

  • Sidney12
    MillieS, thx for the tip. I'll get some & keep it handy. Dr said that baking soda & water also helps. Thx for taking the time to help. Hugs to you too.
    August 2013
  • jeannewinter
    I"m also in Stage 4 IBC. Just HER2+. Had a bilateral mastectomy in October of 2012 and did not opt for reconstruction. I always hated wearing bras and now I don't have to! At this point in my life (I'm a very young 59 though), I am finally secure enough in myself to not care how others see me. Isn't that great?!

    I just wanted to offer encouragement to Millie and anyone else that happens by and needs it. We all do at some point. I'm also going through a very nasty divorce. That's probably affected me a lot more than this cancer has. But that's a story for another day, lol.

    Take care of yourself everyone.
    Love to all,
    Jeanne (and her little French Bulldog "Bubs")
    July 2013
  • Missvampyr
    Hi Millie,

    Thank you so much for the encouraging words that you gave to me, they really do help more than you would ever know. I am just trying to go minute by minute right now but its still hard. Like you said everything is about body image so that is making it so much harder for me. My dad always told me that GOD has a reason and purpose for all of us and to remember that he is always with me. I am glad that I found this group but sorry that any of us even need to be on it. You seem like such a brave, encouraging lady and I thank you for your kind words. I look forward to following your journey and see how your doing. Have a great day today and again thank you for your kind words of encouragement.
    June 2013
  • Topazcat
    Hope all is going well with you. I have been reading your comments and love your sense of humor. I have Inflammatory Lobular Cancer. It was IIIB but was told recently that it is stage 4 because they found multiple lesions in my spine on last MRI. Keep up the laughter, it is so good for us!
    June 2013
  • carter4
    just thought you would want another stage 4 friend - love and support to you
    June 2013
  • MarnieC
    Hi MillieS - thanks for answering the question I posted about stage IV cancer. Would you be willing to share with me what you are doing to help yourself heal?
    April 2013
  • Gabba
    You are so right about fearing and controlling the beast within, however, we cannot control some of the beasts "without" either...let's agree to try to control only what we can and leave the rest to God and others...we all need spring to settle in, daylight to linger even longer and warmer days to warm our are in my thoughts, friend. Take care.
    April 2013
  • Gabba
    I loved your comment on remaining positive. I also feel that cancer was a gift in my life, really gets your priorities in order...I found friends I did not know I had and had "good friends" shy away...every day is a gift not to be wasted. Hope you are doing well. God bless!
    April 2013