Today is National Doctor's Day - Who is your favorite doctor(s)?

CancerNews Member Posts: 11
edited 2020 02 in General Cancer
Please post the name of your favorites. We all have some.


  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    edited 2020 01
    Dr Jay V Dewell, surgeon, the one constant in a journey through perpetually shifting sand. Love you, man.
  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 329
    edited 2020 01
    Without doubt: Dr. Andrei Shustov of the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. He devotes his life to the conquering of cancer. He would take my file home with him to ponder when it turned from difficult to seemingly impossible. His knowledge and judgment have brought me back from the abyss - three or four times.
  • BoiseB
    BoiseB Member Posts: 225
    edited 2020 01
    In this time I would say that all the Dr.s on the front lines fighting Covid19 are heros. I don't know them by name but may God bless and keep them all safe. I also admire Dr. Anthony Fauci for his intelligence and expertise
  • GregP_WN
    GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
    edited 2020 01
    I've been fighting cancer for 32 years. I've had some good doctors in the past, I've had one drunk, I've had one who was not afraid to let me know that he didn't have time for my annual checkups because my TNCare insurance didn't pay him enough. I've had them that were either under so much pressure to keep their patient count up or they were trying to make enough to pay for the new boat by getting a few more exams in through the day. The one that I've had for the last 9 years or so, is none of those. She is brilliant, confident, concerned about me as a patient and as a person. Concerned about my life, how I will be able to live it. She takes all the time that I need to get my questions answered. And will still ask about our life. I've never had a doctor that acted like this before. I've told her and her residents studying under her that they need to watch, learn, and do what she does.

    She is Doctor Sarah L. Rohde, Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology, Vanderbilt Medical Center
  • Carool
    Carool Member Posts: 787
    edited 2020 01
    Wow, Greg, you’ve had some doozies! So have I, and so, probably, have most of us.

    On the best-doctors side, I’ll second what BoiseB said: Dr. Fauci, for his work on AIDS, Ebola, and now, with Covid-19.

    And my breast surgeon at MSK, Dr. Alexandra Heerdt. Her kindness, warmth, reassuring manner, and talent as a surgeon have helped so many breast cancer patients over decades now. Here’s to great medical professionals!
  • Created07
    Created07 Member Posts: 21
    edited 2020 01
    I've been blessed with wonderful doctors. First, my OB/GYN - Oncologist - Dr. Veronica Schimp. She taught me that cancer was Not a death sentence. Second, My breast cancer and non-hodgkins oncologist - Dr. Rostorfer. He has been known to call me from his phone on his way home just to see how I was. He never had me go to the ER. He always met me in his office at the hospital and took me to my room. And third, my sweet radiologist. He was in charge of my radiation for endometrial and breast cancer. We shared jokes..some not too nice, and I learned to laugh in any situation. I spent 6 years with these wonderful doctors and their precious nurses. I still see Dr. Rostorfer. He says he will take care of my 'girls' as long as I live. I dare anyone to have a better group of doctors.
  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited 2020 01
    I call my PCP my angel doctor. I haven't seen her in years since my oncologist does everything for me, but Dr Donna Casey was and is absolutely remarkable. Everyone I know that goes to her agrees.

    My oncologist, Dr David Gerber, is fabulous. He is that doctor who won't give up on you, even when all others have. He's that doctor who will come in singing happy birthday to you like you were at a restaurant, he's that daddy who will go to sewing classes with his 8-year-old daughter and then wear the tie she made him for his birthday to work and to speaking engagements that evening. He's sought after internationally to discuss immunotherapy. He spends much of his time in the lab, researching ways to cure or slow down lung cancer. I trust him with my life.
  • BoiseB
    BoiseB Member Posts: 225
    edited 2020 02
    I almost forgot about the Dr. who is responsible for saving my life. That is because I don't think of him as a Dr. because he is my nephew. He is the Dr. that gave the second opinion and referred me to the Dr.s who saved my life.