THAT is the question!
Member Posts: 528
The question is; Where can we find the questions?
I know we have all had our frustrations with this site since Greg left the helm, but I honestly think it is almost back to being the WN we have come depend upon. The notifications are back, the Digest announcements are back, we are not getting spam (that I have seen?) I think the only elephant left in the room is where our questions are posted. I have written to Colby and asked him to consult the tech gurus and see if we can't fix this? I am respectfully asking you to consider doing the same? It seems to be the one thing that is keeping us from communication. We can't go to everyone's individual wall to see if there is a question - we need it to be posted under QUESTIONS, where we can all access it and respond if we can help. Smacking Colby isn't going to help, we need him to help us. So, maybe if we all, single-mindedly, ask him to remedy this ONE thing...we will be back in the races!
I know we have all had our frustrations with this site since Greg left the helm, but I honestly think it is almost back to being the WN we have come depend upon. The notifications are back, the Digest announcements are back, we are not getting spam (that I have seen?) I think the only elephant left in the room is where our questions are posted. I have written to Colby and asked him to consult the tech gurus and see if we can't fix this? I am respectfully asking you to consider doing the same? It seems to be the one thing that is keeping us from communication. We can't go to everyone's individual wall to see if there is a question - we need it to be posted under QUESTIONS, where we can all access it and respond if we can help. Smacking Colby isn't going to help, we need him to help us. So, maybe if we all, single-mindedly, ask him to remedy this ONE thing...we will be back in the races!
Marcie, thank you! Later today I’ll also ask Colby to fix this. I want is back in those races!0
I get a digest a few times a year--for me, nothing is back. I don't even get a monthly WN Digest. I'm trying to follow as many people as possible, but comments and communication between those people seldom shows up in my email. I followed the link from today's Digest, and I was surprised to see so much communication between everybody but me.0
I posted a request to fix the bug on Colby's wall. I hope he reads it.0
He has a wall?0
Meyati, yes, Colby has (as did Greg). Just go to “ColbyR” in the “People” section.
Marcie and Rustysmom, I just posted a similar request (re problem with questions) on Colby’s wall.0 -
Thanks carol. As you know my inner clock isn't exactly ticking about WhatNext, but I'd feel so much less stressed, less itchy, less agitated, less grouchy, if WhatNext was working somewhat better. I bet my blood pressure would go down a bit if I got WN digests-even every 60 days-once a week would be better.. I don't seem to have a pancreas or bladder cancer, but it would be nice if I could throw out some questions about these. Did any of you have IgG4 before you got a cancer diagnosis? Has anybody taken Creon, and did-does Creon help? Then I'd like to ask bladder questions0
Meyati, I’ll email you the Digest every night.0
Isn't it strange that some of us get the Digest at night and some of us get it in the morning? And, of course, there are times we just don't get one - like today, for me. Anyone get a Digest for Aug 30?0
I think it's been about 4 weeks since I got one. The thing is strange0
Marcie, I haven’t yet gotten today’s.0
I wrote a couple of days ago via the Contact Us link. I’ll try writing on Colby’s wall as well. Thanks for telling us his user name, Carool.0
Bug, you’re welcome!0
I got no Digest last night.
I just posted the September book question. It’ll probably end up on my wall (not in Questions, where it should be, of course).0 -
I haven't gotten a digest since Greg died.
0 -
I hear you Jane. I got more than you--6- months and months without any, then I'll get several Digests, one on monday, one on Tuesday- then one 6 months or more later.0
- All Categories
- 2 Announcements
- 846 General Discussion
- 880 General Cancer
- 3 Adrenal Cortical Cancer
- 7 Anal Cancer
- 3 Bile Duct (Cholangiocarcinoma) Cancer
- 5 Bladder Cancer
- 18 Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors
- 78 Breast Cancer
- 1 Breast Cancer in Men
- 14 Bone Cancer
- Caregivers
- 1 Cancer of Unknown Primary
- 4 Cervical Cancer
- Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
- 13 Colorectal Cancer
- Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
- 2 Endometrial Cancer
- 4 Esophageal Cancer
- 3 Eye Cancer
- 1 Gallbladder Cancer
- 25 Head & Neck/Throat Cancer
- Hodgkin Lymphoma
- 5 Kidney Cancer
- 4 Leukemia
- 4 Liver Cancer
- 12 Lung Cancer
- 4 Lung Carcinoid Tumor
- Mantle Cell Lymphoma
- Mesothelioma
- 10 Multiple Myeloma
- 6 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL)
- 17 Ovarian and Fallopian Tube Cancer
- 2 Pancreatic Cancer
- Penile Cancer
- 1 Pituitary Tumors
- 12 Prostate Cancer
- 1 Rare Cancers
- 3 Skin Cancer - Lymphoma
- 7 Skin Cancer - Melanoma
- 4 Skin Cancer - Non-Melanoma
- Small Intestine Cancer
- 3 Soft Tissue Sarcoma
- 3 Stomach Cancer
- 1 Testicular Cancer
- Thymus Cancer
- 7 Thyroid Cancer
- 2 Vaginal Cancer
- Vulvar Cancer