

  • BarbarainBham
    Nonnie, I hope you are feeling well. Thinking of you and wishing you the best.
    February 2017
  • Bug
    Hi! I haven't seen any posts from you for a long time and just wanted to check in and say "Hi". I hope you're doing okay. Hugs to you.
    December 2016
  • gillmomof3
    Hello, haven't heard from you in a long time just checking on you.
    February 2017
  • Gabba
    Hi Nonnie, haven't seen any posts from you in a while...hope all is well and that you are enjoying the summer.
    June 2016
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi Nonnie917, my very first symtom and what made me run to the doctor was the feeling of a tight belt being pulled across my abdominal area.The sensation only lasted a few seconds, but it really scared me. my symtoms were epigastric in nature and because I had a history of gastritis the doctor treated me for months with antacids. I had very frequent belching and then frequent coughing, all the while getting worse. went for second opinion to a ear, nose throat doctor, he told me I had GERDS. Both doctors were WRONG!!! This is why ovarian cancer is so dangerous, it has symtoms, but they are often misdiagnosed by the medical community. The systems include pelvic or abdominal pain, ( these women have a better chance of earlier detection because of the discomfort they are submitted to earlier testing ), never had any pain with mine. Other symtoms are feeling bloated, having lack of appetite, and an expanding waistline, all of which I experienced later later on. Frequent urination is another symtom, as are changes in bowel habits. Any of these symtoms lasting longer than two or three weeks she should go to a gynochologist for pelvic exam and vaginal ultra sound ( pelvic exam can miss early stages of ovarian cancer). Also a blood test for CA 125, can be helpful. It is not 100 % , some women's CA 125 do not rise even though they have cancerous tumors, but this test is about 80% effective in diagnosing late stage ovarian cancers. Normal is between 0-35, mine was 1400 at diagnosis. It is important to note that a Pap test does not detect ovarian cancer, only cervical . Important especially with family history to have yearly exams.
    October 2015
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Nonnie917, epigastric symtoms also can be sign of ovarian cancer. I did not know this, but my doctor should have. Take care .
    October 2015
  • meyati
    Dear Nonnie, I hear you. Monday, last week, I went to the eye doctor. I explained to the tech that I'm in cancer remission, but I wasn't born with a lopsided nose. So when they push those things together to get your ready range, she slammed those heavy things into my nose-right up where the doctor thinned out the bone between my nose and sinus. The lab needed to see if the cancer was in my bone and sinus. My nose was dripping blood a lot the first year- I had sinus infections a lot.

    She really hurt me. I screamed and almost fell out of the chair backward. The ophthalmologist came in and asked me how I was doing. Well, my nose wasn't bleeding, and it's normal for something to hurt after being hit, so I said OK.

    I went home, put ice on it and sipped ice water. My normal side was OK, but the bad side kept hurting more. It hurt all of the way down the surgery site into my lip and gum. I tried playing games to get my mind off of it. I tried a prescribed nose rinse to soothe it.

    I kept calling the eye doctor to let them know what happened and the tech never apologized-she talked to me like I was a 3 year old.

    My son took me to Urgent Care. I begged for some pain killer solution-Lidocain- anything. It hurt to breathe in and out. The doctor said that the bad side was swelling up closed- He said that he didn't see or feel any broken bone. He offered X-Rays-which I turned down. I told him that I just needed a weak solution and I know that such things are made. He offered me a scan. I told him that I had one in July- I don't have cancer-he says that no bone was broken.

    I kept telling him that I hurt- I needed something for pain. I needed a weak pain solution- I told him that I hated him, I hated the FDA, DEA, the way American doctors are brain washed. I needed some sleep and I couldn't get sleep with that side of my nose hurting. He gave me a prescription-he got the discharge printouts with the names of my oncologists and I'm seeing one next week- and he was OMG-OMG, cause he had been saying that I didn't have a real cancer.

    4 swabs with the weak dilution removed the pain. The swelling inside my nose was gone by the next day. The clinic called and the head nurse said they already heard from Urgent Care and my PCP (I had a first thing in the AM already scheduled with her).

