Coronavirus creeping closer. Do you feel it's closing in?

Member Posts: 518
It seems we've been a little off subject lately with all the talk of the virus, toilet paper, etc..., But then I realized this is of real concern to many of us. Many of us are in the "at risk" groups of compromised immunity, elderly, with additional health concerns. This morning I heard there was a confirmed case 2 counties East of me. Tonight they reported 2 confirmed cases just ONE county West. There's a military base there so who knows where some of those folks may have been in recent weeks. We felt pretty safe and isolated here in the boonies but that feeling is starting to slip away. I know Boise is at ground zero but how are others doing?
Update: today there has been a confirmed case at a hospital less than an hour's drive from here. It's creeping closer.0
Update: today there has been a confirmed case at a hospital less than an hour's drive from here. It's creeping closer.0
I live in Montgomery Co. in PA. As of now, we have the most cases in the state. Most of the cases have been in the eastern end of the county, and I live in the western. However, it is getting closer. I am sure that it is just a matter of time until there are cases at my end.0
Here in the sticks of TN we are still virus-free. (Except for that stupidity virus that the hoarders have). In Nashville there are increasing numbers of cases. The numbers are going to increase because now more people are getting tested so it's going to go up. On the other hand, some that have tested positive and have self quarantined for 2 weeks are now saying that their symptoms are getting better and some of them have said they are now fine. We will be OK.0
Last I heard, 2 cases in Columbus proper. Our governor cancelled yesterday's Ohio primary at the last minute. I had already taken the day off, so I just stayed put, picked up my groceries (I love online grocery shopping!) and watched stupid tv. My company is working to get people set up to work from home, but it hasn't happened yet. But boy, are the roads empty during rush!0
I noticed the empty roads too. With most of the college kid out of town it's is a ghost town.0
I'm in western Florida, the Tampa area. There are 160 confirmed cases throughout Florida. The biggest problem and worry many of us are seeing is the lack of common sense among the spring breakers. Our beaches are packed, and this is the one time I am glad I do not live close to the beaches. These communities are on high alert. The problem is that many carriers do not have any symptoms so although they may feel great they have no idea if they are spreading this virus. The folks in the Clearwater and Pinellas areas held meetings yesterday and decided that you can't close the beaches because where would all of these people go. It is a huge dilemma and one not easily fixed. On top of that all Florida colleges and universities are closed and so the numbers have increased. All one can do is self quarantine and be extra careful at this time. I am due for my 6 month cancer blood work tomorrow and so far it's a go. I have several other appointments coming up so we'll see if they are cancelled. We can still go out of our homes so I will go to an out door track nearby and walk for a bit. It's barely used and away from buildings and people and it helps with my RA. Stay well my friends, you are all in my thoughts and prayers.0
Everything in PA that’s non-essential services are closed by order of Governor. I have to go to hospital in a couple days and they have been impacted but told me to keep appt.0
I'm in a Detroit suburb. Two cases at a senior residence 2 miles north of my home and a teacher at a private school in my city. I am self-isolating as I've had bronchitis for nearly two months now, feel like I'm getting a cold now. Just going to grocery stores since Saturday. I have stocked up a week's worth of some stuff and am a meal kit subscriber in hopes that I don't have to venture out for a while.0
I'm in AZ. There are cases about two hours away from us. Since I have COPD (not from smoking, but from lifelong asthma) I know I'm high risk. We have been pretty much self-isolating.0
My handicapped brother is in quarantine in Idaho. He was in close contact with the first person in Idaho to be confirmed with the virus. It is touching my family. I do not go out of the apartment except for Dr. appointments and my son comes over and knocks on my door and I push the garbage out and he takes it to the chute.0
I'm in the northern part of the lower peninsula of Michigan. So far, no cases confirmed in my county, but one in the county just to the south of us. I don't believe for a minute that the virus hasn't spread to our county. There just hasn't been sufficient testing yet. Residents of this county are back and forth to the Metro Detroit and Grand Rapids areas all of the time. Also, we are getting plenty of returning "snowbirds" from Florida and other southern states where there have been plenty of confirmed cases. In May, we'll start getting our annual influx of seasonal summer residents from other states and other parts of Michigan. Sometimes, I wish we were a little more isolated.
I dropped out of my yoga and cardio classes last week, and my husband stopped going to his gym. Turns out we didn't need to drop out because Governor Whitmer has ordered all such facilities closed in addition to bars, restaurants, schools, etc. We're social distancing as much as we can.
My best to all of my fellow WhatNexers, wherever you live. We are so vulnerable so staying well is a real challenge.
