Did you know that drinking coffee improves survival in colorectal cancer?

Member Posts: 335
Another study has just confirmed that drinking at least 4 cups of coffee daily improves survival, even in colorectal cancer patients whose cancer has spread. My oncologist confirmed this from an earlier Dana-Farber study back in 2015. I drink my coffee every day as part of my survivorship plan.
4 cups you say? Jeepers, I'm gonna have to cut down!0
Me too, @po18guy. These kinds of studies make me smile anyway. For each one that says "drink coffee," there is one that says, "don't drink coffee." Remember how butter was supposed to be so harmful ... and now, butter is better. Steak is bad ... oh no!!! Steak is good!!! Pork is the "other white meat" ... oh, oops, no it isn't. It is red meat and bad for you...
I figure I am going to do what I am going to do and one of these days a study will come out and support whatever habit I happen to have.0 -
I'm a 2-3 cups of coffee a day person! This is definitely a feel good study!0
I need to "beef" up my intake. :-)0
My oncologist is a big believer in coffee helping prevent recurrences of colorectal cancer. And since I love coffee (drink it black), I continue my habit.0
Wow. Well, this justifies drinking more than that one-morning kicker coffee now.
I presume the study did not consider sugar, artificial substitutes, cream, or some other additive to the coffee. Pure caffeine!
I am NED for 8 years now. Could be true.0 -
Yep , you have to love coffee to drink it black. I usually have a morning and evening cup of the java doctored with a little cream or milk. Funny how we all receive advice on what to drink or eat to help prevent a recurrence of cancer , I have received many , among them to drink turmeric or matcha green tea. I am with you about being proactive and have actually developed a taste for turmeric tea but, if drinking four cups of coffee a day prevents recurrence , then why doesn’t it prevent a person from getting cancer in the first place?0
Maybe I should have had coffee as a kid?0
Have taken to roasting my own. DW bought me a roaster that will do 1/2 pound in about 20 minutes. Dark as I want it. Dark roast coffee and dark chocolate got me through the last 12 years! I buy my green beans from two brothers in Wisconsin. Their slogan is: "Life is too short for bad coffee"0
@po18guy- my brother in-law also buys his beans and roasts his own. He worked as a barista for several years after retirement until his knees got bad and he couldn’t stand for hours at a time. His coffee is as black as the ace of spades so you may be tied as far as color and yes, he drinks it without additives. He would agree totally on that slogan.0
I love coffee, I love tea. I drink it every day. I still have cancer. I think there are just too many variables for studies like this to be taken too seriously.0
@po18guy, I bet your house smells awesome when you're roasting those beans!
I drink so much coffee it is ridiculous. For years, we have had commercial coffee pots (Bunn) because I go through the ones made for home too quickly. Coffee (black) is the first thing I taste in the morning and the last thing at night. I keep a cup of coffee on the table by the bed in case I wake up thirsty... I don't do it because I have any notion that it prevents or cures cancer (because I don't think it does), but because I like it. I'm not picky about the coffee I drink - as long as it isn't burnt-burnt, I will drink it.0 -
My answer will probably be TMI, but coffee has a serious laxative effect on me. If I am going to drink it, I have to do so LONG before arriving at work or starting any sort of meeting. I give it less than 30 minutes before it does its magic. Maybe if that's the effect it has on others, I can see how it would help keep things moving and clear out stuff.
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I had never heard that particular study, but it's definitely interesting.
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@LiveWithCancer It is said that two of the most alluring aromas are that of fresh baked bread, and of roasted coffee.
p.s. was ready to post when I saw the typo "fresh baked brad" - what? A crematorium??? :-D0 -
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