    The head nurse asked what did I want, they'd do it. I told her that they examined me after radiation, I was examined last year, and I wasn't hurt at all. Everyone was very nice. I never had my nose hurt before. Please put on my chart for everybody to read- NOSE CANCER- I told how I had to beg like a dog just to get a lidocain solution, and that's just not right. I didn't do or say anything to make that tech mad. I looked over her ear with those bright lights in my eye, blah, blah. I was a good patient. The nurse asked me several times what I wanted- I kept saying to lecture the techs about being gentle-and an apology if something goes wrong-Just put nose cancer on my chart, so they'll all be careful.

    Nonnie-do you think that I should have asked for a million dollars.? LOL
    August 2015
  • geekling
    Hi! It was quite disheartening to read your news that nuneries msy not have changed all that much over the centuries. Way back when, they were like whore houses. Disobedient or otherwise unwanted females were relegated to there by the ruling classes. It is a very basic and ancient way to get near your Maker the ancients believed. Those vestal virgins of ancient were similat "throw away" issue. If or when u get more details I'd love to have the information. Best wishes for a return to good health.
    August 2015
  • maryannlorenz
    Hi, thanks for the welcome, I am still finding my way around here. Hope you are doing well.
    July 2015
  • DAB
    Sounds like you are having a bunch of challenges nested very closely sorry for your troubles! Really hope things get resolved quickly; I know how it feels to know my body better than the specialist. Glad you're going to get your GP to listen and give you another endo referral. Having a strange mechanism for thyroid gland failure, my TSH levels don't stay regulated for long and my normal runs a smidge into the abnormal range for others. Here's to positive thinking and can do this!
    July 2015
  • meyati
    Hi, thanks for being clear about the vet---I've been telling tuffjaws to list the vet. Almost all vets have an Internet page. I've also been asking her to break down the cost for the vet care. I know exactly how much was spent on the initial exam, the needle biopsy, the surgery exam, the labs and meds, the surgery itself. It was $450 for initial exam, needle biopsy, urine and fecal sample, kennel cough, and thyroid scan. Then it was $650 for labs-clotting, anemia, biohazard waste disposal, heart worm test, on and on. Then $1300 for surgery, IVs, sedative, pain killers, antibiotics, a hood, use of the kennel for 3 nights, catgut. They didn't do any scan to save us money. Then because he went home the same day, we prepaid, they screwed up the billing, and the diagnosis was screwed up-huge internal tumor separating his ribs and vertebrae, they refunded us almost $400, didn't charge for further pain meds, antibiotics. . Part of that was for Stonewall's pain and suffering- and they didn't want to do surgery on a small tumor on an old dog. They said that it was the only way to apologise for the mistakes--and they're good vets.

