Happy Thanksgiving
Member Posts: 238
I want to wish everyone at WhatNext a very Happy Thanksgiving!!! I hope everyone is doing well.
Thank you for posting this, beachbum. Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone else on WhatNext. I, too, hope everyone is doing well and had a lovely day.1
Thank you, and right back at you Beachbum! Many, many wishes for a peaceful holiday season!1
So sorry I missed your Happy Thanksgiving post. I hope you had a Thanksgiving with many blessings and many things for which you can be thankful. I am thankful that most of my family was here for Thanksgiving. I learned some sad news about a family member, but I was very thankful to have the majority of my family near me this holiday.
Just glad my November mammogram was clear. That's always something to offer up in praise for Thanksgiving.
I pray for those of you who have not had clear scans lately. I recently met some new friends and the wife has cancer with a very poor prognosis. Hospice has been called for her and I know this is a difficult time for the family. I am doing all I can to be there for them. I try to help with errands or taking time to just go and be there and sit with her so the husband can do some of the everyday things in life. He doesn't like to leave her for long, so it is a true honor that he trusts me to stay there with her and to go in and just spend time sitting and "being" there while he does simple stuff or goes to a neighbor's house.
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I just saw this too. Do you think we will ever get the site working the way it used to? Darn it all!
But, I do hope everyone had a lovely day on Thanksgiving. I was happy to be with some of my family (they are all spread so far apart). And we were in Florida! It is a wondrous thing to get up on Thanksgiving morning and walk the shoreline for seashells - especially when your home is in the Midwest!
ImWorthit, I know what you are saying about praying for those who are facing this ordeal, or still dealing with it. it is a lovely thing you are doing for that family that is at the point of hospice. I have recently learned of two very young women who are dealing with BC. It hurts my heart.0 -
ImWorthIt, I'm glad your November mammogram was clear. Good for you. I hope you can breath a sigh of relief. As MarcieB said, it's a lovely thing you are doing for your new friends. I am a full time caregiver for my husband and I am very grateful for our friends and family who help. I hate leaving my husband, too, but I need to get groceries and run errands periodically. You are appreciated.0
Bug, these folks recently moved here from Colorado. They are still pretty new to the neighborhood- only moving into their new home in late October. They were living in a long term rental waiting for their house to be finished when they received the news that her prognosis is not good. They are both at their wits end right now. She has been so upset that they built their "dream house" and now she is at life's end. I can imagine how disappointing that is for her.
When I was over a couple of weeks ago, they needed some papers witnessed and they went to get another neighbor to come over. Small world, I worked with him and his daughter on some matters many years ago. They really like these neighbors, so the fact that I had a connection with them seemed to make them feel much better about me. LOL0 -
Just read all of these comments.
ImWorthIt, I’m happy your mammogram was fine.
And I’m so sorry about your neighbor. Your being there for them is so caring. We all need other people, especially during illness.0
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