Mouth sores from chemotherapy
Member Posts: 3
My sister-in-law's sister has lung cancer. She was diagnosed earlier and had radiation. It has returned and is undergoing chemotherapy. She has mouth sores that are painful. When I had chemotherapy I remember my mouth being tender, but didn't have sores. What are some things that worked for others.
I had mouth sores during chemo, and they were indeed painful. The best remedy that worked for me was Mugard.
Fortunately for me, the oncology nurses provided me with free sample bottles of the stuff. It is a prescription drug and is hideously expensive. I would suggest that your relative inquire if free samples are available at her oncology center. Nothing else even made a dent in the pain I was experiencing.0 -
I had mouth sores on and off during my treatment. I could usually mange with medicated lemon lozenges (Act brand for dry mouth), but sometimes I needed more help. My doctors wrote me a script for something called Magic Mouthwash which worked beautifully for me. I could fill the prescription right there at the hospital pharmacy and my insurance covered it, but I don't think it was terribly expensive?0
I have a friend who was on chemo, Doxil. Mouth sores are an unfortunate side effect of Doxil. Miracle Mouthwash helped her with her mouth sores also.0
i had mouth sores with some of my chemo..i used equal parts milk of magnesia and childrens benadryl. mix as much as you want and use it a few times a miracles..good luck. stay strong always!!
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Magic Mouthwash also worked for me, The oncologist prescribed it and I picked it up at CVS. I drove a colon cancer patient back and forth to chemo and he used Mugard and as Kp2018 stated his nurses also provided him with samples. Hope your sister-in-law can get relief from these asap!
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I used Magic Milk and it worked for me. Not terrible expensive and was covered by insurance.0
I also had terrible mouth sores during chemo. My oncologist ordered Magic Mouthwash which helped a lot.0
Magic Mouthwash also for me.0
I used a mixture of salt and baking soda in water. Ins didn't cover Magic Mouthwash. Luckily, sores weren't too bad. Hope she gets relief.0
I will pass all of these suggestions on. Thank you all very much.0
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