

    Thanks so much for your response. This cancer journey is tough stuff. I just get so angry sometimes that I have to drag my kid through this. Do you ever have those days?
    December 2012
  • NanaL
    Heaven received the most beautiful Angel the day God called you home. You will be deeply missed and remembered by all of your friends here. Your love and inspiration helped all of us continue to battle on. Your courage and resilience amazed me. I take comfort in knowing you are pain free and at peace. My deepest condolences to your beautiful family. I will think of you often when I look to the sky.
    February 2016
  • judyinflorida
    Shocked and saddened to hear bout the death of Lirasgirl33. I write with tears in my eyes to think about losing another friend. Her picture with her smiling face will live in my memory forever. Peace to her family and friends.
    February 2016
  • vet1002
    My condolences to all of the loved ones who are left behind to make sense of another cancer loss. RIP and thanks for the great contributions you have made here!

    February 2016
  • RobbieFlores
    Rest in Peace
    February 2016
  • judyinflorida
    I'm sorry that I haven't kept up with what is happening in your life. What did they decide when you were in the hospital? Have you made any progress. Please update all of us who care about you.
    November 2015
  • lrmilford
    Thinking about you and sending a virtual hug.
    October 2015
  • rosey
    I'm just checking on you, haven't seen you post in a while, hugs rosey
    May 2015
  • LiveWithCancer
    Praying for you, Lirasgirl. I am so sad that you are having to start radiation, but praying that angry little tumor gets zapped away. You are such a joyful presence here. I pray God keeps you in His hands and gives you peace and comfort through this fight.
    February 2015
  • dpecky
    Hey lady, just popping in to say hi! and glad to see you still have your smile. Keeping you in my thoughts.
    February 2015
  • jenpwrs
    I read about the clinical trial in which you are involved in your response to a question about immunotherapy. I also have mucinous adenocarcinoma, and although my current treatment has kept it stable for three years, I am very interested in immunotherapy. Best of luck.
    November 2014
  • lawcreate
    Hi Lirasgirl,
    Just checking in to see how you are faring and how the clinical trial is working out for you. Hope you are enjoying the holidays with your family and friends.
    December 2014
  • GolfGirl
    Hi Lg33 - I saw the urologist, he was able to make a diagnosis from the ultrasound & I didn't have the cystoscopy - thank goodness. He said I have permanent damage to the bladder from the radiation. He was super nice & spent a lot of time with me. He told me he hates radiation - I said, me too. He also said I was lucky in a way because I've been able to pinpoint my triggers, but there really wasn't much anyone could do for me. So, I'll drink lots of water and avoid spicy & high acid foods & beverages. I'm able to enjoy 1 cup of coffee a day as long as I drink plenty of water. I hope you're doing well and enjoying the weekend! Talk to you soon - Bonnie
    October 2014
  • GolfGirl
    Just wanted to check in with you, wondering if you're still suffering from radiation cystitis? Did you end up having the hbo therapy? I'm having a flare up, I'm so uncomfortable (pain & urgency) & the azo tabs are not relieving the pain. I see a urologist next week. I'm tired of watching what I eat & drink - it sucks.
    September 2014
  • GregP_WN
    Did you have many on the video chat?
    September 2014
  • Shanny
    Thank you...
    September 2014
  • azsuper
    check pin board =)
    August 2014
  • LMM
    Ok Amiga, where are the pics from El Capitian?
    August 2014
  • azsuper
    Hi Lirasgirl33

    How are you doing?

    Say do you have any more of those great Calf. photos? I really like them.
    July 2014
  • lawcreate
    Just checking in to see how you are faring (did you get NED yet?) and find out what fun things you have been up to. I haven't been too active on the forum lately as the weather is amazing and I am working outside a lot.
    May 2014
  • Tithanie
    hi Lirasgirl33 I am a little uunsure about how to react right now I think I am in that OMG whats did i do stage..IDK, i am scared and I dont have anyone to talk to
    May 2014
  • LMM
    That is a cute pic Amiga. When are you going to share some of the ones you took in S D?
    July 2014
  • BadBabs've been through so much and still kept your positive outlook on life! God bless you! You have kicked it this time, for sure. Thanks for being so newsy with your entries, even the gross stuff. There are us newbies out here thant want...or need to hear everything, good and not so good. I'm a babbler, too, but probably won't be quite as prolific as you! Thanks again.
    April 2014
  • Christiane
    Your blogs are inspiring and well written, you sound like a really intelligent girl. I've been sitting here for an hour or more reading all about you. I was diagnosed with stage four esophageal/stomach cancer in July of 2013 and relate a lot to what you have gone through. I'm in what my Dr. calls partial remission due to the fact that the PET scan was done close to the last radiation on a place just under my collar bone, but everything else looks good. So three months till the next scan and I pray for an all clear. Prayers are with all fighting this battle.
    April 2014
  • LMM
    I couldn't wait to see your pics, you go to some of the coolest places. Glad to hear of the good time you had while camping. The parks in Utha look awesome. Ever thought about going to Sedona in Arizona? I hear it is another spiritual place to visit. Talk with ou later Amiga. God bless you.
    April 2014
  • Nursnana
    Good Morning! Just wanted to let you know I admire you so much. Your positive attitude has lifted my spirits many times, and I'm sure many others here on What's Next. You are a trooper my friend! It's wonderful how you reach out to encourage and share your experience with others. I have had you in my thoughts and prayers for a long time. And, I will continue to pray and follow you on What's Next. Hope today is a good day for you! I love to hear about all of your adventures out in beautiful. sunny California! Your kids sure have an awesome mom!

    To God Be The Glory! Take good care my friend.

    February 2014
  • cam32505
    I'm sorry to read about your cancer adventures. You have documented your journey so completely that anyone who has your type of cancer would have the answers to many of their questions. I hope your current treatment works. I thought cervical cancer was so much more treatable since that is checked with an annual exam. I had uterine cancer, and my pap test was normal.
    February 2014
  • michaelroth
    so about that same here Relationship of good 12year in married............cheat on me ............
    March 2014
  • michaelroth
    so sorry about that same you to Relationship of 12years
    March 2014
  • YazBri
    Thank you for your honest input!! That's how I feel, like I'm being punished a life sentence when it comes to food!! I love butter-veggies, rice, pasta, fish & toast and having a hard time w/out putting butter on it, I too got a nutribullet from a friend & enjoy it!

    Thank u for the positivity!! This all came on so fast (as w/everyone). I was so scared & didn't know anything, but I finally started reaching out & asking all around, from doctors office, coworkers familiar w/, & here online, even my daughters asking for me, the youth are more informed than me:(. Oh well, I'm educating myself now! And thankful to have kind giving people like you & everyone here on ACS support website!!

    I might be asking u more questions as they come if that's ok?

    I know thru faith, optimism & pray we will all get thru this!!
    Hugs to you too as well!!! :)
    March 2014