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Chicago & Cook County have by far the lion's share of IL's cases--with the first death, a 61-yr-old asthmatic woman (gulp!) on the far S. Side, reported yesterday. Her family said she'd been in contact with another confirmed case (though not at a nursing home). It is getting too close for comfort--hope we don't become another NYC, which is now a "hotter zone" than the Seattle metro area. Staying in, ordering out as much as possible. Weather too chilly & raw to get a good cardio walk outdoors, so will be walking up & down stairs, using the treadmill (hope it still works), resistance bands, yoga ball and hand weights. Too much time on my hands and only the PITA of washing my hands (yet again), removing my retainer, brush/floss, and rinsing it off & putting it back in is keeping me from boredom-eating--even the keto-friendly stuff I eat.0
In Florida we have had 328 cases of COVID19,, 21 in Palm Beach County. I agree that the Spring Breakers aren't helping matters. I even heard a piece where some guy even said he just cared about partying and that the virus is no big deal. Is he kidding? Oncwe the party's over, those students are in for a shock when they see towns pretty much empty. Please, young people, take heed, please be careful not to expose yourself and others unnecessarily. We should all do our part to keep the sickness from spreading. The sooner we do this, the sooner we can come out on the other side and get back to normal. Then we can all celebrate! HUGS and God bless.0
We now have gone from 0 to 11 confirmed cases of Covid19 in this county. Tonight they listed general location of the known cases. I live in a little corner of the county that gets our mail delivered from a post office across the line in the adjoining county. It's very small, basically a neighborhood. One of the cases is here. All of a sudden, here in our supposedly isolated backwoods, this is getting REAL!
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Make that 13 confirmed cases.0
We have 5 cases in Armstrong county but our test takes a week so expect it to rise alot.God Bless all the medical workers that keep working. They need hazard pay for all they due. 2 of my 4 girls are working in a hospital but one gets to work from home. The other girl is laid off but cant sign up. Didn't earn enough last year.0
Latest figures released, we're up to 42 cases in the country. As results of earlier tests come back the numbers go up. Nothing like downstate but very anxiety inducing.0
It looks like things might be turning around here in Washington. Still a shortage of tests and supplies.0
BoiseB, thank you for the encouraging news about the situation in Washington.
My county had no "official" cases until last week. Now we have 3 with one death. Evidently, there is no testing until you are at death's door. I live in a sparsely populated area of the state. Even that has not protected us from the virus.
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16 days ago we didn't have 200 cases in Florida today it's over 9000. I had a facetime visit with my oncologist yesterday. I had my 6 month blood work done last week and all is well. My markers are really good. My oncologist made sure to remind me several times to stay home. I told her that was not an issue since my family & friends are constantly telling me that. It's nice being so cared about. Like many others here my immune system is compromised by other conditions as well so I facetime with family & friends and follow the rules. Stay well my What Next friends and continue to post- it helps all of us during this time to hear from others and being reminded we are not alone. Thank you Greg for your continued positiveness and being here for all of us.0
The models from University of Washington are projecting a peak in cases in Washington on April 5 and decline on April 17. Western Washington might be a bit ahead of the curve because we began putting measures in practice earlier that the rest of the State. Hang in there if Washington can do it, you can too. Stay safe sending prayers0
I truly hope this is going to run its course and we can all get back to normal. It will be a hard blow to the entire Nation I'm afraid.0
This does not seem possible but my county in New York, in the north on the Canadian border, has just earned the distinction of having the fastest rate of increase in Covid19 cases in the state including NYC. We have a population of less than 110,000 people. In a week and a half we have gone from 0 to 70 cases. That is a faster per capita rate of increase than the city! So, just goes to show, if you live in a rural area and think that will keep you safe... No, it won't.0
Oh Bengal that is so terrible. The sad truth is that people who live in rural areas are actually more social than people who live in urban areas. I know I was raised in southern Idaho and they don't get more rural than that. There was a circle of acquaintances of 50 or more. When I moved to Salt Lake City after college. I didn't even know the name of the neighbor whose loud music was driving me crazy.0
We had our first Covid19 death in my county today. County Sheriff's Dept posted travel restrictions today to try to impress upon people they HAVE to stay home. I had a doctor"s appointment today and noticed as I drove by Wal-Mart that the parking lot was full. I had thought I might stop there for a few things but when I saw the number of cars I just drive on by. Apparently peop!e are just not taking it seriously. Maybe the fact we now have a death statistic will impress upon some folks that this is as real up here as in NYC.0
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