

  • CathyG
    Hi Carol-Charlie,

    A while back I asked to be able to visit with you by phone or email. I don't know if you answered me or not. Perhaps it went to my (I'm getting so bad I can't remember words). You're so inspirational I'm trying again. If you haven't given up on me I would appreciate a response. 952 472 5811

    Thank you, Cathy Gloe
    July 2013
  • Clyde
    Nice to see you post again, I've missed you. Hope all is well.
    July 2013
  • Nonnie917-89591
    I'd dance at the wedding except I'm not going. :-) But you have a great time. I will be in Oregon at my Aunt's memorial service. She passed away in April and she was my favorite Aunt. Like a second mom to my sisters and brother and I. So we are going to celebrate her life and not mourn it. At least that is what I plan on doing. I hope the feeling in your feet comes back soon so you can really kick up your heels at that wedding.
    July 2013
  • DaveWaz
    Hi Carol,

    I hope you are well.

    @Foodfirst just registered on the site and could use someone to talk to. Though she has breast cancer, you both seem to share a strong faith in God.

    June 2013
  • KarenIngalls
    Sometimes we are drawn to a site, then we lose contact, and then are re-drawn to it. That has been my journey.
    I used to live in Waconia and have very dear friends in Victoria. As an ovarian cancer survivor, I wish you the best and I will try to stay in better contact! God bless you.
    May 2013
  • MillieS
    Gives me hope that I can be a survivor too.
    May 2013
  • Outlier
    Carol: I just finished reading your story at the Blog section of WhatNext.

    I'm happy you & your husband and your big family are enjoying the benefits of your survivorship.

    San Diego
    May 2013
  • MillieS
    You give me hope being seven years out with stage IV. I am one year out from diagnosis. Am hoping to get a few more good years in:)
    May 2013
  • CAS1
    Thank you for the honor..This is all so hard for any and all of us. But I go on and I ask and I pray and I hope.

    All the best,

    March 2013
  • CAS1
    And you are a BIG INSPIRATION to everyone
    March 2013
  • Ashok-103701
    Carol's experience is the most inspiring for me whose daughter (42) currently surviving with surgeries and Chemos for the last one year for stage III Ovarian cancer.Yes attitude goes a long way besides treatments.Thank you Carol.God bless you for many many more years.
    March 2013
  • derbygirl
    Thanks Carol. I haven't received the results yet. I have my follow up on the 19th so I have a few more days to sweat out the results. Here in PA our hospital has a way for patients to get their test results by logging on to their website but the doctor has to sign off first before it's posted. I doubt he'll want me to see this online. He said if it's good news he wants to tell me face to face so we can celebrate together. I'll let you know how it goes and thanks for your support.
    February 2013
  • Baileyspal
    Thank you for the warm welcome and cyber hugs! I just completed 6 chemo treatments and will start on maintenence chemo in February. Hope to get my energy back soon and get on with living life.
    January 2013
  • Vjp2012
    Carol-Charlie, Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. It is so helpful to hear about your journey. As a second generation cancer patient, facing chemo is hard. My mother was diagnosed with stage IV ovarian c in 1993. She lost her battle in 2000. So, hearing your success and seeing your beautiful smile is incredibly encouraging. Thank you!
    January 2013
  • carm
    Carol-Charlie, I just wanted to take a moment to tell you that of the many patients on this site, you are my favorite. You are a nurses dream and your words of support and encouragement are so valuable. I am in awe of you and I just wanted you to know that. You are a true Woman of Teal, teal tough with that dignified stance. These women are lucky to have you as counsel and as a beacon of hope.
    January 2013
  • derbygirl
    I love reading your posts because you always have a way of picking people up and helping us look on the bright side of things. Thank you for all the encouraging words. I know I appreciate them.
    January 2013
  • carm
    Carol-Charlie, I am no more an expert than are you, what we have to offer is of equal value. I can speak from the perspective at the foot of the bed, whereas you speak from within that bed. You have a unique view that I could never envision. However, although I am but a vocal cheerleader on the sidelines; you have been the warrior on the field. When the battle is over, it is you that should be hoisted up on shoulders, and it is my shoulders that are there to proudly support you. Never doubt for one second that you are the true hero. I serve at your side humbly, and with much respect.
    January 2013
  • janeti
    I also got severe neuropathy after chemo 10 years ago. I take Alphalinphole
    acid, B-1,D3,Nortriptylin and am adding D6 in anticipation of side effects of Xeloda for stage Iv metastatic breast cancer.
    January 2013
  • SpunkyS
    appreciating the support and encouragement you give to others.
    December 2012
  • moonbeam
    Carol-Charlie, thanks so much for posting a note on my wall! You are a beautiful, strong lady. We are babies from 1943 and 1944.......two very good years. Moonbeam
    November 2012
  • sunshinemb
    I so love your attitude towards life from your journey; we all can learn a lot from you and I thank you for taking the time to post to my wall. Gods Blessings always.
    November 2012
  • SoAlaBird
    Hi Carol,