    I might have done wrong, but I wanted to encourage her get moving. If there is anything shady about this, it is between her and God. Thank you- you gave her something to think about.
    July 2015
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Nonnie917,thanks for sharing the pictures. Took a while to get them uploaded. Was wondering when I saw the name Jay Silverheels if it was Tonto. Brings back memories for sure.
    June 2015
  • BarbarainBham
    Hey, Nonnie917! Hope you're doing well after your headlight surgery! I just read your comments about changes you've made, when you mentioned Ejourney's comments about MRI contrasts. I didn't see her comments about MRI contrasts, and wonder if you could briefly tell me what she said? Thank you. Have a good weekend!
    June 2015
  • MLT
    Can't remember for sure what surgery you just had, but how are you feeling? You do such a wonderful job of welcoming new members to this site! Thanks!
    June 2015
  • LiveWithCancer
    Nonnie, i missed how your hubby's tests came out. You two have been on my mind and in my prayers.
    May 2015
  • msesq
    So sorry you are going through the anxiety with your husband. I was diagnosed with breast cancer last May and my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer in February this year. It is a lot of stress to deal with both of us in treatment at the same time. All I can offer as advice is eat healthy and mediated, exercise or do whatever helps you relieve stress. Sending you and your husband a cyber hug and hopes for a clean scan!
    April 2015
  • DAB
    Just reading through a thread and saw that your husband was having a PET scan today? I wanted to tell you that I am praying for great results and hope that you get them ASAP. Waiting makes me crazy and often scares me more than the news (good or bad). I'm sorry for your struggles but know that you will get through them. Lean on each other and feel free to lean on me, too!
    May 2015
  • rwhdesmoines
    I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you today as you are having to deal with both what your son went through and the testing that your husband will be going through. I hope that your son is starting to feel less pain very soon.
    April 2015
  • keahemalie
    Hi, Nonnie. Just wanted to check in to see how you're doing. I haven't been here much lately. Busy with life then got a nasty flu my husband decided to share with me. It's not pretty when both of us are sick at the same time! All I've been doing is sleeping, coughing and watching old movies. Oh well...this too shall pass. Hope you're well and enjoying springtime. HUGS!!
    April 2015
  • meyati
    Hi, Did the sleep study help your husband? i kept waking up and thinking about that. I'm glad that you don't have to travel so far to get medical care now. I hope that you're enjoying spring.
    April 2015
  • janabel681
    I first came to Whatnext when I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage 4 on Dec 23, 2011. So I am not new to the site, but have come back because of my breast cancer stage 2 in Dec, 2014. My pancreatic cancer is now in remission. Just started my radiation for the breast cancer this past Thurs.
    March 2015
  • katiefnp
    Dear Nonnie917: I just want to offer my feelings of empathy towards you regarding not even your Church family offering you help.
    I know exactly how you feel. After my Mom died (from metastatic kidney cancer to full, blown out bone cancer. Bless her Soul. She also had breast cancer; not the same as mine) I was 99% on my own. It is a very lonely place. I highly recommend that anyone trying to live through their cancer (s), don't isolate yourself. Move in with a caring family member or friend if that's feasible.
    My dear Sister and her husband are going to let me stay at their house. I will pay them once my scamming long term disability pays me the over 11k they owe me. Love the people who love you back. It is too sad, disappointing and hurtful to even try and v understand why the people who supposedly love us, don't reach out to us at our greatest time of need. Take care of yourself.Love those who love you back. I'm sorry you were let down.
    February 2015
  • fallsbs
    Almost to the finish line, but no another bump in the road! Sorry you're having problems getting your tattoos. Perhaps your plastic surgeon would intervene on your behalf, as this is another step in the reconstruction process. Good luck
    February 2015
  • IronMom45
    Hello I wrote under the picture of your husbands pens. Truly consider making a website for his work. I'm telling you I know they would sell as the guy in our area was getting like $25-30 a pen or more based on wood type and were no where near as awesome as your husbands. Hope you are doing well. What a talent!
    February 2015
    January 2015
  • meyati
    Hi, I've been thinking of you. I hope that you and your hubby are doing well- Happy Thanksgiving---
    November 2014
  • SueRae1
    Thanks for the welcome - I've been around for awhile, I just accidentally added a new diagnoses
    October 2014
  • Donnie
    Thank you. I have found the site very informative. I got a sermoa ,something I had no idea about and the site helped me on that. it comes to my email everyday. With cancer something is always changing in your body.
    October 2014
  • Mouseysmom
    Thank you for your warm welcome. I have a long fight ahead of me and it is comforting to know I have people like you to support me.
    August 2014
  • meyati
    Hi, I haven't talked to you in a while--My bad-I've been thinking of you. I hope that you're doing well----That you had a nice Easter.

    I was disappointed on St. Pats. The corned beef was over trimmed, and there wasn't any fat to flavor it. It tasted just like the packed sliced corned beef sandwich meat-a great disappointment. If I want flavorless sandwich meat, I can buy it, instead of standing over the stove with onions, garlic, cloves, cabbage, etc. Tues we went shopping, and I found a brisket that had a nice layer of fat on it, so I brought it home.

    I'll tell you Nonnie, if that's all I have to complain about-you know that my life is going well.

    Take care.
    May 2014