

  • geekling
    Hello AmyJo, thru an accidental click I just discovered your page. Since I read you were in hospice I dont know that I will get to meet you but we arevor were neighbors. Fare thee well where ever you travel.
    April 2017
  • Muffin55
    Hi AmyJo,..
    I am new here,and I read what you have posted. I love your positive nature. I am glad that i am here,and I hope to be enlightened while traveling through this forum.
    January 2017
  • WISmom
    Hi AmyJo, I have been thinking of you and praying for you. Hoping we will hear from you soon and that you are doing okay!
    November 2014
  • Lisamarie65
    I came here to see how Amy Joe was doing im so sad to see she passed away.My condolences to the family she will be sadly missed by all of us on the network. ..prayers to her family RIP Amy joe your a special angel now watching over all of us cancer warriors
    March 2015
  • ritafaystageIV
    AmyJo passed away peacefully on January 17. The family thanks those that shared their support with her. Their prayers are with all fighters, families, and care givers.
    January 2015
  • Carool
    I, too, am so sorry that AmyJo passed away. She meant a lot to us here, who "knew" her only from her warm, supportive and optimistic online presence. We will miss her. My condolence to her beloved husband and children.
    February 2015
  • timetoshare
    I am sorry to the family and friends of AmyJo. You had so many followers on the site; thank you for helping. I loved the photos of family and pets. May you be at rest.
    February 2015
  • GregP_WN
    You will be missed AmyJo, thanks for being with us and inspiring so many people.
    January 2015
  • Christiana3
    Thank you Amyjo for letting me get to know what an angel you were here on earth and I am sure you are one where you have gone. Thank you for being a part of our lives. I will miss you.
    January 2015
  • Cole
    I hope you have found peace Amy Jo and know that you passed on a lot of love on your way through this world.
    January 2015
  • OceanLover
    So sorry to hear that AmyJo has passed away, she was an inspiration to me.
    January 2015
  • YazBri
    AmyJo my heart aches for you, saying this while I read one of your answers on a post. I include you out of many (I try my hardest to include all of the world) but you are definitely in my prayers. Like CindyLou stated, you are a fighter, be strong and I will be w/all of us on here praying to the man above for you (And Cindy). You both are an inspiration and do not give up while you still have breath!! GOD BLESS.
    December 2014
  • YazBri
    Hi AmyJo, hugs & prays sweetie- your on my mind
    January 2015
  • cindylou92
    Hi AmyJo. I just wanted to drop you a note to tell you how sorry I am that you are where you are in your recovery. And I say that because you are a FIGHTER! It ain't over til the Big Guy upstairs says he needs you as an Angel. And that is exactly what you will be! I am in the same situation as you are.....40, diagnosed with colon cancer, stage IV at age 37, with mets to liver. had everything removed from colon & liver and now it popped up last year in my lungs. Still very small, but surgery is not an option. Continuing on chemo....actually was supposed to have a "break" over the holidays, but Doc decided not a good idea, but may revisit that option in the Spring. We are going to the Packer game in Tampa right before Christmas and I am hoping the chemo I get before we leave doesn't make me too tired or sick. We really are looking forward to soaking up some of your Florida Sunshine!!! not much warmth up here in Wisconsin right now.

    But thank you for all your kind words to others. You continue to be a tremendous help to anyone and everyone that asks questions. And you are a HUGE inspiration to all of us!

    Take Care,
    December 2014
  • Lirasgirl33
    Hi AmyJo, just wanted to stop by to say hello. Hoping you're surrounded by the love of your family and friends. Please know you're in my thoughts and I'm sending you big hugs. I pray for all of us every day. XOXO
    December 2014
  • Cole
    Big hugs for you AmyJo!
    January 2015
  • kkcomm
    Thinking of you today AmyJo.
    January 2015
  • amontoya
    Thinking of you.
    January 2015
  • LiveWithCancer
    Just dropping by to say hi and to tell you that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
    January 2015
  • Lirasgirl33
    January 2015
  • scasey
    AmyJo , i have to tell you you've been in my heart on on my mind for some time now and I have to tell you " I WANT YOU TO LIVE" Please stay strong and dont give up !!
    January 2015
  • meyati
    Hi Darling, how are you doing? I hope that your family is ready for Christmas- Hanukkah or whatever. Wouldn't it be neat if we could send cards on this site? But everything is public, if I forgot to send one to somebody, or somebody thought that maybe they should get one from me, their feelings could be hurt. None of us are feeling good. All of us are on medication. i know that sometimes, many times, I don't take things right.

    I had a scare- an old lady thing was growing on the back of my leg. I couldn't really see it. It just hurt and itched. I waited for a month to see if it would go away. I tried all sorts of things on it. Then I got into my dermatologist Thurs. He told me it was old lady thing and took it off. So now, I'm not so stressed. I think that's one of the best Christmas present in there. My leg feels a lot better.

    I wish you and your family well for the holidays.
    December 2014
  • glam
    Dearest friend.... I send lots of prayers and good wishes for you in 2015!!!! please let me know hoe you are feeling....hope you get a little better and please count on me if I can be anyhow helpful!!!! take care and remember always you were and are a wonderful inspiration for me.....God bless you and your family with a miracle 2015!!!!
    January 2015
  • scasey
    God Bless you Amyjo and may the Lord wrap his healing arms around you and keep you strong and safe.
    January 2015
  • LiveWithCancer
    Thinking of you, AmyJo! I hope your Christmas was as beautiful as you are.
    December 2014
  • Cole
    Merry Christmas AmyJo!
    December 2014
  • YazBri
    Thinking of you, sending love & more prayers your way.
    December 2014
  • Cole
    Stopping in to send you a hug today. I hope your family is smothering you in love!
    December 2014
  • meyati
    Amy Jo, Amy Jo, we love you so
    Flying high, free like a dove
    Carrying your warm love

    Oh, Amy Jo, we love you so
    December 2014
  • meyati
    Hi Darling, I'm sad this is happening to you. Last night I was on a phone survey. I was asked several times what bothers me the most. "People telling me what to do." I saw an earlier post by wild bill. I didn't understand it at all or even very much of it. It's like me being in an inner room in a huge building, and I've been told- "Why aren't you wearing your hat? You have skin cancer."

    Your 'Good-bye" brings tears to my eyes. I can only imagine how hard it must have been to say it. We haven't talked much, but I feel a loss already from reading your post and looking at your picture. I wish you peace and love---Bless you
    December 2014