

  • Garfield

    Thank you for the words of encouragement. It is good to know that I am not the only one who is depressed with cancer. I suffered depression way before I was diagnosed with cancer. I see my family doc this month I will speak with him about my heightened depression. I believe a lot of this is stemming from my Dad's passing on 6/6/12. It brought out a lot of my emotions and fears. On the upside I am glad I got myself tested the following month. My Dad's passing saved my life.

    I wish you the best in your cancer journey. I will be keeping in touch with you.
    June 2013
  • meyati
    Hey Clyde-if you get a chance, look at my pics on the Pinboard. I spent a week @ Okinawa with my brother. Trip was scheduled between Blizzards here-didn't want to get stuck in Denver, sandstorms right here, monsoons and typhoons, my bi-annual scans, body checks, etc. Then I was scared that I'd get sick on him. I was on a lost plane-7 hours late-missed connections-phone numbers to call here and my brother changed once I was in Japan-Email cut off because I didn't take a laptop and in different county-stupid clerk that told about 200 people to stand in the rain without hotel-bus-food vouchers, and no flight connections, but I got there and had a wonderful time.
    May 2015
  • blueeyed
    Clyde thank you for your input. It helps.
    March 2015
  • meyati
    I hear you about the kids. My son and the grandsons are OK. I had to throw my daughter out. i had help on that one.
    February 2015
  • geekling
    Hi Clyde;

    Someone or something has you thinking a bit muddily.

    You are a machine which takes in oxygen and requires organic matter in order to fuel itself. In this case we use the word "organic" to mean biological living matter. The better the quality of what goes in to your gullet the better balance, at least in part, is maintained and the better your immune system is enabled to strengthen so it can rout the cancer.

    There are lots of theories. Mine is that the better you fuel yourself, the stronger your immune system becomes. Your immune system is your natural disease and parasite defense.

    If you sprinkle sugar upon sugar and call it a new condiment as you dine, the cancer thrives as your immune system falters. Cancer likes fructose which your body doesn't handle so well by itself. Sweet syrups and chemicals and prepackaged foods are laden with sugars sometimes not even found in fresh produce or in the animals on the hoof. Mom Nature likes balance and doesn't put out a poison without including a remedy. Cancer won't get enough out of a freshly made fruit salad to thrive but it will conquer all if, for example, it is tossed Mrs. Creep's Imitation Blueberry Syrup which is made up, almost entirely, of corn syrup and maltodexterin poured over frozen waffles which, in itself, is also rife with sugar & chemicals..

    IMHO, give yourself a chance and eat fresh.

    Best wishes for the new year, Clyde.
    December 2014
  • angeldancer
    Clyde what do you mean that a healthy diet cancer cells like? Very strange phenomenon. What ideas have you come up with?
    December 2014
  • meyati
    My type of answer.I'm going to be laughing a long-time. Things like that just don't come out of the mind- THEY HAPPEN>
    I guess that for mine, I should have added that my father was a nudist. He bought pajamas to wear in Iowa, because the house was so crowded. he came in and checked on us, about a dozen kids were sleeping in the parlour. He leaned over my brother, and my bro-almost 3 began screaming, Green bug, giant green bug, Help!!!
    all of the other kids woke up screaming and the adults came a running. Grandpa had his shotgun. That's mostly what I remember-not the food-just screaming and screaming.

    Thank you for the type A parade. Most of the horses here are parade worthy because of the hunters and survivalists.
    November 2014
  • Joanie
    Clyde, thank you for taking the time to write me. I hope you have a great finish to your day. (It's 5:45PM in MI.) God Bless.
    November 2014
  • CAS1
    Hi Rodger,

    Where have you been? Have not noticed many of your posts.

    I am returning to work next week. A little scared about it but looking forward to it. Feel very fortunate to have found a position.

