Can you believe this? Oregon police department asks public not to call 911 if they run out of toilet

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It’s hard to believe that we even have to post this. Do not call 9-1-1 just because you ran out of toilet paper. You will survive without our assistance.
In fact, history offers many other options for you in your time of need if you cannot find a roll of your favorite soft, ultra plush two-ply citrus scented tissue.
Seamen used old rope and anchor lines soaked in salt water. Ancient Romans used a sea sponge on a stick, also soaked in salt water. We are a coastal town. We have an abundance of salt water available. Sea shells were also used.
Mayans used corn cobs. Colonial Americans also used the core of the cob. Farmers not only used corn cobs, but used pages from the Farmers Almanac. Many Americans took advantage of the numerous pages torn from free catalogs such as Sears and Roebuck. The Sears Christmas catalog, four times thicker than the normal catalog, could get a family of three wiped clean from December through Valentine’s Day; or Saint Patri
It’s hard to believe that we even have to post this. Do not call 9-1-1 just because you ran out of toilet paper. You will survive without our assistance.
In fact, history offers many other options for you in your time of need if you cannot find a roll of your favorite soft, ultra plush two-ply citrus scented tissue.
Seamen used old rope and anchor lines soaked in salt water. Ancient Romans used a sea sponge on a stick, also soaked in salt water. We are a coastal town. We have an abundance of salt water available. Sea shells were also used.
Mayans used corn cobs. Colonial Americans also used the core of the cob. Farmers not only used corn cobs, but used pages from the Farmers Almanac. Many Americans took advantage of the numerous pages torn from free catalogs such as Sears and Roebuck. The Sears Christmas catalog, four times thicker than the normal catalog, could get a family of three wiped clean from December through Valentine’s Day; or Saint Patri
Ran out of characters but this is tooo funny not to share
Day if they were frugal.
Then, of course, there are always alternatives to toilet paper. Grocery receipts, newspaper, cloth rags, lace, cotton balls, and that empty toilet paper roll sitting on the holder right now. Plus, there are a variety of leaves you can safely use. Mother Earth News magazine will even tell you how to make your own wipes using fifteen different leaves. When all else fails, you have magazine pages. Start saving those catalogs you get in the mail that you usually toss into the recycle bin. Be resourceful. Be patient. There is a TP shortage. This too shall pass. Just don’t call 9-1-1. We cannot bring you toilet paper.
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It doesn't surprise me in the least that people would call 911. To get a gauge of some people's common sense, or intelligence, I should say, all you have to do is read through some of the crazy conspiracy theories that are being floated around the internet. I wonder how these people have survived so far, the survival of the fittest and the smartest has failed us.0
I'm beginning to think those bundles of 100 year old magazines stored in my barn could be my ticket to Easy Street. If course, if people find out I have them I may wish I had a bundle of AR15's to defend my stash. This whole TP thing is becoming beyond ridiculous.
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My daughter has a device on her toilet that is called a bidet sprayer. Uses water!
Available, of course on Amazon.
I don't know if the water is warm or not, I doubt it.0 -
Molly, I don't think it would work on my toilet. There is barely enough water in the toilet bowl to flush the toilet paper down. I have to conserve toilet paper in order not to clog the plumbing. Being conservative with toilet paper is generally a good idea anyway. I only use 1 ply toilet paper(recycled when I can afford it ) anyway.0
“People are Strange.”0
It gets even stranger. One of my sibs, I forget which one said that people are now buying guns and stockpiling ammo. Come on it is not the Zombie Apocalypse.0
This is NOT the America I grew up in. Does anyone from the Northeast remember "Ice Storm '98"? There was so much ice damage, particularly downed trees that took out everybody's electricity and closed most roads and streets no one could get out to get the things they needed. Neighbors shared what they had. Those who could get out and get to a store for things brought them back for the who!e neighborhood. We had running water so made it available to anyone who wanted to fill up jugs. I remember taking firewood to some who needed it for heat and cooking. Our neighbor who to has logging business worked nonstop to get roads opened up. We took care of each other. What has happened to this country in recent years is abhorrent.0
I saw a funny video of a guy paying for his stuff at convenience store with sheets of toilet paper. Lol0
I had 50 people mostly strangers in my house when the Texans cut the gas off during 10 below at noon. People brought over their babies and children to be warm. They brought over food-we had to cook it-- helped cook- changed pampers brought quilts. brought wood. i had propane stove- The weather broke and courts made texas to turn the valve on for NM. I sat and cried at the mess. people showed up with mops brooms- took bedding to the laundromat- brought hay for my horses as a way to say
thanks.0 -
It's all of this feel good for yourself education that and get an award for sitting in class that started in the 1980s. You know what, we still have scared and insecure students and adults.0
Meyati, I agree. Kids learn security and competence from rules and consequences. Everyone getting a trophy regardless does not teach much competence. My friends who have employees of this age tell me it is quite the challenge and some have even had PARENTS call about a poor review. Our generation would have been completely humiliated.0
I will say that what is different about this crisis is that they are telling people to isolate themselves as much as possible. But that still doesn't mean stripping all the milk off the shelves and hoarding it all to yourself when your neighbor has a baby who needs milk and now can't find any. It's just so wrong!0
I got a school pretty mad at me. We had to have work groups. Instead of setting them up where each group had a workhorse that did everything, I put the slackers in their groups, and all of the work horses in one group. Would you believe that some of the slackers parents supported me? It lit a fire under these kids-- they realized they had F and D on their record. and they worked to improve and take control of their lives.0
I have a friend who works in a grocery store in Wisconsin. A selfish hoarder bought $300 worth of toilet paper at one time. The friend told the manager about her & after that the store put up signs limiting purchases.
No idea about how many packages $300 would buy, but I bet she tried to sell them on some sort of internet site at triple what she paid.0 -
What about the two guys that drove all over their state and bought 17,700 bottles of sanitizer? They started selling on Amazon and Ebay and some people actually paid up to $70.00 for a few bottles. Anyway, someone reported him to both Ebay and Amazon. They were thrown off both sites and reported to the local police where they live. They didn't sell much before they were turned in. All of a sudden they were donating it to homeless shelters, Food pantries, hospitals, etc. in order to soften the blow they were anticipating from the police. Some people are so greedy.0
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