty. The nurse asked him when I called, and I was told it would be ok. We shall see. My tentative date for the procedure is the 17th. I have to go to an affiliate hospital and get a Covid test a few days prior. Dr. Lee was honest as far as the risks. Possible bleeding at the biopsy site, infection, low o2 during or even after. I just spoke with my Cardiology nurse and the clearance for me has been done and will be sent to the doctor on Monday. Because of the prednisone she just adjusted my doses of warfarin to take until I go off it and start again with the Lovenox shots. I'm beginning to feel like a gerbil in a wheel cage! I can only pray we don't lose any more time. This was first discovered on my CT on November 5th. Thanks everyone for your support.
  • 2943
    2943 Member Posts: 94
    edited 2021 11
    Sounds like all the pieces are lining up and in the right place. I had this procedure(biopsy) in 2018. No issues with the test and hope the same for you. Hugs!
  • Teachertina
    Teachertina Member Posts: 205
    edited 2021 11
    Glad you are getting somewhere! I also have only part of one kidney left and have to be extra careful to protect it. New advances in treatment can make a big difference in your outcome and this sounds much better than some others. Keep us updated. Sending hugs!
  • Carool
    Carool Member Posts: 787
    edited 2021 11
    @andreacha, thank you for the update (and for your comment re my memory). I’m glad you have a plan, one that seems as safe as possible. Yes, keep us updated. More hugs your way!
  • Bug
    Bug Member Posts: 394
    edited 2021 11
    You've got a lot going on, andreacha. Very best wishes to you. We're rooting for you. Please keep us posted. Hugs to you.
  • beachbum5817
    beachbum5817 Member Posts: 238
    edited 2021 11
    Thanks for the update. It is really nice that you take the time to do this for us. I will continue to say prayers for you. I hope that time passes quickly until your appointment on the 17th. Take care.

  • Lynne-I-Am
    Lynne-I-Am Member Posts: 89
    edited 2021 11
    Sending you oodles of support lady and a warm hug with a sprinkling of wishes foe a successful procedure.
  • legaljen1969
    legaljen1969 Member Posts: 763
    edited 2021 11
    I too am sending lots of support and prayers for you. I am sorry this has been such a lengthy process. I am glad you are making some progress though.