

  • BoiseB
    Have been thinking about you. I hope the new year is treating you well. Sending prayers your way
    January 2014
  • avonlea02
    I read a few of your posts on others walls, and felt inclined to write to you. I have had three run ins with cancer in 18 months ; two primaries (ovarian and thyroid... complictions with both) ...remission, and now back in chemo for repeat performance of ovarian.

    I cannot imagine going through all this without prayer... without God! I know the prayers offered up for me, as well as my own, keep me alive. God's will be done, but He seems to have a purpose for me, getting me through this. He has blessed me through cancer. I am more joyful and hopeful than I have ever been! When I told my chemo nurse that, she said, "Oh, I hear that all the time!" How cool is that?!

    So, I ask you to keep me in prayer, as I will you. I hope to have found a friend in you, and you in me! Sorry to hear some object to your prayers...I encourage you, of course.

    I had chemo 5 yesterday...feel pretty awful now. But it will pass. Three more carbo tx, then indefinite Avastin. But cancer cells are DYING and I am LIVING...so it's all good! Praise God!

    God bless you!

    October 2013
  • andy-128301
    Hey - are you okay? I don't get the email stuff - I'm not really computer savvy! Hope you are doing well. God be with you always.
    September 2013
  • skimpy10
    I didn't thank you for following me, and I hope you have been doing alright.
    October 2013
  • andy-128301
    what's up? Where have you been?
    October 2013
  • survivor2012
    Cellkiller, Thank you for the beautiful prayer you sent me. I appreciate it!
    September 2013
  • CAS1
    Thank you for the beautiful prayers you post. I love them. If I tell you Jesus came to me when I was going through treatment and he pointed at me in my dream. it either means I am going to be cured or I am headed to see him soon. Either way i am good.
    I could not have gotten through my treatment with such good responce without him. Its important that I acknowledge this.

    All the best,
    September 2013
  • ladyhawk
    I'm kinda weary about posting my direct email, sorry!
    September 2013
  • stubby
    Jesus loves us !!!!!!!!!!!
    August 2013
  • stubby
    you are one of the best people their ever was !!!! I wish I have known you all my life !! love Jesus my brother.
    September 2013
  • stubby
    before I was DX ! I was waking up every night at 2:22 am. for months! then one night I was looking up at the stars , and I felt a presence behind me! the presence gave me a short song, like rap type music. I don't even like rap music. It said, although I was walking through the valley of death I will fear no evil, I will do my best!! thou are with me . it was my angel or maybe Jesus himself!!!!!!!!!! and I got complete remission! thank the lord soooo much. and when I'm called home I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever !!!!!! Jesus loves us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    September 2013
  • stubby
    what next says I can't say Jesus loves us!!! really ??????????????
    September 2013
  • andy-128301
    Hi Cellkiller - I wish you all the best on your journey. My husband was diagnosed 27 mos. ago and it has been a journey. He had chemo, radiation and Xeloda (a couple of times.) He continues the battle and just keeps going. God Bless you and yours.
    July 2013
  • iveysmemaw
    Thank you for posting to me today.... I feel this way we can share experiences and through that we get stronger as we realize we are not alone.
    July 2013
  • iveysmemaw
    Hey Cellkiller was wondering how Monday went for you ? You are in my prayers and keeping you in my thoughts.
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Thank you so much
    July 2013
  • Paw
    Hi Cellkiller. Love your positive attitude and your in Illinois. I'm in Chicago. Welcome to the family. Continue 2 b blessed.
    August 2013
  • lilymadeline
    Hi Cellkiller!
    Go kill those cells! You asked about Xeloda and I've been on Xeloda off and on for 3 years, the worse SE I have had is fatigue, really serious fatigue.
    some people have problems with their nails and neuropathy and I guess I do have some neuropathy from Xeloda, but it isn't that bad now. sun sensitivity, some nausea are other SE, and of course immune system problems, but generally it is much easier to take than other chemo drugs.
    Good luck to you and god bless!
    August 2013
  • maralyn
    Welcome to this "wonderful" site!!! I pray you find it as helpful and supportive as i have+++ There is so much wisdom and insights and experiences to learn from!!! My prayers to you***
    August 2013
  • rdy2trvl
    I am finishing my two year maintenance of Retuxin after Chop treatment. Gods grace and mercy has brought me through and when times were rough He was there to carry me. I pray that each day The Lord blesses you with strength and healing through this journey with Him at your side. Blessing in abundance to you
    August 2013
  • avonlea02
    Thank you for your kind and inspiring prayer! God has been so good to me, and prayer is huge! I never thought to pray as one who lives alone. Hugs to you, and prayers for you to be healthy as well. God bless!
    August 2013
  • andy-128301
    Hey - are you hanging in? Haven't heard from you in awhile and I get a little nervous. Take good care and God Bless.
    August 2013
  • Gabba
    Great job researching financial help sites...I am impressed!
    August 2013
  • BruceG
    That prayer was awesome. Thank you for sharing and praise the Lord.
    August 2013
  • andy-128301
    How are you? I pray for you daily and praise God for all.
    September 2013
  • Carol-Charlie
    I'm glad to find you! I know our Lord took my hand when I let him know how scared I was - I was on the exam table, they were still looking... and I knew I had Stage IV Ovarian Cancer... I'd had the symptoms for years and previous doctors had.. missed the connection and blamed my bad back and gall bladder... He swept down, grabbed my hand and my fear disappeared.... I asked him to lead me where He wanted me to be. (Thinking it would be to bring me home to Him)... He led me here... Cancer free almost eight years later... Cancer Free. I want to scream His praises from the roof tops... but have been asked by Greg to restrain. I think I missed you due to getting posts from Ovarian Cancer patients primarily. I'm glad I tripped over your perfect prayer. I know when my grandson was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy at 5, I was so totally blind sided, my only prayer was... Oh God.. Oh God.. over and over for almost an hour..... He filled in the thoughts and fears, eased the pain in my heart... and today 16 years later, we still have Brock... in a wheel chair... But maybe today... a cure will be found... Praise God.
    September 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    Another politically incorrect posting, as not all of us are Christians or believers. Please post this stuff on your own wall, not on pinboard.
    September 2013
  • iveysmemaw
    how are you doing today?
    September 2013
  • iveysmemaw
    Thank you for your prayers.... I love that we can come together on here and I know you,,, several others have kept me going even more so now.
    September 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    Not applicable to us non-believers, however.
    September 2013