Mutant genes CHEK2 and ATM

theresarae Member Posts: 1
edited 2022 08 in Breast Cancer
I have had two bouts with breast cancer. Because of the mutant genes, I started with preventative testing. After the first Ct scan they found a tumor on my left kidney. It was malignant. The gene testing saved my life. Has anyone had experiences with gene testing ? Did you get one or more of the cancers the genes represent?


  • Carool
    Carool Member Posts: 787
    edited 2022 26
    I was tested for the BRCA mutations and found I don’t have either.

    I hope others here can give you better info.
  • beachbum5817
    beachbum5817 Member Posts: 238
    edited 2022 26
    I have not had any genetic testing. My insurance would not cover it. I am so glad that it has helped you.
  • MarcieB
    MarcieB Member Posts: 528
    edited 2022 26
    No one has ever even talked to me about gene testing? I intend to ask at my next appointment.
  • Dltmoll
    Dltmoll Member Posts: 71
    edited 2022 26
    I also had the testing but turned out to have no genetic indicators. Glad it was helpful for you. Things work out in ways we never imagine.
  • Rustysmom
    Rustysmom Member Posts: 37

    I went through the genetic testing because both my mom and sisters were diagnosed with BC before me. Also, because both my sister and myself were diagnosed with ILC, which is associated with the BRCA mutations. I tested negative for that but as a carrier of the mutation for Prostate cancer. Not a problem for me, of course, but I was able to pass the test results on to my brother and nephews, so their insurances would cover testing for them.