    Thanks for the welcome. Glad to hear you are doing well. I am very lucky to have my cancer caught so early. My cat "Heart" was my saving grace. She jumped on my abdomen and it hurt. Which prompted me to call my doctor. My oncologist said Heart saved my life. I guess God was watching out for me because Heart is a rescue cat. And now I can say it is a case of "Who rescued Who".
    November 2012
  • Joy535
    Dear Carol-Charlie,

    Thank you so much for your inspiring answer! You're right; I'm not ready to quit. My gallbladder cancer was caught early just by a fluke. I had breast cancer, lumpectomy, chemo and radiation 7 years ago, and been getting chemo marker tests yearly for that. 9 months ago the tumor marker test came up just a little elevated (from a normal 20-22 to 45). We went on a 3 week 50th. anniversary trip to visit family in California; and when we got back home I had another tumor marker test which was a little more elevated from two different labs. A CT scan was done which showed suspicious lesions in gallbladder, lymph nodes, and liver. We were thinking a recurrence of breast cancer, but the liver biopsy showed it was new gallbladder cancer. I had no symptoms, no pain, no jaundice, never had gall stones, nothing to indicate anything was wrong inside!

    Fortunately we have an excellent medical facility here in Kalispell, the only surgical oncologist in the state that does the kind of surgery I might need (who has already done very technical surgery on both my husband and me), and an excellent oncologist who we trust implicitly. Our daughter and only grandchild live two blocks away, and she works at the hospital in the lab.; so we are very well taken care of there. Our surgeon told me that if there was cancer left after they biopsy that lymph node he's concerned about, that even if I had no further treatment I could expect to live well at least another year. After what you've said, I feel that I probably will be able to achieve my goal of being here to see my 5 year old grandson enter college 13 years from now...

    My Mother's favorite hymn was, "In the garden" which has the refrain "and He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own, and the joy we share as we tarry there no other has ever known"... I often go walking around my home enjoying each season, and I will continue to do that with Him...
    November 2012
  • Nanc620
    I had a lumpectomy on Monday and am feeling sore and out of sorts tonight. Then I read your story...thank you so very very much for hope and the love that shines through in your words.
    October 2012
  • GregP_WN
    HI Carol, in case you didn't see it, you are our WhatNexter for Wednesday. Take a look at my status post with your story on it. It should be on your wall.

    Thanks for participating.

    Greg Pierce
    October 2012
  • ladye156
    Loved your answer to the hair question. I have stage 111 ovarian cancer and have been on chemo for 8 months so far. My hair fell out 3 weeks after I started treatment. That is when my nurse said it would. It has started growing back and is pure white. I am a natural blond but at my age I don't expect blond. 2 other ladies in my chemo room have said that their hair had started to grow back also.
    October 2012
  • Jeana1975
    Just a little note to say hello to someone who got me through a lot! You are a most precious individual, and I'm honored to have met you and to have benefited from your wisdom. Because of you, I was able to face my surgery bravely, and am recovering well! Healing is swift (thankfully) and my cancer was caught early (YAY!). It looks like surgery took care of it, but there is the question of some lingering cells hanging out in Ascites in my abdomen. My G.O. isn't extremely worried about it, but wants to meet with me on September 26th to see if Chemo will be necessary. It's my prayer that it won't be. My cancer is Stage 1C :) You're the best!!! *hugs*
    September 2012