

  • Lirasgirl33
    Stopping by to say hello. Hope this message finds you well. I'm on my second clinical trial and thankfully so far doing ok. Would love to hear from you. Sending hugs your way.
    September 2015
  • Lirasgirl33
    Hi lawcreate, so sorry this is such a late reply. I've been doing good. Some pains here and there but nothing that popping a few pills can't take care of. The trial has been going, it slowed down growth but after the 10th dose, we aren't seeing the results we had hoped for. The lung lesions haven't really grown much but there is a tumor on one of the lymph nodes on my neck that looks "angry" according to my doctor. At this point we're thinking of doing some localized radiation to my neck and continue the trial, or not. My trial doctor is consulting with my main oncologist to see what the best options are. I might have to go back on chemo. I will be talking to my doctors this coming week to see what the options are. Glad to hear from you! My holidays were great. Hope yours were good as well. How have you been doing?
    February 2015
  • Yvette0516
    Dear Lawcreate - Thank you for all of your suggestions, and reaching out to me. I am so glad to hear you're doing well. My doc wanted to prescribed Neurotin for my neuropathy - however, I said I wasn't willing to take the Neurotin (after researching). I am not working on detoxing right now - I am juicing and changing my intake, so that when I finish the chemo it won't be so much of a shock to my body. I have done 4 cycles of AC already, now I am on Taxol (12 weeks) - I have 10 more treatments to go. I am looking forward to being done, however, we have found another lump (or something) in my breast - - not sure what it is yet, because the doc says we will wait to ultrasound and mamogram it until after treatment because the course of treatment is not going to change regardless. I will keep you posted as I progress. Congratulations on your first year!!!!! Much love and prayers - Yvette
    August 2014
  • Donna1943
    How does one do a good detox?
    April 2014
  • Beccanan
    How long have you been finished with chemo? Many things I have read here is about the breast cancer spreading. But aren't many people survivors?
    March 2014
  • Carlislemom
    Hi you responded to my question about Duke university medical center. I have breast cancer lobular invasive stage 1. Cancer was a total surprise wasn't suppose to be. My surgeon who did first surgery on me doesn't do reconstruction surgery and I want that so that is why I chose Duke. I chose to have bilateral mastectomies because of the type of cancer I have usually comes back in the other breast. Also have a strong family history of breast cancer. Thanks for responding to my question. Good luck with your treatment.
    December 2013
  • Erryberry
    Thank you for taking the time to write to me. I really apreciate your kind words. You give me great hope - you survived stage IV cancer.. very happy for you! My mother can beat this.. I know it. Just praying they don't find anything else in her scan on tuesday. That's my biggest fear. I want her to fight, and not get discouraged if it's worse than we think. If you don't mind me asking.. had your cancer spread anywhere? Did they do surgery first, then chemo? I know everyone's cancer, and treatment is different. Just trying to prepare myself for the worst.. and hope there is still something they can do. The biopsy showed stage 2 borderline 3 (that's what the gyno said). Not sure if that makes it stage 2B? Guess these are all things that the oncologist will discuss. So scared.. Thank you for sharing your story with me!
    December 2013
  • mistylynn
    Hello Cary,
    Glad you have found the site, I know you must have a lot of unanswered questions, ask away I am here to help. What is your treatment plan ?
    November 2013
  • pchrn1
    So sorry to just be getting back to you...thank you so much for theinfo regarding your treatment. I begin IMRT on 09/23 for 5 1/2 weeks. I will not be having concurrent chemo. My chemo will begin after this cycle of radiation. Would like to communicate more via email considering our cases are so similar. How do we connect that way? Hope you are doing well.
    September 2013
  • pchrn1
    Thank you so much for your post. I am thankful that I have found someone with a case similar to mine, as cervical cancer mets to the ovary are very unusual. I will be beginning 5.5 weeks of radiation on Sept 23. Then will have three rounds of chemo each round being 3 weeks. My pelvic washings were negative, as well, my PET scan in August was negative. How did treatment go for you?
    September 2013
  • carm
    Welcome to the "What Next" family. You will find many here who can support you with similar experiences. I am an oncology nurse that specializes in gyne cancers. If you have any questions left unanswered please feel free to ask. I check the site daily. Best of luck to you as you begin the journey. If you are having internal radiotherapy (brachytherapy), for cervical cancer it is called tandem and ovoid therapy. I have attached a link. Stay strong, Carm RN.
    February 2013
  • DaveWaz

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    Team WhatNext
    February 2013