

  • Bug
    Hi, azsuper! I just thought I'd check in on you. I haven't seen a post from you in a while. I hope you're doing well.
    November 2019
  • BoiseB
    Thinking about you I hope you are ok
    November 2018
  • Bug
    Hi, azsuper. I haven't seen a post from you for a long time and just thought I'd say Hi. I hope you are okay.
    November 2018
  • banditwalker
    Helloooooooooooooooo! Can you hear us?
    December 2016
  • Bug
    Hi, azsuper. I haven't seen any pinboard posts by you in a while and thought I'd check in and say, "Hi!". I hope you're doing well.
    October 2016
  • BoiseB
    Welcome back Super Missed your pithy remarks.
    July 2016
  • LiveWithCancer
    Great to see your name, azsuper!!! How are you doing???
    July 2016
  • LiveWithCancer
    Hi azsuper. Just dropping by to check in on you. Hope you are doing well.
    April 2016
  • Bug
    Hi, azsuper. I just wanted to say Hello and check in on you. How are you doing these days? I haven't been online a whole lot but I have a little and haven't seen any posts from you on the Pinboard. You always have good ones. I hope you are doing okay.
    January 2016
  • Bug
    Hi, azsuper. I just wanted to say Hello and check in on you. How are you doing these days? I haven't been online a whole lot but I haven't seen any posts from you on the pinboard. You always have good ones. I hope you are doing okay.
    January 2016
  • YazBri
    Checking in my friend, I'm glad to see your interaction & comforting all that walk in (or new to the site), I know I've been one of those drifters that drifts in and out. I'm still here!
    October 2015
  • banditwalker
    Haven't heard from you in a while. Checking in.
    July 2015
  • junebug0121
    Fred, Wishing you and your family and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.. or Happy Hanukkah if that is your holiday. May better health come for you in the New Year.
    December 2014
  • pattiep
    Hi azsuper! Hope your treatment is going well. I don't know anything about colon cancer. Ive been treated for breast cancer. When you mention the mutations, are those from genetic testing? I am going for testing on 7/23 and am very nervous. My surgeon talked me out of it and then my oncologist was appalled!
    July 2014
  • Rosa
    Hi, I have read your comments before and really like the way you end your messages.
    September 2014
  • lawcreate
    Hi Azsuper! I see you are dealing with colon cancer - I am sorry you have to go through this, but hope you are doing fine. I am a Stage IV Cervical Cancer survivor, but have a friend who was recently diagnosed with CC, Stage 3B, too (I think). Anyhow, she's had surgery (a colostomy bag for now) and is starting her third week of external rad. She is also doing oral Xeloda. I told her she should just start to feel the cumulative effects of the rad about now and to watch out for the diarrhea .... A little difficult with the colostomy bag and all. I try to help her with as much as I can. If you have any tips or information to share, I'd very much appreciate it since my treatment was somewhat different. I'll be going to the Dr with her on Thursday after radiation.
    To date, we do not know about the mutations - the Dr was having the additional pathology done and he said it would be discussed after she as done with the radiation. Also, what chemo drugs do they have you on right now? Just curious, as I have been reading what some may be. ( I had weekly Cisplatn with my rad and then Carbo(platin)/Taxol for my big chemo). Thanks, again!
    July 2014
  • patchez0
    Keep fighting azsuper hopefully you'll beat the cancer...
    June 2014
  • Suzyqw1
    Thanks for sharing your experiences, azsuper. I'm completely new to this and can use any and all information that I can get. My 1st appointment with my surgeon is on Monday. Please cross your fingers for me.
    October 2014
  • YazBri
    Wishing you a great Monday Azsuper :)
    August 2014
  • junebug0121
    How you doing today Fred? Been thinking about you. Hope you are feeling a bit better!! Rain coming our way...maybe 3-4 inches!! Hang in there!!
    July 2014
  • mac65
    thanks very much I will
    June 2014
  • cyesuislord1
    July 2014
  • Nel17
    Hi again Azsuper. I forgot to ask before. You mentioned standard procedure after colon surgery and chem wld includ a ct scan each 3 months. Would those ct scans just be of the abdomen and pelvis or would other parts of the body, like the lungs be included?
    August 2014
  • emen
    Take time to smile!! Maybe watch a comedy show or think of the blessings surrounding you. I support you...and will continue to pray! :)
    August 2014
  • LymphActivist
    Hi AZ: Your experiences with IV's and ports sounds terrible. There are little bedside ultrasound machines which image your arm and visualize functional veins, and the phlebologist can actually watch in the image as the needle approaches and pierces the vein. It shouldn;t have taken more than one poke to find a viable vein.
    August 2014
  • karenrae
    Hi azsuper! How are you? Happy Friday :-) This week was my by week; no shots, blood work or chemo, yea! Trying to make the most of it. Can't wait for the day that I'm told that I no longer need chemo and put this all behind me and my family. Stay Strong!!!
    August 2014
  • ivyJ
    Keep that smile on your face, especially during the day when you greet people. Be positive. I try to be almost everyday....but as you know some days it's hard. I am tired of chemo, so much that there are days when I want to give up...but I don't. At night, I think, heck, I'm not doing it anymore, I can't. At sunlight the next day, I say to myself, "get up and get going. You have family that love you. Hang in there. It's not fair to them to give up." I believe giving up is a selfish act where others are concerned. In hospital, when I thought that I had "bought the farm" I wrote this poetic ditty.

    (from a person with cancer and heart effusions)


    Cancer claims
    it will win over heart
    Cancer says
    “Slow heart has no start.”
    Heart says, “I will win in the end.”
    They both kill my body.
    Soul says,
    “I have the last laugh”.

    July 2014
  • aggie0053
    I just read about your neuropathy, I finished chemo 1st of oct mine also has been getting worse taking meds for it, also my knees and legs hurt bad wondered if you had that too
    November 2014
  • NewBeginnng40
    Hi, AZ hope your morning is going well. I've also had hipbone pain and tailbone pain since my surgery six months ago. I didn't have chemo or radiation though. I've read that it could be pelvic floor dysfunction from moving things around during the surgery and my enlarged uterus. Are you taking pain meds?
    November 2014
  • BCZ
    Saw the video you posted. Allison did not discover that drug alone. It was discovered by him and Jedd Wolchok at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital. They worked together took it through trials and then to FDA for approval. MD Anderson wooed Allison away from Soan Kettering after the discovery. They make it sound like it was done at MD Anderson. It is said that immunotherapy doesn't work on colorectal cancer. Sloan Kettering under Dr. Jedd Wolchok's lead has now set out to prove that it also works on colorectal cancer. They are in the process of setting up the parameters for clinical trials now. I am a patient at Sloan Kettering. Keep your fingers crossed that they succeed.
    December 2014