Since most of us are locked up inside with not much to do I know that there is a lot of cooking goin
Member Posts: 742
What are some of your favorites? Share them here and maybe the rest of us will have something new to try. Ms. Jane is putting an article together around our favorite dishes, your's might make it into that piece to be shared on our entire network. So post that favorite bean dip, vegetable dish, slow-cooked pork chops, or whatever you like.
Snacking is the worst danger for me - I could down a whole box of extra toasty Cheez-Its while reading if I am not careful! So I look for better options. Lately I have been spreading cottage cheese on puffed wafer thins and sprinkling celery salt on top. I use Suzie's puffed multigrain thins, but you can use any cracker.0
This is tough for me. I am a snacker and I am a stress eater. But......I just found out I have stomach ulcers so I am restricted as to what and when, because of timing medication, I can eat. It's driving me nuts!0
Stress kills my appetite. Before the crisis I was going through a period of chronic pain and fatigue which was not cured by the crisis. Also the guidelines for social distancing were issued 3 weeks ago they were made mandatory yesterday but a lot of places were scared and followed the guidelines. The delivery system at the grocery store crashed because they didn't have enough delivery trucks. I don't want to send my son to the store too often either. So now I have broken into my "earthquake pantry" I have a lot of canned vegetables and soups, rice and pasta and instant potatoes, and even some ramen. My frozen foods are getting a little thin though.
Beans are my go to food. Not only are they versatile, they are highly nutritious, I can pull several cans of beans off the shelf and add other vegetables and have a very nutritious meal even if I only can eat a cup of it.
Here is one of my favorite been dishes. It can be made with ingredients found on the shelf and in the freezer.
Bean ‘N Greens soup
1Tbs Olive Oil
8 cloves of garlic
1 Medium Onion (I like Wallas but Yellow will due just fine)
4 cups of Greens (Spinach, Kale. Chard. Or Collard greens) this is about a bag (In dire circumstances 2 cans of Spinach can be used)
3 Cans of Beans. Drained and rinsed ( I like to use 2 cans of white beans and 1 can of black beans
4 cups (32 oz) Broth (Chicken, Vegetable, or Beef For more nutrients you can use bone broth
1 Can 14oz tomatoes (I use Italian Style sliced but if you wish you can use diced
2tsp Italian seasoning or 1tsp thyme and 1tsp rosemary
½ tsp Turmeric
You can also use fresh herbs and substitute to taste
In a large pot or Dutch oven heat olive oil. Add garlic and onion and saute until soft. Add Greens and cook until wilted. Add 3 cups of broth and 2 ½ cans of beans, tomatoes, herbs Salt and pepper to taste. Blend 1 cup of broth and ½ the can of white beans until smooth. Stir into the soup and continue to simmer 5 more minutes This is a very thick soup you might want to add 1/2 cup of water and 1/2 tsp of granulated bouillon0 -
BoiseB, that sounds delicious! I think I will try it.0
Yes, Boise, it does, thanks for posting.0
My go-to cooking item is deserts. Chocolate chip cookies, pies, and cupcakes. No shame here, lick the bowl, enjoy the process.0
My go-to cooking item is deserts. Chocolate chip cookies, pies, and cupcakes. No shame here, lick the bowl, enjoy the process.0
Beachbum, yes. The medication I have is Sucralfate. It coats the stomach lining to protect it while, hopefully, it heals. I can't eat anything for 2 hours before and 1 hour after I take it. This is really cutting into my snacking schedule. I am also taking famatidine for acid. Also on a restricted diet which may actually be a good thing right now otherwise I would probably be binging on all the wrong foods. But, I can eat beans so will try BoiseB's recipe after I venture out to be groceries.0
I love to cook and have been told that I am a "good cook." I have a Facebook cooking page. Since the pandemic, I've been posting recipes that utilize ingredients we're likely to have on hand. Here's the link to like The Polkadot Kitchen Facebook page.
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I hate to cook and feel like that is all I'm doing lately. i tend to be a hoarder under the best of circumstances because I detest going to the grocery store ... my hoarding is paying off now since our pantry is pretty full and our freezer was packed.
I'm going to go check out your Facebook page, Jane!! I love the name of it and maybe I can get some new ideas.
I told my husband last night that it feels like everything tastes the same. I get tired of my own cooking pretty quickly ... we never go weeks and weeks on end eating only what I prepare. I have already forewarned him - when this shelter in place stuff is over with, we are eating out every single meal for months. (We won't ... I can't bear to pay the exorbitant prices for breakfast - even though it is a favorite meal to eat out - so I will continue to mostly cook it at home. I used to make some breakfast muffins that you froze ... I'm going to try to find recipes like that so that I don't have to do a ton of cooking every meal.)0 -
I love to cook. but I can't eat, I can't swallow. So hubby gets alot of leftovers. It is hard cooking for 1 person. Especiaaly since he is Italian & loves italian food. BoseB your soup sounds like my Tuscany bean soup. Mine doesn't have tumeric in it & I add chicken, white beand, kale, tomatoes & seasoning. If I could eat it would be a lot of fresh veggies, fruit & meat. God what i wouldn't geive for a fresh tomato sandwich!0
No specific recipes, but I enjoy running the smoker. I’m sure I’ll be asked to go outside for a while and fix something for dinner. I think I will start emptying out the freezer .0
I shopped today and really stocked up (no hoarding!) so I wouldn't have to go out again for maybe a few weeks. I got everything for BoiseB's soup recipe, then realized I had forgotten the greens! Bummer. I will figure something out.0
@Bengal, I see you are in a rural area. In a few weeks you can probably go out in the woods and get some dandelion greens. By the way, I add turmeric to all my bean dishes because it not only enhances the flavor, it helps with digestion. Cooking has really become a challenge because we the delivery system at the local supermarket has been overloaded and I haven't had a delivery for going on 4 weeks. We were pretty much shut down before it was official. I am actually dipping into my "earthquake supplies" I am not a full-fledged prepper, however I do keep earthquake supplies lots of canned foods that can be eaten without cooking like Tuna and beans. Yeah 8 rolls of TP.0
BoiseB , I have greens! I am going to make your soup tomorrow. I'm not sure how I will season it as I am on a restricted diet but I will figure out something. Really looking forward to this.0
That is the fun part of Beans 'N Greens soups. You can do almost anything you want with them. The one I make has a Mediterranean flavor but you can take it south of the border with a dash of ancho chili and Mexican tomatoes. Basal is also a good flavor. To give it a French accent use herbs d' provence or just add lavender0
Good suggestions. I think I'll pass on that South of the border version. Don't think my ulcers would appreciate it but maybe the French or Mediterranean or maybe I'll look at my eat and DON'T eat lists from the doctor and see what I can figure out.0
BoiseB, I just tried my first sample of my first pot of "Beans & Greens". AWESOME!. I will be putting this recipe on my "go back to again" list. Thanks so much for suggesting this. And this pot o' food will last me for days.0
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