For the last month or better lots of ads on TV and Radio are using the tagline "we are all in this t
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and "we will get through this together". So today, I saw one that wins the award for the best ad so far. It said, "we are all in this together, except for those idiots protesting, they're on their own".
Love this!!0
Me, too!0
I saw this, too. It gave me a good laugh.0
Needed to share these 2 videos
I soooo agree with this and more.Can't even go to the markets to buy food without a mask.No delivery is available.Shelfs are empty,etc.I net a brother in Christ inside the market with no mask.They just didn't catch him ,i guess.When we started talking I found we were in the same Spirit. He also tells them that the government doesn't care about you.They're all living in fear and being controled with fear from the gov.And soon will take the mark of the beast.
Covid 19 is Making It Harder to Eat! Is This a Precursor to the Mark of the Beast?
This one is real funny>>>>>>>>>below
Good one, Greg! It's like people think they are safe if they decide the whole thing is a hoax. Virus doesn't care whether you believe in it 'cause it'll believe in you...0
Idiots indeed.0
Love this!0
My son watched the live streaming and he said that some of those "idiots" were were packing guns. My son had to come over here Sunday to take out the garbage. I was terrified. I really don't know which I fear more the virus or the protesters. I also was very fearful for my brother in Boise as he lives only a few blocks from the Capitol, and guns were also visible in that protest.0
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