Member Posts: 205
Has anyone heard anything from our new moderator Colby? Maybe I missed something. I haven’t seen any more posts since his introduction.
I have not.0
I presented this same question back on the 11th. All of the replies were negative then too. There has to be someone in the back round of the group as the "goodwill" numbers do rise with one's individual participation. Who would be monitoring this other than the Moderator.?? Ideas anyone??0
This group helped me thru three different cancer surgeries in 14 months and then treatments. I have valued all the advice and comraderie that I have received. I truly hope all is ok. Hugs!0
I didn't even know about Colby. This site with all of you in it kept me from going absolutely nuts.0
I find that on a lot of sites the moderators are sort of "back door" and "behind the scenes." Not everyone is as active as Greg was, and some of that may be that he was so deep into his own journey that he supported us and relied on our support for him.
I certainly cannot speak for Colby, but maybe Colby is a more quiet sort and maybe he would step in if "necessary."
Colby, we would all like to know a little more about you- or at least have you post a little "I'm still here" on occasion.
0 -
I am a 16 year survivor of metastatic clear cell kidney cancer, had surgery for a big 10 cm tumor, and had 100s of tiny metastases at the time of diagnosis. Before that I had been misdiagnosed for over 8 months, with the doctor attributing my severe anemia to a 'tiny, scabbed-over stomach ulcer"...not quite! With the High dose interleukin treatment about five months after my surgery, I was cleared of my lung mets, and have been free of kidney cancer since then. My mission since my recovery has been to help other patients with their RCC, and I have learned a lot about our various subtypes, the treatment options, what types of radiation can be helpful, what questions you should expect your doctor to be able to understand, how to work with side effects from medications or to get the help you need. Hope I can help a bit in this forum, after a fairly long time away from it...Covid, family, obligations.
If we can restart this conversation back to the beginning, I may be helpful to add some information or a resource for it.
PeggyRCC.com0 -
Dear Peggy- this program does not include editing nor a restart of a conversation. One writes what they want and everyone reads it. More than once, people have started a conversation anew- but this has a lousy search engine. I know that I, myself, has started a new thread -like Moderator part 2, and I could not locate it anywhere at all. I started a new one because there would be hundreds of comments -responses about something- I'd set and drink a cup of coffee waiting for it to load. Some have phones, and it really took a lot longer. One way to by pass this is to go to the Wall of a particular person that made a comment, and you respond to something they said on their Wall. Whatever you do-- good luck, and I'm glad that your treatment has been so successful.0
Got a new computer & messed up ALL my passwords.
Asked for help here from moderator, but that didn't seem to work, so maybe Colby doesn't follow our comments or help questions.0 -
Seriously, I never saw his introduction.0
I haven't heard anything either.0
Hello everyone, thank you for the comments. I am the person helping out with moderation, as has been mentioned here. I have been working when I can to help with the spam issues and other maintenance in the background of the site. I am sorry if people feel like I haven't been as attentive as I should be and I will work to change that. Rest assured that WhatNext has not been abandoned.
If anyone has direct issues with logging into the site, please email me at colby (at) patientworthy dot com. (Please replace the "at" and "dot com" with the appropriate formatting in your email. There is a filter regarding email addresses to help cut down on spam that means I am unable to post the full email address.)0
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