Quarantine ended
fiddler--- I meant the idiots in Washington, DC, not the state of Washington.
The idiots supposedly "leading" our country!
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Fiddler- I'm German on my mothers side-my grandma came from Hamburg. Grandpa's family spoke German better than English, but the fought in the French-Indian War in upstate NY, then in the Colonial army in upstate NY. They eventual ended up in South Dakota before the Civil War.
My other side of the family is Black Irish. Being Black from the Spanish Armada-DNA shows Sub-Saharan DNA-- Black- I'm not a Navajo nor Native American-- I am of the southwest and I've always liked my neighbors-all of them.0 -
meyati, just curious. Where in upstate New York?0
Fiddler, I am a singer-songwriter, guitarist, and mountain dulcimer player. Occasionally (in a group or duo setting) I play harmonica and acoustic bass guitar.0
Hello, everybody. Yesterday, I found out that our governor is opening up all of Florida except for Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami Dade Counties. All but the aforementioned counties will go into phase 1, meaning, restaurants will have outdoor dining and 25% capacity inside. Some recration will be open again, but hair salons are still closed. The 3 above counties are still in lock down until further notice. HUGS and God bless.0
They were Upstate- farmers-trappers--They jumped to Ohio and ended up on the border for the Sioux and Minnesota. To get some money, my great grandfather went to Iowa to collect General Dodge's enlistment bounty. He never paid that out to anybody. Several of the family was still suing the Dodges into the 1960s.
I guess Dodge and Trump would have liked each other.0 -
meyati, I was curious when you mentioned Upstate NY 'cause my ancestors settled in far upstate (next stop Canada) from New England at start of 1800s. But then, anything north of Poughkeepsie is considered Upstate so chances are your folks and mine were never next door neighbors.0
All those nutjobs running around with their assault rifles, I think that stay at home order just might be a true shelter in place. Don't know which frightens me most guns or viruses.0
Bengal-I don't know exactly where. I saw the record -family bible- in the 1950s, but somebody stole it.
It had which Continental Army, and the list of their campaigns., I do know they left and headed West in the late 1700s.0 -
Oh, dear. How tragic to lose that information, meyati. I know we've gotten off subject but I am very interested in family history.0
When it's "over" I will still do things differently than I did before. I suspect masks will be a long term fashion statement for those of us with underlying health concerns like cancer.
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Wow! You are one talented woman! Mountain dulcimer ... one of my faves to listen to. I like mountain music (not Bluegrass).0 -
I don't wear a mask now, and won't 'after'. What I do and will continue to do, is wash my hands and face when returning from a public place, like a grocery store. Viruses are spread by touch.
If you do use a mask, wash or throw away after each use and immediately wash your hands and face. Or/and, leave your shoes outside and wash your outer clothing right away, too, then shower.0
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