

  • beachbum5817
    Let us know how your scan goes. Hopefully they won't keep you waiting too long. Good luck. Take care.
    March 2017
  • blessed0000
    In Greensburg Pa. we didn't even get a 1 inch. Weather men wrong again. xoxox
    March 2017
  • blessed0000
    Hi Lynne-I-Am thanks for the support .This is the first time I was diagnosed with cancer. I believe i have the best medical team doctors from UPMC Arnold Palmer Cancer Center and Women Magee. They came up with a treatment plan 9 rounds of chemo then surgery, then another 9 rounds of chemo (Paclitaxel and Carboplatin). Keeping my finger crossed and praying .
    February 2017
  • kalindria
    Hey Lynne, checking in to see if you've met your new oncologist yet and what the verdict is. Hoping it's good news.
    October 2016
  • drlloyd0907
    Hey there, Lynne. Thought I'd check in on you to see if you'll be making any trips to the Central Valley over the holidays. Would still like to meet you in person, if it would work :)

    Until then, I'll 'see' you on the feed!
    October 2016
  • GregP_WN
    Thanks for supporting others by offering advice and positive wishes! It does make a difference for them to see that other people have been there and are doing OK.
    October 2016
  • kalindria
    When do you meet the new doc?
    September 2016
  • Nancie
    Me too!
    August 2016
  • claribelle
    Thanks Lynne for thinking about me. Things are stable at the moment with my husband - no crises. Pain mostly under control with Fentanyl patches. I hope you enjoy your camping trip and that you are doing ok too. means a lot to me that you contacted me. I must be more active here too!! xxx
    July 2016
  • kalindria
    Hey beautiful, just stopping by to say hello. I hope you're enjoying a great summer and feeling OK.
    July 2016
  • LMMitchell
    Hi Lynne. I am doing good. Just passed the 3 year mark, as you should be about there too right? STRUGGLING terribly with weight issues. I weigh more now than when I gave birth to my last child! Also having some shoulder issues, doctor says it is arthritis. How about you? Feeling good I hope. Congrats on 50th!!!! I hope to make it that far. Have a blast at Disney. Never too old to unleash the child in you.
    May 2016
  • claribelle
    Thank you for your kind and compassionate response to my question. Been in floods of tears because of all the kindness shown by people on this site. xxx
    March 2016
  • goodkarma
    Just wanted to wish you the best on your upcoming doctor visit & blood draw!

    I'm awaiting follow-up CT scan results (1 year post last chemo) & also have the typical scan anxiety...

    Blessings from Texas- Karen
    March 2016
  • catmama3
    Hii Again, Lynne-I-Am,
    It does indeed sound like we have a few things in common. In addition to what I mentioned in my earlier post, I also have eliminated most dairy and use only almond milk. I also am a dedicated label reader when I'm shopping. I've eliminated most sugars (use raw honey when necessary), all products that contain high fructose corn syrup or carrageenan (if you haven't read about this one, I encourage you to do so,) all processed meats, gluten, try very hard not to consume omega 6 fats and oils, and eat very little processed food. Now that I'm better informed, I'm amazed and appalled at what I used to put in my body. It's difficult for me to watch our kids and grandkids eat many of the things they eat. I can only set an example, though, not harp.

    I would love to have my port removed, but I think my gyn/onc would prefer to leave it in a bit longer until we can see a longer period of remission. My last chemo treatment was only six months ago so I probably need a bit more of a good track record. My CA125 has been fluctuating between 3 and 5. It doesn't go very high, but when I've had recurrences, it takes a big spike, like doubles from one test to another. Each time it's done that a PET scan has found more cancer.

    I have blood work and a port flush coming up this Monday. As you noted, that's always a tense time until we get results.

    I look forward to more conversations. Thanks for sharing.

