Thankful Thursday
Member Posts: 394
It's Wednesday evening in my time zone but I'll put this out there anyway for Thursday. Let's do a Thankful Thursday. What are you thankful for today, uh, tomorrow, uh, on Thursday? You know what I mean.
Today, I am extra thankful that I have heat. When I woke up this morning, it was 6 degrees out. I also am thankful that the snowstorm that is coming tomorrow night is supposed to miss my area. I hate shoveling snow!.
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Hello everyone
I am so thankful to my daughter and John. They, along with friends, made my birthday this year so special.
Each birthday I reach is like being rewarded with the opportunity of LIFE! So thankful for the opportunity to have made it to my special day.
I appreciate so much each moment, enjoy those little things that sometimes go unnoticed or we sometimes (unwillingly) take for granted as life is so precious that each moment we are granted become our most precious memories!!!!
Hearing John sing Happy Birthday to me was so romantic and being able to hear my daughter (who is miles away from me) really made my day.
Thank you for always being there for me and being part of those "precious jewels" in my life.
Happy Grateful Thursday!!!!!!0 -
Beachbum, are you in Michigan? Because I awoke to 6 degrees also...blah! I am so over January...but, I am also thankful for a warm house and the bluejays that eat the whole peanuts we line up on our deck railing every morning...those bandits make me laugh.0
Thankful I have excellent health care available. In 2017 I was given a 20% chance of being here now. With surgery, chemo, radiation, immunotherapy, clinical trials, I was given a 95% chance of staying around. Told my thoracic oncologist he should be proud of himself. Hugs to all and stay safe.0
Thankful to have a purpose. Cancer brought on retirement a year earlier than planned and a whole life change. Now I spend my days caring for my 3 year old granddaughter (born during my chemo journey), 6 year old grandson and helping the family during their challenging years of raising little ones. I have plenty of time for myself and realize I would be a terrible retired person especially isolated during this pandemic (I have a few friends that really struggling with loneliness).0
Marcie, I live in eastern PA. I believe that I heard them say on the news that this is the coldest we have been since 1961. I am so over Winter.
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Thanks Bug,
Thankful for the purrs and love of the foster kitties I have started taking care of. This is my third. I was able to return the previous two to the rescue to be adopted. Was really afraid I couldn't return them.0 -
Beachbum/Marcie - 6 above is all too normal for me - north central MN. Where a negative 45 wind chill is common during the winter. We get the dry snow - thankfully not like the NE like this horrible past weekend. And winter hangs around til April. I am thankful there's beginning to be a bit more daylight!0
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