My scan results are mixed from last week. MIxed as in they scanned three areas, chest/neck, abdomen,
Member Posts: 742
So the main area of tumor activity has been in the neck on my left side, on the right side which no mention has been made of. The two research doctors keep describing the tumors in my neck as "cystic". Cystic means that the tumor has broken apart into smaller pieces and now each time I have a treatment, he has to find a piece large enough to inject.
So, I guess all in all, it's a good report.
So, I guess all in all, it's a good report.
While the breaking apart might be problematic for the researchers to find a tiny section to inject, it is good news that there is no lymph node involvement. I'm like you - it's a good report.0
That does sound good. Good to hear some good news, too. Hang in there, Greg.0
If the tumor has fragmented that means something is happening. To me that is definitely a good thing. Now to just get all those little pieces cleaned up. Hope those other scans are clean. Keeping you in my thoughts. Hope to continue to get good news.0
Looks like good news- or encouraging news to some degree. I am always happy to see encouraging news from any of you.0
That sounds like progress to me! Keep it going and good luck!0
That's good, Greg! And, I suppose they found tumors nowhere else in your body which is excellent news!0
I would tend to think it good news. I have not had a solid tumor cancer. I do know that many of them are far more difficult to address when the tumor mass is larger. It would seem that the smaller segments would be more amenable to therapy - of whatever type
Qs. Can they perform proton therapy? Is there a chemo drug that your system will tolerate? A clinical trial that will accept such a seasoned veteran?0 -
Thanks all. Yes. Me being the eternal optimist, I have to think it's all good. PO, I'm not sure about the proton therapy, there is a new facility built last year. As for other trials, doctors sys there are other options available. So we shall see. One day and one stepp at a time.0
All any of us can do is take it one day at a time but it is so encouraging to get news on some of those days that we can take as a positive step forward. I agree with you and the others that this news was a thumbs up on your progress . Sending you positive vibes and support .
0 -
It sounds like good news. I hope that your next scans will show even more improvement. Until even the pieces are gone.0
Optimism makes it so much easier to bear disease and treatments. I'm so glad these results have contributed to your already optimistic nature.0
KP, if nothing else, optimism makes getting through anything a whole lot easier.0
Sounds like good progress, Greg! Glad the cancer pendulum is swinging in the right direction.0
It does sound positive, Greg. It's about time you've had some positivity added to your life. Let's just agree that this is only the first of good things to come for you.0
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