Just in case any of you have been swept up by the inept suggestion that you should all start taking
Member Posts: 24
Study finds no benefit, higher death rate in patients taking hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19
I would listen to my doctor.0
I heard that many very higher ups in government in Washington, bought stock in the company that produces this "wonder" drug. Just a coincidence, eh? Hope they lost their collective shirts!
Science works, even if you don't believe in it!0 -
I will continue to follow the recommendations by the CDC, NIH and the epidemiology experts re: prevention and treatment of covid19. Politicians and news media are not the people to listen to re: medical treatment and to be encouraged to take this drug with the attitude, “what do you have to lose?” is very dangerous as evidenced by the deaths associated with it. Listen to science!0
Not going to like this, but CNN suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome. They take a shot at him in the first line! This is not medical reporting, but political. The Washington Times has a different view:
Anyone who has participated in clinical trials knows that "one study" is essentially meaningless unless compared with various others and peer reviewed. The problem is that this virus is brand new, never before seen, not a mutation of an existing virus. some would say it is an engineered virus. Many do not - time will tell on that. As well, this study involves patients who used nothing else in combination.
As a single agent, no drug is currently the magic bullet, as the patient is fighting two simultaneous wars: against the virus itself and against its own immune system which is what is causing the death via cytokine storm. Clearly, the drug offers benefit in many cases, or else it never would have been put forth in this emergency situation. However, the news of any drug provides hope for a terrorized world.
IMO, the relentless death toll we are bombarded with by the media is the anxious inflaming the anxious. Stories providing hope get page 2.0 -
It’s funny I am already on it. I got RA from my cancer treatment and that’s how they are currently treating it. I have been
on it for years. My worry is when I need a refill I probably won’t be able to find it I was in the hospital due to a rare complication from neck surgery and my one nurse was joking but giving me a hard time for being on it. He said he had to go through security to get it for me.0 -
This drug has been used for over 50 years now for malaria and 2nd use intreating RA and Lupus. MANY drugs that are prescribed for secondary use have never undergone trials for the specific ailments they are used but, are none the less prescribed. I’d gladly take the drug and ignore CNN cuz I’d choose to live.0
Who listens to Trump? I listen to Dr. Fauci; the CDC; and other medical doctors and scientists. If I want the advice of an elected official — which I do — I have Governor Cuomo, my governor.0
Most of the governors seem to be more accurate about what's going on than the WH briefings.0
After Tump's brilliant advice to inject Lysol, or somehow use ultraviolet light internally, or any of his other cockamainy ideas, I don't think anyone or any legitimate news source will be treating the POTUS as a reliable source of anything!
However, I did read that over 100 poor souls called the state of Maryland's Covid Hotline to see if there was any truth to his advice.
Now that's scary!0 -
Now I'm hearing about the possible benefits of Famotidine (Pepcid)and trials are being done. Hey, wonderful if they can cone up with something that will help but I take famotidine daily, prescribed for a legitimate use, and I don't want to be going to my pharmacy and be told it's suddenly not available because people are hoarding it.0
I read this morning that the Kansas poison hotline is getting lots of calls about this issue. What really upsets me is the NC protest leader for opening NC up has tested positive for COVID 19, but she doesn't have any symptoms. She does not wear a mask or stay home. She leads her protests-goes to church, she shops, etc. I'm not a great fan of the ACLU any more, for a few decades I was a member-but the mental health problems that doesn't care for these poor souls, and now, this woman.
The ACLU really fought to reduce the power and authority of public health issues, quarantines, etc. That is fine when there are vaccines to help prevent communicable diseases, and the public uses the vaccines. Then add that we have good medical treatment for most things. Basically, I wish this woman would cough or sneeze in an ACLU office- then see what happens.0 -
ReOpen NC leader tests positive for coronavirus
WFMY News2· 16 hours ago
Audrey Whitlock, one of the administrators of the ReOpen NC Facebook group, posted that her two-week quarantine was coming to an end.
But she's been out and about0 -
Karma, Meyati0
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