It’s back
Member Posts: 3
8 years out from breast cancer, started having digestive issues 2 ct scans and pet scan later, cancer found in spine, ribs and abdomen. Possibly lungs and liver beginning biopsies now. Praying that the cancer is estrogen positive as told it will be easier to treat. Anyone have similar diagnosis or experience?
Tams18, I have no specific response but am writing just to say I’m sorry this has happened and I know that there are many treatments for metastatic breast cancer. I wish you everything good. I hope others here have information addressed to your question.0
Another good website for breast cancer patients is
Tams18, I am sorry to see this news. I wish there had been some other answer to your digestive issues. I will be offering up prayers for you. I hope it is ER+ too for "easier" treatment. We are for sure all here for you.0
Tams18, my heart goes out to you as you deal with this crushing development. I join you in fervently hoping that it is highly treatable.
There are new advances in treating metastatic breast cancer happening all of the time. Here is a good resource describing many of them. THE INSIDER’S GUIDE TO METASTATIC BREAST CANCER The author updates the guide constantly.
My best to you as you embark on this leg of your journey. I know that the other MBC survivors on this site will be responding to you soon to give you support and hope.
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Tams18, I have a very good friend who is doing adjunct therapy right now and it is working well for her. She took Tamoxifen for ten years and was told she was safe to stop. A year later, as I was finishing up my treatment, she discovered a lump in her neck area. Like your experience, a pet scan showed it re-appeared in several areas. All of us, who know and love her, were devastated. But it has been almost two years since she began her drug therapy and every pet scan she has indicates That nothing has increased or spread and some areas are shrinking - slowly, but shrinking nonetheless. She is as active as she ever was and aside from her hair being a little different in texture, she looks the same as before it all happened. She told me she has a few more *tired days* and sometimes she has lower GI issues, but she has learned what food triggers it. She is also more sensitive to an allergy she has always had, so she knows what food to avoid (that's not always easy). She is active and fun and doing everything we have always known her to do.
It shows me they are making great strides forward in the treatment of this disease and I hope you have doctors who are positive in spirit and on the cutting edge of what is possible! Please check in here with us every once in a while and let us know how you are doing? We are all pulling for you!0 -
I'm so sorry you are dealing with this again. My prayers are with you.0
Sorry to hear this news too. I didn’t have breast cancer, mine is kidney, but I know the feelings of hearing that it is still recurring. I know I will always be Cancer patient. We must be on guard for that to happen. The latest research results are promising for many types of cancer. I hope you find the best new stuff around to get things under control. Wishing you well and sending you hugs. Keep us posted on how you are doing. We’re waiting for good news from you!0
Tams, so sorry this is happening to you. Hoping that it's ER+, which gives you a wider array of options to "keep the lid on" this now-"simmering pot," as a long-term Stage IV survivor friend of mine put it.0
Tams18, I'm really sorry about this development. I'm sending you my very best wishes. Please let us know how you're doing whenever you feel up to it. We're here for you.0
Tam18, this is something that we all fear, and it is always at the back of our minds. I am sorry that you have to go through all of this. I will send prayers your way that you have the "easy" kind and that they start treatment sooner rather than later. Keep us posted. Take care.0
Tams18 I just wanted to I'm sorry to hear this. After 3 years of CT's every 3 months, I had finally made it to once a year CT, only to find out that I probably have reoccurrence on the cancer side. Had a radical mastectomy, so was total surprise. Waiting on more scans to be done.0
hank you to everyone for your support, info and encouragement. I am realizing this will be long term. Each one of you are an
Inspiration. I am praying for each of you—stay well.0 -
Tams18 - Like Teachertina my experience has been with kidney cancer. Although I wish I could say something knowledgeable about your condition, all I can do is offer you my thoughts and prayers. Do keep in touch if you feel up to it.0
BreastCancer17, I hope you get good news re your scans.0
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