Why aren’t questions going to Questions?
Member Posts: 787
I hope this question goes to where everyone can see it:
Where in the brain does consciousness come from?
Just a test question.
Where in the brain does consciousness come from?
Just a test question.
Good question! Why, indeed? How can anyone respond if they are only posted on our walls? I am REALLY getting frustrated with all the glitches on this site.0
Thank you, MarcieB! Wel, I now see your question and my question are both here, so I’m going to delete my question later.0
So, your question, which is currently on your wall, is posted on the Daily Digest, but still is not listed under *Questions.* And my question obviously didn't make the cut! At least we got a Daily digest today...there is still hope.0
I see this under questions that might interest you, in an email.0
It did show up under Questions for me - Take Me: Home Questions Invasive (Infiltrating) Ductal Carcinoma Questions Carool's Question0
Like I told you before,I will never wear a mask and get their poison way shape or form.The world is getting deceived from day oneI will not fo;llow.I have the most powerful vacine >The Blood of Jesus .1Cor.15:1-4 and Romans 3:25.And I'm saved. He's my Lord & Savior .MY ONE AND ONLY KING Not the king. of this world that arre thinking their going to run this world soon through the anti -christ and satan.We have a choice to follow satan or Jesus Christ. And I will follow Jesus 'either 'til the rapture or called Home.He's in control and will be after this battle between Him and satan.
And I know what's coming next.Listen to JD Karag.org every Thursdays dependingf on your time zone.Mine is >I have to listen on Fridays.Then The best is Sundays a 3PM my time,because of time change here.And again at 5:15PM.You could always go to his site and listen to videos he has from the past.A Lady from Japan was interviewed by him in June?Her testamony was very powerful and she was saved from listening to him.
They killed a lot of population if the numbers are right.And did mention people from the vaccines will still get sick or diein months from the time it was said.My brother wasn't even sick in 2020.And was forced to supposingly get as test(which I believe it's a lie.It's to change you DNA and someting else.This was on the 25th he was sent to the hospital and past away 8:32 AM on the 28th.0 -
Thanks, everyone. On my iPhone, I now see no questions after “Dropped on My Head.” The only way I can see my question (or yours, MarcieB) is when I get a WN notice about it.0
I've been getting bracelets from this company since 2012 to have on my left arm so they know not to use that arm for anything .It's called Atert Lymphedema the telephone number is 1-800 293- 3362.He will send 5 bracelets to you. If you're interested call this number between Tuesday and Friday..If they don't answer leave a message and he will call you back asap.
You can put it on any arm.The staff at the hospitals or doctors office don't pay attention most of the time..More than likely you might have to show them the bracelet and tell them what it's for.The bracelets last a long time if you take it off to shower.0 -
Same here, Carool. I received your question in my Digest but I don't see it listed under Questions and do not see any questions after Dropped On Our Heads. Our poor site. : (0
Bug, yes. Well, so far it’s still a place where people can meet. Marcie and I wrote on Colby’s wall, telling him we’re concerned about WN.
It’s odd that cak61 and dltmoll did see the questions under Questions.0 -
Why aren't you all want a bracelet on your arm so they won'tuse that arm?
I've been getting bracelets from this company since 2012 to have on my left arm so they know not to use that arm for anything .It's called Atert Lymphedema the telephone number is 1-800 293- 3362.He will send 5 bracelets to you. If you're interested call this number between Tuesday and Friday..If they don't answer leave a message and he will call you back asap.
You can put it on any arm.The staff at the hospitals or doctors office don't pay attention most of the time..More than likely you might have to show them the bracelet and tell them what it's for.The bracelets last a long time if you take it off to shower.
0 -
Pauline, thank you for the information about the bracelets. Like I said, I ordered on on amazon, but when it arrived it was pretty clunky and I knew I would never wear it. But, I wouldn't mind popping on one of those colorful band types when I am going somewhere. To be honest - I will probably forget! But, it really is a good idea, especially if one is traveling and could need medical assistance in an unfamiliar place.0
MarcieB Why are you paying when these are free and very light to wear.You don't even know you have it on..I bought one a long time ago from Medic alert and I prefer these instead.When I spoke to the owner last week I was telling him they lasted me a long time.Yes, he said they lasted you 3 years it looks like It could have been longer ,but I never was taken them off when I showered. they went from pink to purple.And as fussy as I am I would exchange them more often.So now I believe they w2ould last me much longer.0
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