

  • Amidala
    Dear Rowena. I am confused about your diagnosis. I was diagnosed last August with Stage 0 DCIS and understand that means I am in very little risk. I am currently doing nothing medically because I was disgusted by the climate of fear and urgency a surgeon conveyed to me. I did research and pulled all my records. Currently I am looking for other doctors and opinions and have changed my lifestyle. I have more info to support you but I wonder what invasive dc means. Obviously it means it is invading nearby tissue but stage 0 is I believe something that doesn't required super drastic measures. Research get info go to website Donnas journey and post your diagnosis there I have found her story and her blog to be extremely helpful. Google Marnie Clark also. She has been thru this journey and has a wonderful site to help with research tips and ways to deal with your stress. Join her newsletter. The medical field in America only sees 3 ways to treat cancer: cut poison or burn. All over the world there are other therapies being tried. If people are frightening you with fears of spreading there are things you can do to protect yourself from that. Read Anticancer: A New Way of Life. Amazing book which will transform how you think of cancer prevention. It is an international best seller not some fanatics work. Invasive sounds frightening but stage 0 does not. Maybe look into your diagnosis more. I don't know. But learn all you can we are blessed to have resources so readily at our fingertips. Maybe this is a signal to change your life. I certainly have changed mine. Blessings on you.
    January 2014
  • PaulineJ
    Thanks Rowena.It seems like everyone is more or less talking about medical staff and groups,but my thoughts were different.I have one daughter and one brother who cares ,but can't be there for memore or less.The rest of the family aren't there for me whatsoever(not just for medical reasons).I'm dead to them in other words.As for friendstheir kind of from fb long distance.The local church and so call friends aren't there for me.I'm always alone 24/7.It's always me that has to call or ask if I could go over and that doesn't happen very often since I can't buy gas only every 2-3 months to go to doctors (lately twice a week) and food shopping which I'm struggling with lately The walking and carrying bags from the car to up a flight of stairs.I asked for help in shoveling this pass winter with no response and ende up doing it myself a few times after my major heart bypass surgery.
    April 2014
  • vjinoz
    Rowena, it's fine to not believe, to question if it's true, to not want to understand or take on the ugly's all so normal! just take your time in absorbing the horrid facts that are thrown at you. Hopefully you have good friends and family and doctors who take the time to really explain every step of the road.... don't think that you will automatically understand what they're saying or diagnosing or suggesting...ask, ask and ask again for them to explain for you to understand. It's so unfair and even more so for a young woman like you! It's just cruel and anyone who says otherwise is being cruel.
    No-one deserves to have cancer. No-one should go through what you're going through and the ones who say that it's only the strong who get it cos they can cope...crap! ]It's just the rottenest of luck! G-d Willing you will get through to the other side of the treatments and then be able to live...a slightly different lifestyle for a while but your will LIVE!!
    Sending you lots of good thoughts, energy and light. May the days ahead have some sunshine and clarity.
    January 2014
  • lazyeranchke
    Hello rowena, and welcome to the most informative & caring website on the internet. I've learned so much from others going through yours and mine cancer DCIS. I'm still waiting for my surgery (diagnosed Nov/Dec), saw surgeon, saw Plastic, saw oncologist.....waiting. Medicare has approved me for bilateral (double) masty, cancer in right at 4-5 o'clock and prophylactic on left, with skin, nipple and areola sparing concurrent reconstruction. My son teased me I'd have 18 year old perky boobs in 68 year old skin. My PS said they look great when they are finished. I have downloaded so many photos of reconstruction and would be happy to send to you. I hope they treat you well, but trust and believe, you have a new found family on What's Next.! ! All you have to do is ask any question and the people will answer. Honest and helpful answers to aid you in your journey. God bless and give you new found hope and faith in all these great friends.
    March 2014
  • barryboomer
    Before you do anything check out the amazing site Chris Beat Cancer AND his facebook page.
    Also....research all info on cancer and foods etc...VERY IMPORTANT to check this stuff out.
    April 2014
  • evelynburris
    Hi Rowena, first make sure you read the book,"The Breast Reconstruction Guidebook" 3rd ed by Kathy Steligo. It really helps you with desicions on surgery, before, during and after surgery.
    January 2014
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome to the WhatNext family! The WhatNext family is made up of people like you who are looking for help or looking to help others. To help you along your journey the WhatNext family has put together a Beginner's Guide to Cancer that I highly recommend you check-out here: Also, please do not hesitate to reach out to others or ask for help.

    Wishing you the best.

    Founder, WhatNexter
    January 2014