

  • Lynne-I-Am
    Glad you are continuing to do well Carol. Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones. Looking forward to a better New Year.
    December 2020
  • Saw4750
    Would you recommend the surgery? My surgeon says not sure worthwhile as cannot get it all and will only add few months. Says my current health means recovery time longer? So confused on whether to have them remove tumors or not. T
    May 2019
  • Kylerem
    Hi Carol. You had asked about my results... I met with my doctor today and my CT scan was clear. CA 125 is 20. Officially in remission
    April 2019
  • GregP_WN
    Carol, thank you for welcoming new members to the site. Your experience as a survivor is a valuable thing to those who are newly diagnosed. I know that people appreciate your input. It makes them feel like they are not alone. We hope you're continuing to do well.
    December 2018
  • Krassy
    Thank you Carol, you are inspiration to us! God bless you
    July 2018
  • katiefnp
    Dear Miss Carol: Thank you for sharing your story. It gave me lots of tears in my eyes and I actually had to put my phone down for a moment and close my eyes to really absorb what I had just read.
    God is good. He is holding my hand, too. You are a beautiful woman, inside and out. Peace be with you. God bless you. Katie
    March 2017
  • susiejo1948
    carol you,ve been through alot your a very strong woman. just know that i care and i,ll be here for you. believe me when i say you have a guardian angel beside you shes been there with you through all of it and she,ll continue to be by your side. i,m here if you need me. love susiejo
    July 2018
  • Candycls
    You sure are an inspiration. My sister is in stageC111 primary peritoneum cancer, She had surgery One year ago' she is having such an awful time. Her surgery was 13 hours and she refused a clinical trial and has 13 weeks of carboplatin and taxoil. She goes Sept 25 for the results of her C125. If it is normal does that mean she is cancer free? She has an ostomy bag and a huge huge hernia, she wants it reversed yet it just seems so dangerous. She cannot accept any of this and I am trying so hard to keep her hopeful and positive, It is great to hear your story. But she has never read her pathology report and refuses to engage in any support groups. What would be the best thing I could do for her?
    September 2012
  • BoiseB
    I see that you have two feline friends. And they have made themselves part of your cancer team. I used to have two kitties. sadly one didn't survive the trauma of my apartment flooding. I now have only one but she is a great therapist. Hey where can you get a full body massage at 2 am.? Have you read "The Healing Power of Pets" by Marty Becker".
    Best Wishes
    October 2016
  • joewaljee
    Hi I'm a doctor treating all kinds of sickness if you need my help you can contact me on Facebook,my email is here if you need my help
    November 2016
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hey! It's been awhile since I've seen your smiling face on here. Hope all is still good in your world!
    February 2015
  • innadoon
    I wanted to thank you for your message with regard to my post. It is heartening to hear that people survive this cancer - so many of my family friends that have had it have passed that it is hard not to think of it as a death sentence. Your journey is very encouraging. What frustrates me in my fight is a concurrent diagnosis of mental illness that I battle daily. Lately the cancer fight has made my "other" fight almost impossible. I have had more than two years of constant cancer battles with no ground gained (actually ground lost) and a multitude of similarly constant appointments and tests. I guess my mental health has gone on the back burner for too long. I am causing some stir in my family by asking for a respite, and I worry some about it, but something has to give at this point. My doctor has said that he will be watching me closely, and I have been warned about symptoms. I'm carefully following medical advice, but I will take what you have said to heart as well, for I value survivors' knowledge and opinions very highly. Congratulations on 8 years - that is fantastic. - innadoon
    October 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Carol, sorry to hear about the passing of EmmyD, as you know it's a hard thing to do to lose someone close. Thanks for the update and it's good to see you hear.
    December 2014
  • AmyJo
    I saw a comment you posted the other day and I wanted to stop by your wall and tell you something. First, God bless you!! A 39 pound tumor is nothing to laugh about, good Lord!