    Hope you are well


    August 2014
  • KLC
    Thanks Clyde. Good advice. I'm researching like crazy as there are many grey areas. Aside from the BC overall health is excellent. Last cold was 4 years ago. I've been blessed (up to now). . .will reclaim health though ! Wish you all the best on your journey too (wonder who thought up that word for this). Happy New Year to you : )
    January 2014
  • BoiseB
    Sorry to hear that the Holidays were lousy. I can't agree with you more that 13 has been one lousy year. I am going celebrate stamping "CLOSED" to 2013 at sundown December 31. I am going to make myself a cup of hot Chocolate then join The Nanny Cat. in bed and we will sleep until 2014. Sending you wished for a Happy rest of the Holiday Season and Great 2014
    December 2013
  • geekling
    I wondered if you might like this:

    Happy holidays and such :)
    December 2013
  • alscut12
    I respond to people by saying I'm fine even though I have problems. I want to talk to them about up beat subjects.
    I don't want people to treat me any differently then they did before I had the cancer. I found that if friends think you are very sick you are not invited to different social events. I want to be treated like I never had the cancer.
    October 2013
  • CAS1
    Thanks Boo.

    Hope you are well and continue to be so.
    November 2013
  • geekling
    Hi ho; you might want to contact "meyati" who went thru melanoma too. She is a horsewoman in New Mexico.

    Nicki0920 found herself a plane ride (donated-no charge) to the Mayo Clinic when she couldn't get a straight answer from her oncologist.

    It must be especially difficult for a no nonsense, independent fella like you. If you get lymph swelling there are a couple of treatments to which your doc cannot object no matter that he poo poo them.

    Best healthy wishes.
    November 2013
  • Gabba
    Hello Clyde, hope this finds you well...a few weeks ago you were contacted by a Craig Thomas who had a friend who was conducting a paid telephone interview...some of us were wondering if anything ever came of that...the fellow never got back to Greg regarding the nature of the study...if you have a minute would you let me know how it turned out for you? Thanks so much, Grace
    October 2013
  • CAS1
    clyde you are such a compasionate intelligent man. I have a cyber crush on you. I hope that's o.k.
    your responce to melanomas mom's situation was excellant. I understand you and her completely. Thanks for taking the time to respond as you did..I just think you are great.
    August 2013
  • sue57
    Thanks Clyde for the info, thinking positive thoughts for us all. Still trying to get my head around the big C word and the more I learn the better.
    August 2013
  • bassmaster
    Who said anything about a problem?
    July 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    Bible Belt Hades? LOL. That would be a nightmare for me! I once met a woman in TX who swore she would lose weight, but "God doesn't want me to, right now." !!! (Did God "want her" to eat that maple bar?)
    June 2013
  • CAS1
    Jedd Wolchok or Paul Chapman at Memorial
    These two guys were given by another expert at University of Chicago molecular medicine department.
    May 2013
  • SueRae1
    I understand why you didn't want to tell any one about your diagnosis. People can be so clueless and unintentionally hurtful. On the other hand 90% of the people I have told (and I have been very open about my cancers, treatment, issues, etc) have been supportive. I guess each of us needs to do what feels right, but Encourage you to have some confidants that their support will be pricelsess
    April 2013
  • CAS1
    Hi Clyde, Go right to the top.. You did say MSK? You know you really need to get mutation tested. But now I see MO? I am sorry if I made a mistake..Please confirm and I will ask him again

    Allan C. Halpern, MD, MSc
    Chief, Dermatology Service
    Memorial Sloan–Kettering
    Cancer Center
    New York, New York
    May 2013
  • ladij28
    thanks for taking the time to answer
    May 2013
  • AlizaMLS
    Dear Clyde,

    Just wanted to say that I read your answers to many patients and find myself agreeing completely with your advice! You have great good judgment in my opinion. I think meditation is an excellent tool and so is therapy!

    March 2013
  • AlizaMLS
    Hi Clyde, I posted a message for you on the discussion on the discussion that Mikeysgirl had re romantic interests. I agree with you. Best, AlizaMLS
    March 2013