Do any of you get dizzy when they draw several viles of blood?
Member Posts: 742
This is the 3rd time I've nearly passed out.
I've been dizzy after a one vial blood draw! I attribute it more to anxiety than blood loss. Nurse was quick to offer me some orange juice before allowing me to go. Your case is certainly understandable. I'm guessing you have significant anxiety plus they're taking quit a bit of blood.0
No anxiety about most anything I have done now. I've had it all done before, hundreds of blood draws. They think it might be from my not eating.0
Wow! I am sorry to hear that. I have never had any issues when they draw blood. Does your doc have any idea as to why?0
Greg, not eating could be it. Have they checked your blood sugar? (Sorry, i didn't read your response to Bengal before my previous post.)0
Sounds like the not eating may very well be the culprit. I have had blood draws first thing in the morning and felt very light headed. If I have something to eat, I usually fare a little better.
If you are allowed to do so, get something in your stomach before you go in.
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My son has that problem, but it's caused by low blood pressure. He takes meds to increase his BP--Go figure Shoot, sometimes he almost passes out when he stands up. The lab is supposed to be with fasting, but he can't.0
Mirror image. They draw several vials of blood when I get dizzy! Off and on anemia.0
Greg, are these fasting blood draws? I hope you mentioned the dizziness to the phlebotomist. Perhaps bringing a snack along with you to eat afterwards would help. Don’t look- that might help. I have never experienced this myself, even when I donated blood. Also, I hope you are having someone drive you home afterwards.0
No, they aren't fasting, I am just not able to swallow early in the morning so I usually don't eat before the lab appointment. I have a serious problem right now with my throat where it was reconstructed, I can't even swallow water at certain times of the day. It comes and goes, I have an appointment to have it stretched on the 27th.0
So sorry, Greg I hope things will improve appreciably after you get your throat stretched.0
Same here Greg, hope the stretching improves your swallowing.0
Greg, I hope you can eat more easily very soon.0
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