New Year New Thoughts
Member Posts: 65
I hope 2022 has come in well for all of you. Happy New Year. I wish all of you the very best this year- whether that comes in the form of remission, slowed progress of disease, new family members, grand celebrations. If this year is looking a little less grand than I hope, then I wish you peace and support to get through your trials. Know you always have that here in this group and with me.
Thank you.....I really needed this inspirational message!!
Happy New Year to everyone!!!!!!0 -
Same here - I needed that. Thank you, ImWorthIt.
Happy New Year and very best wishes to everyone!0 -
Thank you, ImWorthIt for the lovely post. I love what you have written, and I wish the same for you. Happy New Year!!0
Happy New Year to ImWorthIt and all of us here! It would be nice to see some positive changes this year. We have all had such a cloud over our heads, dealing with our personal challenges while Covid is always lurking in the background. Sheesh! Things are always changing, lets hope it goes in a positive direction. :-)0
Such a kind and lovely post! Thank you, Imworthit! Wishing you all the same as well.0
MarcieB: You're right ....we seem to be trapped in a whirlwind that throws us here and there.
We will continue to be the stong warriors that we each are and continue battling each challenge that comes our way.
Let's make each day the best as possible by continuing to spread love, kindness, and hope amongst each other.
I couldn't of gone through so many challenges without this wonderful family here who provides nonstop support and understanding.
Thank you everyone and Happy New Year!!!0 -
Thank you! I am hoping there will be nowhere to go but up. I am watching my younger brother go through the last stages of pancreatic cancer after being diagnosed two years ago. It has been very hard to embrace the idea that this year is going to be better, but I know I must focus on the possibility of good things happening too. Knowing we've all had struggles and are making it through are encouraging. Wishing you all a peaceful, gentle year.
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ImWorthIt, thank you! And thank you to everyone else here. I wish you all a happy, healthy, peaceful New Year.
Dltmoll, I’m so sorry about your brother.0 -
Ditmoll, I'm so sorry to hear your brother and your family are going through this. I know just how hard it is, I lost my younger sister this last year to breast cancer. I think those of us who know what's coming can't help but enter into an anticipatory stage of grief. I hope you can treasure every moment, and take time to take care of yourself as well.0
Dltmoll, I am so sorry to hear of your brother's struggle. I know that the anticipatory grief is hard for everyone- him and the rest of the family. I can definitely understand why it is hard to embrace the idea that this year is going to be better. I can't promise, or even anticipate, it will be better. I can't promise that "better" will feel positive to anyone or everyone. As I continue a friendship just developing with someone who has end stage cancer, I know that our friendship will be short lived. I know we won't share life long memories or even memories where we can say "You remember a few years ago when..." We laughed yesterday because it occurred to us that we can make our friendship sound longer by saying " Do you remember last year when...." because we met in late 2021. So our memories do extend to "last year."
On New Year's Eve, I sent her a text saying "I will see you next year." She sent back a text and said "I probably won't be here next year." I told her if she could make it just three more hours, she would in fact be here "next year." It got a LOL.0 -
Also, I think experience with cancer, whether in our own body, or as a caregiver for someone else who has it- changes our perspective on time, health, what's good, what's hopeful.
I hope everyone finds or seeks what they need in 2022- whatever that may be. Most of all, I just want those of us who find this site to be our place of refuge to still have a place to come. I hope we can all continue to support each other and process the tears, fears, laughter, remissions, returns of disease. Whatever we experience, I am so glad we all have each other. If that is ALL that is good in 2022, it's better than going through this maddening world feeling isolated and alone. At least, for me, I am glad I have a place to process.0
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