With all that we have going on in trying to get our treatments, office, calls, surgery, etc
Member Posts: 28
and now trying to keep from getting this stupid virus, do you feel like you can still be thankful for anything? Is there anything that gives you joy still? It seems like things keep piling up on us. What do you have to be thankful for at this point in your life?
I am thankful for the 2 bird feeders I have right outside my window and that I have other living things around me to share this time of isolation. And as we get deeper into springtime I see new varieties of birds every day. A small and silly thing but right now it's a pretty big deal. I am thankful that we live in an age where, in spite of isolation, we can be in constant contact with others through our many devices. Through our smart phones and TV's we can be aware (too much) of exactly what's going on throughout the world. I am thankful that we live in an age of science and have peop!e working as fast as they can to come up with a viable vaccine. As for finding joy? It's hard right now. Some folks have mentioned the joy they get from their grandchildren. I have none but I find joy in music, the beauty of nature, in just wrapping my arms around my old horse's neck and hugging her for all it's worth. It's hard right now. There is joy to be found. You just have to seek it out. Remember, you are tougherthanit!0
I am grateful that my husband and I are sheltered-in-place in a rural area on a dead end road. We have enough to eat, and the Kroger in the larger town where we usually shop is now offering "pick-up" service so that I don't have to go inside the store.
Like Bengal, I have 4 songbird feeders and 3 hummingbird feeders - so it's a new nature show every day.
My college classmates and I have a private Facebook page so we comfort and support each other on a daily basis. We have to actively seek the good in life.0 -
I like the quote that says "There's always, always something to be thankful for". If you sit down and really think about any situation that you are in I believe you will find something to be thankful for.0
Yes, there is always something to be thankful for. You just have to look.
It's pretty scary out there now. I can't imagine dealing with cancer and trying not to get the virus. Right now, I'm dealing with a knee replacement surgery and trying to get physical therapy to help me heal. Now we have to wear a mask, and take our temperature before we go. And I went from three days in the office to one office visit and one phone call. I'm glad I'm On the second knee so I really know the routine of p.t. But I feel a bit lost. I think if I knew this was coming, I might not of had it done.
We just have to keep going.0 -
Well the first thing I will say is to never tempt fate and ask if it can get any worse. As soon as that energy is put out into the world, the invitation is wide open and things can always get worse.
I am thankful that my time with intensive treatments for cancer was relatively short lived. It brings me joy to be home with my crazy little orange cat. He is the best companion. He is so loving and stays by my side all the time.
I too am thankful for curbside grocery service and personal shoppers. I am thankful for online shopping and delivery services.
I am in agreement with cllinda that if I had known this crazy virus was coming, I might have held off on doing anything. I feel like I went through so much in a few months and then all of my follow up appointments dried up and I get a voicemail or community with my providers through an email portal. I feel like "Okay, we did our thing. Don't let the doorknob hit you on the way out." I was scheduled to start working with a counselor and social worker because I was already having a lot of anxiety before my cancer diagnosis and then much more when I thought I was going to lose my job because I was out so much.
I feel like I was just dropped in unfamiliar territory and expected to figure this all out on my own. I am thankful I didn't have to do chemotherapy or radiation,. I am thankful I don't require a lot of "after care" but it's weird to go from "You had a mastectomy and need wound care check ups" to "As long as you don't get a fever or see any infection signs, just stay home and you will be okay."0 -
Yes, I have a loving family, a roof over my head, food to put on the table, and I'm still on the top side of the ground. A lot of people cannot say that.0
Yes, I have a sister and brother-in-law who will bring me food when I need it, and I am thankful for that. HUGS and God bless.0
Like so many are saying, sometimes you have to look for it.
Both of my exercise studios have classes online - some livestream, some via Zoom, some recorded - and I'm taking advantage of all of them. Exercise helps me not only physically but mentally/emotionally. I just set up an appointment today to Skype with the "cancer counselor" next week. I'm grateful for that. We have a backyard where we can sit and a neighborhood we can walk in (and keep plenty of space between ourselves and other walkers). I'm grateful for that.
Believe me, I'm very concerned about the virus and I'm definitely no Pollyanna but, yes, I'm finding things to be grateful for. I'm making a concerted effort to try to be happy - or at least not be sad.0 -
I posted on my church FB. I am thankful for the 21th century technology that allows for virtual communication.0
Oh man!!! I am so thankful for so many things!!! I have more to do in a single day than I can ever accomplish ... and for that I am grateful.
I'm joyous that tomorrow I celebrate my Savior's resurrection. I am grateful to my church, I am grateful to many online religious-based organizations that are making available all manner of Bible studies,
I am grateful that I have reconnected with friends I had lost touch with because we were too busy to take the time to connect before.
I am grateful that my husband and I are still healthy (or, at least, we don't have the coronavirus), I am grateful that we are already retired so we are not feeling the financial pinch that some people are who aren't able to work.
I am grateful that we have lots of food (and toilet paper) and I'm grateful that I've been able to find some new recipes that are fairly easy and really tasty.
I'm grateful that I haven't had to go to the oncologist during all of this - I'm hoping that if all remains stable when I do finally go back that we'll continue to do a once every 6 months visit instead of every 3.
I'm grateful for sites like this.
I'm grateful for my pets that give me great joy every moment of every day ... or most every moment - the shrill barking one dog does and the incessant meowing one cat does can get on my last nerve on occasion ... but I wouldn't trade either of them. Cotton is trying to protect us and Divo is trying to talk to me...
I'm sorry that I couldn't celebrate my mom turning 90 last week, but I am grateful she's still here with us and doing well.
Some days I go outside and sit and just soak in the beauty of God's creation. Around here, everything is starting to turn green and some of the flowers are getting ready to bloom. The other day we had a mama duck and her 9 ducklings land in our pool ... such cute little babies! I passed a field of bluebonnets the other day ... they were gorgeous. The birds are out and happy and singing...
I'm grateful that I'm a bit of a hermit to start with so this shelter-in-place order really doesn't impact me all that much ... I'm learning to use grocery pick-up. my husband and I enjoy one another's company, we have what we need...
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I'm glad that I was able to find flour online at a reasonable price. It's in 5 lb bags, so I'll be dropping some bags off to the 3 families that have children.0
I continue to enjoy my bird feeders. Different species show up everyday as spring progresses and I am adding to my knowledge by looking up birds I don't recognize or know the name. It helps pass the time and gives me something to look forward to every morning, to see who's there. Only problem, they're getting used to being fed so yesterday I had to venture out to get more bird seed. I hung up a brand new suet square yesterday afternoon and this morning it was GONE, holder included! I found what was left of it later on the other side of the yard. Squirrels! This could be a problem. I live alone out in the country so it's nice to be able to look out and see other living things. Yes, even the squirrels. Little "&$=s!0
I wake up every morning saying, "Thank you Lord." I've had MBC for nearly 4 years so I've been through it all. My husband's cracked pelvis was a surprise, but I got him home from rehab before we were ordered under house arrest.0
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