    December 2015
  • drlloyd0907
    Hey there, Lynne - how's life treating you?
    March 2016
  • drlloyd0907
    Hey Lynne-I-Am - I never noticed that we were diagnosed within a month of each other! I knew I liked you...:)
    February 2016
  • Sue_2015
    Thanks for your thoughts. Best wishes to you and yours as well. Take care!
    January 2016
  • gonewest
    Hi Lynne. Just wanted you to know the same thing happened to me with my former PCP. I had terrible abdominal pain. He sent me to gastro. Colonoscopy and endoscopy showed polyps and an ulcer. Follow-up with PCP he told me nothing was wrong with me, that I was a "miserable person" and that I should "let him help me" by saying yes to anti-depressants. Then he gave me a ten minute lecture on addiction. I literally ran from him and his office. But that incident put me off doctors. I finally ended up in the er with a hydronephrotic kidney, urothelial cancer, high grade, stage 4 by then. The PCP never considered anything other than the gastro stuff, and of course the ureter kind of runs across abdomen as it deposits into the bladder and that's where the pain was. A bad doctor. I am absolutely empathetic here. So sorry it happened to you. Moving on from that is tough. I know I am damaged in my trust of doctors. Even with good ones, I'm looking up everything, corroborating the treatment protocols. If anyone even mentions addiction or tolerance to drugs in my presence they better start running. I will not be nice. PTSD. I hope you have a good day, honey!! Chris
    October 2015
  • Nonnie917-89591
    Could you please tell what your symptoms were. I couldn't find the thread where they were discussed and I am concerned for my daughter. Her Paternal grandmother died of ovarian cancer.
    October 2015
  • meyati
    Faty cheeses like cheddar were put on my diet list. It just depends what type of cancer you have, where and the projected treatment combined with the mortality rates. . One Size Fits All diet doesn't work with cancer. The Frito eater understands the need for a little comfort food-anything with salt comforts me.
    October 2015
  • Rolltidelynne
    Hey girl!!!! Good to see your name pop up!!:))
    September 2015
  • ColetteChem
    Thank you for the advice about IP therapy. I, fortunately, have a very strong support network around me. I am so grateful for all of the help that I am receiving. It has been a challenging few months and sometimes I feel so tired of not feeling well. But I try to make those times limited and focus on the positive aspects of my life and getting better.
    May 2015
  • kalindria
    Lynne, Can you post a link to your group: Sisterhood of Ovarian Cancer Survivors please? I have Googled it but there isn't anything with that exact title. Thanks!
    August 2015
  • LMMitchell
    Hey Lynne! Wanted to comment on your post, but didn't want Barry to read. I find him to be a real downer and don't find any of his comments to be helpful EVER. It is very exciting news about the cat feces. Whatever it takes, I am all for it. I recently went to a ovca summit and my onco was a guest speaker. It was asked of him what other countries are doing and why we don't try those drugs. He replied that while we are all human, our genetic make up is not the same from country to country and therefore what works in other countries won't necessarily work here in the US. I found that to be a very profound statement. There are a lot of people who go overseas for treatment searching for a cure. I still believe that it is important to share information. I hope all is well with you. I am going a little crazy since I have gone to 6 month check ups.
    July 2015
  • ColetteChem
    Hello, I just checked my messages. I have not been on for awhile, I have a hard time looking at screens so I am not on my laptop as often. I have completed 4 rounds and I begin my 5th on Monday. I am making it through. My 4th round was very difficult and I was very sick for a long time. I hope that you are doing well.
    July 2015
  • kalindria
    Hi Lynne - another short update for you. We've been here just a few months and have now purchased a house! So hectic! It will be great to have my own gardens and a yard for the dog to run in. We move in early July. And my health care coverage changed again so I have another new oncologist whom I like very much. I feel lucky.

    How are you doing?
    June 2015
  • TeriAbby
    Hi Lynne. I think I have a similar diagnosis as you did. They are still trying to get complete diagnosis. I have a large malignant mass in pelvic area that sits right on top of my bladder and a smaller mass on the end of fallopian tube. Cancer has spread to area lymph nodes. But I was struck by the first symptom that sent you to doc wanting scans. You had mentioned in a post that it felt like someone had pulled a belt tight across your abdomen and it only lasted a few minutes. I had the same happen to me. Then as days went by I later developed excruciating pain all up and down the left lower side of my body. Thought I had a kidney stone. Waited about a week to see if it would pass. (I know stupid, right?) But I had a MRI last September and everything looked normal. Went to emergency room and ct scan showed a large mass in lower pelvis and enlarged lymph nodes.
    They did needle biopsy to determine primary and exact type of cancer, staging, etc. The lab in California could not determine the primary. So now going to Mayo clinic to hopefully get diagnosed soon. Pain is horrid and I'm drugged up so much it's hard to get through this, do research, deal with docs and understand what they are telling me, etc. I am an emotional mess. Crying and being human as you called it. But every visit to doc I'm given no good news, all bad. . Just more tests to schedule. The first oncologist's visit I was told they think it's an agressive sarcoma of some sort that has spread to lymph nodes and was stage III or IV.
    I am happy you are in remission. I come to this group to soak up some hope. Very nice and wise people here.
    May 2015
  • HOBO
    Hi Lynne I Am,

    Thank you for your wise words. Just as always, I feel so much more at ease when I reach out to folks on this site. I have wonderful friends, but they just do not understand that I have changed. At times I feel stuck between who I am (and I like the new me) and who I used to be. I am much kinder, even though I was always kind, treating people well has become a mission for me. I am no longer tolerant of cruel people.
    I see you are from Cottonwood. I started following a horse rescue in Cottonwood. Reminds me of my childhood `er preteen years when horses were my life. My mom used to say horses were a good transition from toys to boys. Ha ha. I will think of you every time I see a post from the horse rescue.

    Again, thank you for your kind words. Please take care.

    May 2015
  • djandbarbara
    thanks Lynne, for the kind words. this Old Age thing (72) is for the birds. You take care, and best of luck, my numbers went up at todays checkup, so going in for a c-scan tomorrrow, hope it is not anything too serious!!
    March 2015
  • tampa83
    Had chemo yesterday. 7-8 hours but went well. Only problem so far is I am totally wired and can't sleep. Other than that I am fine.
    March 2015