

  • MarcieB
    Hi, Donna, here is that difficult season again. I just want you to know I am thinking about you and hoping you have some holiday plans. I remember my first Christmas without my husband (he died of melanoma). I had months to prepare myself, steel myself for the holidays and I got through that first Christmas with minimal pain. So then, when the second Christmas rolled around, I thought I would be fine, but I was blindsided with grief. I could only manage to put up a little tree on a coffee table and order Boston Chicken for dinner (!) People assume you are fine after you have lived through all the *firsts.* It isn't true. I am holding you in my heart through this season, so you know that many of us, who have walked this road, understand. Even if your Christmas isn't *merry* it can still be lovely - that's what I want for you.
    December 2021
  • meyati
    Hi, Donna. You don't know me, but it's good to hear from you. I hope that you're doing well. I know how hard it can be, and COVID didn't do anything to help the feelings of loss, isolation.

    Take care of yourself.
    June 2021
  • Paperpusher
    Donna, I've been off the site but you and Greg have been in my thoughts. I'm saddened to see that Greg has passed and sorry that I'm so behind on telling you that I'm so sorry. I love your Christmas Tree tribute to him. I wish you much peace and grace.
    January 2021
  • legaljen1969
    Hello Donna. I don't know if you ever check in, but please know that I, and many others, are thinking about you daily. I am sure you have quite the support system in your real life, but know that all of us here wish you the very best and continue to love you lots.
    April 2021
  • MarcieB
    Donna, you have been so much on my mind. I lost my first husband to cancer when he was only 49. We fought it for 13 years, but the last three years were pretty intense. When he died, so many people said me, "At least you were prepared..." (!) That statement always stunned me. The funny thing is; I thought I was. What I learned is that being widowed is not what you expect at all. There are so many more layers than anyone could possibly know, unless they had it experienced it. Helping your husband navigate a debilitating disease is so difficult, it doesn't seem fair that now you must do all the grief work. And it IS work. I hope you can allow your family and friends to help you. My family lived out of state, but I found a very good grief support group that helped me a lot. I remember the leader of that group said, "Do anything that makes you feel better." and that turned out to be good advice. Sometimes I could justify eating an entire can of black olives by myself because it made me feel better. (...we all have our things!)

    Be good and patient with yourself as you adjust to the way things are now. Greg was such a lot to lose. But, it must make you smile to know you were the one who got to be his wife.
    November 2020
  • Geannie
    Greg is definitely smiling in heaven from this beautiful and creative tribute you made especially for him. I'm new here....just wanted you to know you have my support prayers, and friendship!
    December 2020
  • Lorie
    Superman and sidekick, thoughts and prayers coming your way.
    October 2020
  • JaneA
    Donna, I am profoundly sorry that you have lost Greg. He was an inspiration to everyone who encountered him. I enjoyed working with him. He encouraged me at scan times and appreciated all your love and support for him.
    October 2020
  • LiveWithCancer
    Dear Donna, I am so very sorry for your loss. We'll all miss Greg so much and I can only imagine the depth of your loss. Please know that we're here for you the same as Greg was always here for all of us. We would love to surround you with the same love and care that Greg used for all the members here at WN (and everywhere, from what I could tell).

    You and all who love Greg are in my thoughts and prayers, especially now when the pain is so very raw.
    October 2020
  • Bug
    Hi, Donna. I think of you often. Greg is such a huge loss to so many. I wish I knew something to say to help ease your sorrow. I just want you to know that you are loved and I wish you peace. Grace
    November 2020
  • Samcharlie
    Thinking of both of you. Sending prayers and healing thoughts.
    October 2020
  • Lauraandmary
    I wanted to let you know my mom and I are thinking about you and Greg. Sending prayers for you all as you move through this experience.
    Greg is a bright light for those of us lucky enough to have found thus website, as we did many years ago. Hoping to hear that you are home soon!
    October 2020
  • beachbum5817
    Donna, I am so sorry to hear that Greg has passed. He was so inspirational to all of us. Thank you for sharing your Superman. He was one of a kind. He will never be forgotten. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    October 2020
  • PaulineJ
    SO TRUE! :(:(:( What everybody is saying Donna

    Sometimes I wonder how can this be when he seemed to be one of God's servant for sure???
    I, like everyone else hurt so bad over this.
    October 2020
  • JustForToday
    I hope your tears from losing Greg come less often and are replaced with smiles from your happy memories as time goes on.
    November 2020
  • Bug
    Hi, Donna. I just wanted to say Hello. I've been thinking about Greg and you a lot. You're both in my prayers. Love to both of you.
    October 2020
  • Teachertina
    Hey Donna, y’all home now? Hope things are improving! Thinking of you guys and hope to hear good news from you soon.
    October 2020
  • PaulineJ
    I understand how difficult it is for you to keep up with this place and to let us know how Greg is doing.Just wanted you to know I'm thinking and praying for you both.
    October 2020
  • Gabba
    You’re both in my thoughts and prayers.
    October 2020
  • PaulineJ
    Sorry to say this ,but I now I don't trust hospitals even less.God only knows if it was his time to go Home.He suffered so much throughout the years on so many occasions and kept going .Yes God is Worthy to trust 100%,but especially today (the days we're in this world is in no way to trust) We are in the last days and I hope and pray Greg was called Home ,before things get worst.God Knows what He's doing and it was best to call Greg home I guess?Yes,I hurt so bad ,because he was always there for me and everyone.Never left .anyone out in other words.He 's sure a Godly man while he was here and now he's with Jesus.

    Philippians 1:21 King James Version (KJV)
    21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain
    October 2020
  • PaulineJ
    I understand how difficult it is for you to keep up with this place and to let us know how Greg is doing.Just thinking and praying for you both.
    October 2020
  • wldflwrgoddess
    Sending much love and many prayers to the two of you. I'm so sorry this is happening. Hang in there!
    October 2020
  • BoiseB
    Thank the Lord the surgery went well. Many people have been praying for you and Greg.
    January 2020
  • Bug
    Donna, I saw Greg’s recent post about your mom. I’m so sorry. Sincerest sympathy and warmest hugs to you, Greg and your entire family.
    July 2018
  • biga17133
    Praying for you.....marven
    July 2018
  • Bug
    Hi, Donna. I just wanted to check in to see how you're doing. Thinking of you. : )

    May 2017
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hippo birdy!!!!
    May 2017
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hi Donna. Just stopping by to see how you are doing. Hope you are feeling better. No more TIA or whatever, okay? The two of you have a great weekend!
    April 2017
  • Bug
    Hi, sweet lady. Thinking of you. Greg said you are doing okay and are seeing another doc today. I'm hoping that things go really well for you. You are in my prayers.
    April 2017
  • Smunshi
    Thank you faithfully58 !!
    June 2015