

  • Lynne-I-Am
    Congratulations derbygirl, thanks for letting us know. Wishing you continued continued better days ahead.
    March 2019
  • Lynne-I-Am
    I too am upset by this latest news and understand your need to get away . Crying is a release, a cathartic cleansing, not a show of weakness. When you feel up to it , I recommend you try an excercise tthat helped me. Write down everything you have been through these past years, as you write, you start reliving those experiences and for me , at least , the tears flowed. I was in a class with several other survivors and we all reached for the Kleenex. I am sending you tons of support to help get through this tough time and wishing you a successful surgery ahead.
    July 2018
  • geekling
    Hi, I tried to make light of your very serious situation and the censor ruined the humor. I want you to know that I had a different type of cancer than you (anal cancer, like Farrah Fawcett except I survived handily and she did not). I blame my continued existence on a different sort of diet ... all fresh & all uncooked.

    Please get a second opinion (independent of your current doctor. It isnt that he is not competent but it is that this type of tumor is so very rare ... still, it can be dealt with. the Mayo isnt all that far from you, is it? Or a different teaching hospital with stellar credentials.

    December 2015
  • LiveWithCancer
    I am sooooo happy to read that your precious niece survived that horrible car accident! What wonderful news!
    February 2015
  • tampa83
    You give me inspiration. Prayers for continued cancer free tests.
    June 2015
  • Judt1940
    Well you have certainly been tested and proven strong. Keep with the attitude.
    April 2014
  • erikalong
    thanks so much
    October 2013
  • MaryEdythe
    Thank you for thinking of me. May God continue to be with you in your fight.
    September 2013
  • GraceC
    Hi Derbygirl,
    Thank you for your response. It is always encouraging to hear survivors stories. My Dr. Has given me the same advise as yours. He is wonderful, and one of the best in my area. It has been six months since he gave me the news that there was no evidence of cancer....a day to celebrate! I was diagnosed last July, almost in the same way you were. I had surgery due a cyst on one of overies that was growing at a fast rate. All tests indicated it was a cyst not a tumor, so the plan was to go in and remove my ovary, my surgeon saw a suspicious tiny spot, took it and had it biopsied along with the ovary. Next day, I got the news....cancer!!! Still hard to believe. I was 52 at the time, exercised regularly, ate healthy rarely even caught colds! Met my oncologist the next day, scheduled chemo in two weeks(time to recouperate from surgery...haha) Six rounds of chemo, another surgery (just to make sure nothing was left) all in a six month period, worked full time during chemo.....not sure how I did it, but so thankful that part of this journey is over! Just waiting to feel 100% again! Maybe 85% there! Did you ever feel you got back to that 100%? Thanks for reaching out!!!
    June 2013
  • mkile1971
    I am having my first chemo (taxol) treatment on june 4th. Iam nervous...of course....I just want to know if this treatment will hurt.... will I be in any pain? I know side effects differ....
    June 2013
  • myselfpradipta
    Hi, Happy to know that you are celebrating your life. Do you have any idea for recurrence cases what should be the best way for treatment. Like surgery followed by chemo or vice versa.
    June 2013
  • Carol-Charlie
    My Charlie and Spunky have gone ahead to wait for me beside Rainbow Bridge since they saw me through the weeks after surgery.... Now my two new ones... Stevie and Sammy are helping Tom make me feel the love.
    March 2013
  • SpunkyS
    So happy you celebrated. And be sure to keep the lunch date! I will have to suggest that to my onc. tee hee.
    March 2013
  • NanaL
    Congrats! Here's to continued good health and many years of happiness and remaining cancer free!!
    March 2013
  • SpunkyS
    Congratulations on reaching such a grand milestone. May you continue to be blessed. How are you going to celebrate?
    March 2013
  • SouthernMom
    Congratulations on such a momentous occasion! I wish another five years!
    March 2013
  • Brielle
    Congratulations! You give those of us in treatment, hope for this news too someday!
    March 2013
  • SueRae1
    Wising you a happy 5th cancer free anniversary.
    March 2013
  • KATHYKA1302
    February 2013
  • Lisaflygirlbz
    Thank you for reaching out to me! It has been a crazy 12 days so far! How is the adjuvant therapy going for you?
    January 2013
  • Tracy
    I can understand your worry about being in a place that has few oncologists. I live in a small city in Alaska that is not set up to handle complex cases. This is one reason I really stress the importance of listening to your body. Last spring I had to get on a plane and fly south to Seattle to find someone who could correctly diagnose an issue that I was going through. You have a doctor / friend who you know will listen to you, that can be hard to find. Take care, Tracy
    January 2013
  • KimG
    January 2013