

  • happydyad
    Kathy1, did you hear from lilymadeline since Aug 2015? A comment you made on her wall indicated you may have. Please let me know! Thx! Judy in Ky
    November 2015
  • GregP_WN
    Just wanted to let you know that after warning this "Dr. Suba" person to not be posting quack posts and offering medical advice, (however bad it was) that I deleted their account. Please let me know if you see any posts re-appear that look like they may be coming from the same person under a different name. Thanks for looking out for the best interests of those on the site.
    November 2015
  • NNN
    Hi Kathy1, I have posted 3 photos for Lourdes just now.
    August 2015
  • Lorie
    Thanks for the heads up. Interesting to see if she answers. Lorie
    November 2015
  • Lisa1964
    Thank you for sharing, Kathy. I'm thrilled to hear there are things like "kyoplasty," makes sense Why can't they do it in your upper back? I'm sorry the pain patches don't work, does the doc have any other ideas for you? Pain sucks.
    I suppose I'll pray or meditate about what to do. My connective tisue disorder is tough enough I don't want to add more bone problems to it, but I'm also afraid of cancer recurrance. I remember kneeling on concrete at 39 and the sound my knee cap made when it broke (I didn't have insurance at that time either, lol. I was cleaning for the union to get my insurance back after my job shuttered. I walked/worked on the knee for months before I finally was able to have surgery). I'll be seeing my orthopedist next week, I'm hoping he'll have some ideas, maybe your prolia would be an option. I also take calcium and D, I've also found some relief with magnesium. I also find Naproxen (anti-inflammatory) helpful but I can't take it long bcause it hurts my stomach. Massages are great, too - we have a machine my boyfriend uses almost every day on me, several times a day if I have problems. He hates it (don't blame him, must be boring) but I get him to do it anyway. Hugs, Kathy. Feel free to vent to me about anything, you won't scare me.
    February 2015
  • Lisa1964
    Kathy, are you the one I remember mentioning that you have fractures in your spine? If so, I've got questions for you. Thanks!
    February 2015
  • TXHills
    Thank you so much for your honest feedback on my question about sleep. It is so critical and such a problem for many of us at various times in our cancer journey.
    One thing that has helped me is guided meditation. There are a couple of British gents who make them and share them for free on YouTube. THey are called The Honest Guys. I choose one that suits my mood, turn it on low, with my computer screen turned away from me so the light doesn't bother me, and often drop off long before the meditation is over. It gets me into a deep enough state of relaxation that I'm more able to get back to sleep when I wake up in the night.
    March 2015
  • TXHills
    Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback to my question. The treatments do seem to make our metabolism and weight management much different than it was, "before". I love your quote, "I feel doomed!", although I sympathize with the sense of desperation you are obviously feeling. Thank you again, and keep trying. Who knows what your weight might be if you weren't so disciplined in avoiding junk food?
    March 2015
  • Gabba
    OMG..the only lights I have left up are the flameless candles we got at Pottery Barn. Have you seen the glimmer strings at Pier 1 imports? I had them in a hurricane lamp for Christmas and am leaving them in it...they look like little fireflies. Google them..they are on sale right now. Five feet works great...they come in white, amber, or red.
    How was your stew? It warmed up to 10 degrees this afternoon...may hit 20 tomorrow...yeah! I have to out tomorrow but enjoyed staying put today. Take care. Grace
    January 2015
  • Itsnobigdeal
    Thank you for your response to mine and your POSITIVE attitude! People like you, make me think I CAN get through this
    December 2014
  • PinkPeony
    Hi Kathy,

    From the Breast Cancer Organization website:

    Who is eligible for the Oncotype DX test?
    You may be a candidate for the Oncotype DX test if:

    -you’ve recently been diagnosed with stage I or II invasive breast cancer

    -the cancer is estrogen-receptor-positive

    -there is no cancer in your lymph nodes (lymph node-negative breast cancer)

    -you and your doctor are making decisions about chemotherapy.

    I have cancer in my lymph nodes, and so that is why chemo, which is what I was told. Sending good wishes to you.

    November 2014
  • MMarie
    Hi Kathy,
    I'm glad you enjoyed the video. The owners of Mueller Publishing are dear friends of mine. We worked together on it. It still doesn't seem like it is about me. Thanks for watching.
    September 2014
  • MMarie

    Lenny and Squiggy are in this video. Make sure you watch it to the credits at the end. Music stops 1 minute before it ends.
    September 2014
  • SmokeyLovedMe
    Hey girlfriend! I had my fitting today! I got 2 bras that my insurance covered, and bought a cami myself. The prosthetic is so real feeling!! I wore the cami home and of course the first thing I thought of was Mrs. Doubtfire when she was cooking and her boobs caught fire. LMAO! I feel so much better now. How does that song go? "I feel like a woman...!"
    August 2014
  • Lilolelady
    thanks for your advice Kathy1. Will ask oncologist about my ankles. God be with you.
    August 2014
  • Lindy
    Thanks, I have one very old rescue girl I expect to go with me, my little 26 pound terrier mix rescue will need a home. He is so sweet he is a scamp. I am hoping a great dog parent cousin of mine will take him. I did place my two rescue cats in a wonderful situation which was most relieving as cats not often as lucky as dogs. They had been kicked out as babies (In an ice storm!) by an allergic neighbor. I snuck them in and never told them I had the sweet girls.
    July 2014
  • junebug0121
    Thank you for your answer Kathy1. I am so sorry that this has happened to you again. I'm 62, and like you.. this CHOP has been by far the worst I've been through, even worse that Folfox and 5FU. I think ABVD and CHOP are similar in that they both have Adriamycin. I'm taking the antibiotics and have a CT scan Wednesday. You are in my thoughts and prayers.. and let's stay in touch!
    July 2014
  • Harmony
    Hi Kathy. So sorry you have to now have a mastectomy. As you said, stay positive, be prayerful and you'll be victorious! Best wishes to you. Keep your head up!!! Big hugs to you
    June 2014
  • Newman3
    Kathy, sometimes when people have rare blood types & they know their having surgery they donate their own blood to use during their own surgery . Just food for thought!
    June 2014
  • banditwalker
    Kathy1, "flap" surgery has to do with reconstruction. There are several different types of "flap" reconstruction surgeries. You should be aware of all your options of reconstruction before surgery. Have your surgeon refer you to a Plastic Surgeon and consult with both before any breast surgery. Good luck and stay with us here, you will learn a lot if you keep asking questions.
    April 2014
  • Nonnie917-89591
    Welcome to the site. I am sure that you will find this a friendly place to come when you need someone to talk to. We are all in the same boat when it comes to emotions and feelings about our health. Just know that no question is to silly to ask and if you need to vent because you are having a bad day, we are here for you. I hope you find this site as helpful to you as it has been for me.
    April 2014
  • GregP_WN
    Hi Kathy, thanks for the kind words on my recent surgery. Just curious why you're having to have it done, is yours from plack build up or the same radiation damage? Good luck on it. It wasn't that bad, I've had many things much worse.
    September 2013
  • Modern
    Hi just saw we have the same type of cancer and thought I'd say hi and good luck with ur treatment
    October 2012
  • Dealing27
    Hi Kathy, I just read up on Rituxan. It appears to be cell killing chemo and not an antibiotic. Can you please let me know where you saw it described as an antibiotic. thanks.
    September 2013
  • Dealing27
    Hi Kathy, thanks for the information. I'll check into it.
    September 2013