Oh No | Cancer is back/Recurred
Member Posts: 5
After 13 years, tumor at site of initial diagnosis. However, stage 1 and grade 2 (first was grade 3), but this time Pr-negative (ER pos, HER2 neg)
I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this again. However, as you know, it seems it was caught early. I wish you everything good, and please let us know how you are doing.0
AnnBan, I am also sorry to hear of this. But, It does sound like they found it early and maybe your options will not be drastic. I know we are all pulling for you, please come back and give us updates every once in awhile?0
Oh my goodness. It's never pleasant to have to deal with cancer again. I hope you have the opportunity to get minimally invasive treatment. We will all be thinking about you.
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Oh, gosh, I’m so sorry to hear this. Very best wishes to you, AnnBan. Please let us know how you’re doing. Hang in there.0
I sure hate to hear this, especially after so many years. I hope that things go well for you. Take care.0
Thanks so much, everyone. I've finished chemo, had a Zometa (bone-hardening) infusion, and am back on aromatase inhibitors. So far I've tolerated it all with minimal side effects. Knowing what to expect, not having to go into work, and getting plenty of exercise made this round easier, I think. And in a weird way, the pandemic was "practice" for a few more months of lying low.0
AnnBan this is good to hear. Thanks for the update. Take care.0
I'm late to this conversation but how are you doing? I see the 1st round of chemo was easier on you than the first time and you have had implant(s) done.0
AnnBan, good to know! I like your screen name/handle, btw.0
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