    Back 47 years ago, my mother thought she was pregnant. Back then they didn't run to the doctor right away. Her periods stopped. Her abdomen was growing and she was wearing maternity clothes. They started setting the nursery up (I got moved in with my sisters) and Dad was getting out the old crib to fix up. When she figured she was about 7 months along, she went to town to see the doctor. In a whirlwind he sent her to emergency surgery!!! She had a 10 pound cancerous tumor on her ovary!! They did a complete hysterectomy and she had cobalt treatments. Chemo wasn't even out yet. I can't even imagine what she went through as a woman thinking she was going to have a baby and it turned out to be cancer. She is an amazing woman and I like to say I get my strength from her. She is 82 years old and still going strong!!! She still works 3 days a week as a nurse and runs circles around those young girls. She inspires me every day!
    I just wanted to share her story with you and wish you all the best!!!
    September 2014
  • summeresque
    Hi Carole-Charlie! What a remarkable story and what an amazing woman you are. Thank you for sharing. Do you mean that the port (abdominal and attached to your rib) was a means to do both IP and IV therapy? I am in San Francisco trying to get the best care possible.
    Take care, Summer
    July 2014
  • helenrosen
    Just watched your video. It helped me better understand that there is a path forward. This is new and scary and you helped me so thank you.
    June 2014
  • Diansky
    Hello, Carol Charlie. Just read your experiences. The way you break down a very difficult experience is so encouraging. I am thrilled about your outcome and hope to see the same for others.
    June 2014
  • LMMitchell
    Can I just tell you that I love you? You give the best advice and when I read your posts I know that they are coming from God. You ALWAYS give Him credit and I know that He is pleased with you. I would have never gotten through chemo without constant prayer, especially on the days I felt the worst. I realized early on that each step of the way and with every person I meet, he is building my testimony. I finished chemo in October for stage IIIc and am cancer free, thank you God! I told my doctor that I plan on never needing chemo again and living until I am at least 90, just so we are all in agreement, lol. I am 44 now so I have lots of LIVING to do. You too are healed and are a blessing to everyone who has contact with you! Thank you for being who you are. God bless!
    February 2014
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Carol-Charlie, just watched your video, well done and really inspiring. When you were on chemo for a year longer, was it just through the veins or through both the veins and abdominal port? Finish my last of three rounds on the 19th, then my dr. said I would be returning every three months for pelvic exams.
    February 2014
  • Tirivip32
    Thank you so much for your post! I'm a month out of treatment, diagnosed with stage l ovarian. Even though the cancer hadn't spread, I still opted for 6 rounds of chemo, God put me in the hands of one of the best Gyn/Onc in the world!! Aggressive treatment as they say... But I thank God sooo much !!
    December 2013
  • Rosegarden
    Hi Carol,
    Wondering what drugs they gave you & also if you follow a special diet ?
    January 2014
  • CathyG

    I'm so scared! Two nights ago I had sharp pains in my left abdomen that lasted off and on all night and started subsiding the next day but never went all away. My husband called the U. The doc's assistant called me later and asked many questions. I requested my ct scan be moved up from latter November.
    October 2013
  • CathyG
    Oops, sorry....hit the wrong key! I should hear Monday when it will be. Today was also very uncomfortable. I haven't read of anyone having this symptom with their abdomen, have you? Anyone? It doesn't help that I spent 5 hours in the hospital while my husband had his pacemaker replaced on Friday. I would be grateful for your input. Cathy G
    October 2013
  • msmonkii
    I just read your story on the blog here and WOW! You are such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing! Wishing you the best.
    October 2013
  • Love
    What you say and what you've been through is inspiring. I need all of the inspiration and positive thoughts I can get at this point!
    August 2013
  • 4ellieluv2
    I am so relieved to read your story because I was recently diagnosed with stage iv ...had surgery, and am finishing active treatment fantastic to know of your 8 year survival...I now know that my life can be much longer than the several months Impression I was given...I now have hope !!
    October 2013
  • stubby
    Jesus loves us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    September 2013
  • Cellkiller
    Is there a wy we can speak off site?
    September 2013
  • Cellkiller
    Ok how do I underscore with an ipad
    September 2013
  • Cellkiller
    I spoke to GregP this morning I'm surprised our paths haven't crossed, or you haven't commented on my site. GregP tells me you are blessed to love our Lord Jesus as I do. I have dedicated my life to make people with cancer feel good or realize some comfort in the midst of all the rocks falling on them. Perhaps we could compare notes via the site or email. Let me know
    Blessings CELLKILLER
    September 2013