

  • Bug
    Hi, PaulineJ. You mentioned in another post that the cancer may have returned ...? I'm sorry to hear this. My prayers are with you. Good luck with the doctor's appointment.
    March 2017
  • Bug
    Hi, PaulineJ. It was nice to see a recent post from you. I haven't seen one in a little while. I hope you are doing okay.
    March 2017
  • meyati
    Hey there, I thought that I'd drop in. How are you doing? I hope that things are OK. What's the weather like? Are you snowed in?

    It's warm and cold-mostly warm. I've been cleaning the yard up a little bit.
    January 2017
  • GregP_WN
    Thanks for supporting others by offering advice and positive wishes! It does make a difference for them to see that other people have been there and are doing OK.
    October 2016
  • geekling
    Thank you for having my back in the fatigue question. I guess, thankfully, most people just dont get it. Sometimes there is common ground in the most unlikely of places or circumstance.

    I remember when it took me all afternoon to trudge 3 miles. I did it and it was better being in Nature than sitting around but the joy I once felt in movement was all gone away. I think that, too, is slowly improving. You just cant rush Mom Nature. You can only hope you have enough time to enjoy her restorative assists.

    I know little about breast cancer but Ejourneys does. If there is a way I can be of service, please do not hesitate to call on me.

    Kindest regards
    October 2016
  • moonmaiden
    Holy Cow girl, no wonder you're tired all the time! I wish you the best!
    April 2016
  • meyati
    Don't log out of Whatnext--just close the page. Then anytime you do on your PC or click on the link in a WN Email notification, you will be automatically logged in Just close the page--and you'' stay signed in. I have not signed or logged out for over 3 years. That question by Carool was a dead link for me, so I'm posting here. I don't mean to bother you.
    August 2016
  • tampa83
    You are alive and kicking so you are ahead of the game. Just sit and count your blessings.
    February 2015
  • LiveWithCancer
    Did you author that poem you postedIa couple of hours ago? It is wonderful!
    February 2015
  • cloverlady4
    Sorry to hear you are having a tough time. Hang in there.
    February 2015
  • cloverlady4
    Hi neighbor. Had enough snow? I have. looking forward to spring. On a happy note....YAY PATS!
    February 2015
  • GregP_WN
    Happy Birthday!!
    September 2014
  • GregP_WN
    Your pictures show up in two places on the site. One is on your home page feed, as I can look down below this post and see all the pictures you posted this morning, they automatically show up on the Pinboard page too. So no matter if you post them on the pinboard, or on your home page, they wind up on both places. Let me know if I can help you with anything else, you done great!
    November 2014
  • LiveWithCancer
    Happy birthday! It sounds like it has been a good one! I hope this 70th year will be one of good health and lots of happiness!
    September 2014
  • rowena
    I am moved by your comments in my wall. I am so touched that God gives you strength everyday. You don't know how moved I am after reading it. I thought all this time I have the worst situation. Thank You and Thank God for using you to comfort me. I pray more years of life for you. Please continue to inspire people...please
    April 2014
  • Gabba
    Just checking in...see you have updated your experiences...what will they do about those tumors in the aortic valve? Will you need a new valve? Thinking of you and praying for you also. Fondly, Grace
    July 2014
  • ticklingcancer
    Thinking of you today!! Remember that you have lots of people that care about you!! I pray your surgery is a success and that you leave this bump in the road in your rear view mirror!!!
    December 2013
  • gregory1965
    Saying prayers for you. I know it's hard to be positive all the time and keeping the feelings pent up inside is not good. I've had it relatively easy so far and after reading a lot of the info here and on other sites knowing what the future could hold for me really scares me. I also know that GOD says he will never put more on us than we can handle and while it may be a hard road to travel I know I'm going to make it. Sometimes we just need to vent and get those feelings out in the open so we can deal with them and not let them eat us up.
    November 2013
  • HearMeRoar
    Hi! We have a few things in common, breast cancer survivors from MA! I live in St Louis now but am from Cape Cod. My mom is from Roslindale. What part of Boston are you from?I am writing because I read a post where you were talking about your surgery.I am really sad that you hope you do not make it thru surgery. You are important to us here at whatnext and we need you to survive and thrive for as long as possible! Gals from New England are sassy and tough. You can do this!
    December 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Just checking in yo see how you are doing. Hope you are doing OK.
    November 2013
  • BELLA2013
    The what's next family will always be there for
    You when you need an opinion or guidance... You
    Are truly never alone ... We're here

    Best wishes
    November 2013
  • Gabba
    How did you make out with your cardiac testing? Check in when you get a chance.
    October 2013
  • zoe
    You'll be in my prayers.I wish you a successful surgery and easy recovery.
    October 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Hello, I am right "next door" in Rhode Island.
    October 2013
  • Journey
    Hi luv2knit944,
    I love your name and love to knit also. I was dx with stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer 3 years ago, but in remission presently. I see that you are a breast cancer survivor. Best wishes to you. Have you been able to knit recently? I find knitting is a wonderful way to relax.
    September 2013
  • ld_105
    Sorry, I didn't read your home page.
    August 2013
  • dmholt1957
    I had my biopsy taken care of at the mammography center both times and both times they were able to tell it was cancer. I am sorry that you had a bad experience when you went for your mammogram but they can save lives. I waited too long to go in for mine but my husband had been out of work for over 2 years and I felt like we couldn't afford for me to go and pay that kind of money, but I should have went, I could have saved myself and family a lot of misery and suffering. By the time I went I had stage IIIB BC and it had spread to my lymphnodes, (13 of them to be exact) I had my left breast removed, went thru 16 rounds of chemo, 33 rounds of radiation. I was diagnosed again this year, when I went in for my mammogram this year, so I had my right breast removed and my ovaries for precautionary measures. I pray that you don't have any more mishaps with a doc and that you can build your trust back up because that is important to have. God bless you and I pray that all goes well for you.
    August 2013
  • MMarie
    I did some looking online about the LeRoy Butler Foundation and everything I'm finding is in WI. I really don't know how it works since I was given the application from my health care provider. Good luck to you.
    August 2013
  • GregP_WN
    If you want to delete the three diagnoses you don't want, just click on the ones you want to delete, go to that diagnosis page and click the Delete diagnosis link at the bottom. It will just delete that diagnosis. Let me know if you have any trouble.
    July 2013
  • Ladykarla
    If you ever need him, I have a great colon guy. Dr. Brown, he's in with Dr. Buckley. They are St. Francis docs in Indianapolis, IN. They have a tremendous reputation and they don't fool around.
    June 2013