Scanxiety time. Tomorrow Sweetie and I will head to Vanderbilt for scans head to toe
Member Posts: 742
Tuesday is full schedule from 7am until 5 Pm. Let's have nothing but positive thoughts tomorrow!
Thank you
Thank you
You will both be in my thoughts throughout the day tomorrow and Tuesday. Travel safe, be strong, and, yes, stay positive.0
Scanticipation of a clean scan.0
We all know that feeling! We’re all right behind you cheering! Clear scan, clear scan!0
Sending you two positive thoughts and lots of good wishes.0
You've got mine for really good results!0
Hope your day is going great and that your scan results will be phenomenal!0
Thoughts and prayers for a clear scan day. You are going to have great results.0
Positive thoughts from me!0
Sending lots and lots of positive thoughts your way, Greg. Only good results allowed, you hear? Your peeps are going to be there with you in spirit.0
So far so good. My port isn't cooperating today. It took some doing to get it to draw blood. But it finally did. Labs are done now we sit for an hour and wait for the results so we can see the doctor. After that it's keytruda infusion followed by the clinical trial injection. Busy day.0
One thing at at a are doing good. I hope you have something pleasant to read while you are having your infusion - it can make the time go so much faster. ( and Sweetie too! )0
Marcie, I'm fond of those warm blankets and a nap.if I can't nap then there's always work on the website I can do.0
I hear you about the warm blankets. When I had my infusions I had to have benadryl, between that and a warm blanket, I was OUT! But, I did have my current novel along in case there was time. And my husband did sudoku while waiting for me.0
Hoping for good scan results for you!0
Long day for you and "Sweetie". Hope you got through it all and things went as well as they could. You'll no doubt be glad to get back home so you can start resting up - for next time. Thinking of you both.0
I hear ya about those warm blankets. My chemo started in summer and at times it was very hot. I would dress for the outside weather, then get to the Cancer Center and the air conditioning was freezing. A blanket fresh from the warmer was a life saver. Not to mention so snuggly.0
Best wishes that everything went well and that you are on your way home. Those blankets sound amazing.0
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