Post Vaccine Problems?
Member Posts: 528
Hi, everyone! I am assuming most of us are fully vaccinated by now? I am experiencing weird, off & on, pain in my right arm. I got the shot in my right arm because of lymph node removal on my left. I was fine at first, then I began to feel sharp pains in my right elbow, shoulder and wrist. Sometimes in my right torso area too, but mostly in my arm. I mentioned it to doctors when I had an ultrasound done in May. They told me it was normal and should only last about 6 weeks. It's been way more than six weeks, I had my second shot April 1.If anything it is getting worse, but it is not consistent. Sometimes the pain in my arm actually wakes me up at night, but then maybe the next day I won't feel any pain at all for most of the day? Or - I have extreme pain in my elbow all day, but nothing at night. There are times I assume it is gone...then it comes back. Sometimes it radiates to my wrist and fingers, which concerns me, since I paint. Anyone else have anything like this?
I haven’t.0
I've had very similar symptoms in the last few weeks. My vax was first shot mid April and last shot early May. Things like this are why I was a bit hesitant to take the vaccination in the first place. I was reporting this pain to my co-worker the other day. She asked if it was in the same arm where I was vaccinated. I thought maybe she had a similar experience and said yes , and casually mentioned that her observation was interesting and I "wondered" if it was connected to the vaccination. She immediately attacked me for being "anti-vax." I am not anti-vaccination. I already got the vaccination. She was the one who asked if it was in the same arm. LOL
But yes, my pain is in the same arm as the one used for my vax.0 -
I am not anti-vax either, but for the record - this IS the last one I will get relating to Covid. I cannot take the chance of having debilitating pain in the arm, wrist, hand, I use to do my art work.
Your co-worker sounds pretty touchy. And how stupid of her to accuse you of being anti-vax when you were obviously vaccinated or you wouldn't be talking about your reaction in the first place. (!) Ignore her.0 -
I am vaccinated because of all my medical issues & wish to live a few more years.
The first shot, in April gave me a sore arm & a tiny bit of tiredness. The second one, just a little sore arm. That's all.
I've had more pain issues with arthritis and tons more with cancer (as we all have!) I have problems doing my wall fabric art hangings these days as well, but it is because of my arthritis in my hands & arms..
Marcie- have you had any lymphadema (sp.) problems in your arm? This sometimes happens after removal of your lymph glands in that area. I did, years ago.0 -
Molly, my vaccine was given in my right arm - I have all my lymph nodes there. I was once concerned about possible lymphedema in my left arm, back around the first of the year, but my oncologist says I don't have it. I do specific arm exercises to ward off osteoporosis in my forearms and I use weights. I was always weaker in my left arm, but not anymore! It's disappointing.0
Sorry to hear you are dealing with that. It sounds awful. I didn’t have anything like that after my vaccines. I just had the usual side effects, pain at the site, fever and fatigue for a couple days. Easy. Hope that doesn’t last long for you.0
No problems here, other than a slight sore spot for a couple of days.
You are the first I've heard with anything ongoing. Hope it clears up soon or you can determine the exact cause at least.0 -
Like I told you before,I will never wear a mask and get their poison way shape or form.The world is getting deceived from day oneI will not fo;llow.I have the most powerful vacine >The Blood of Jesus .1Cor.15:1-4 and Romans 3:25.And I'm saved. He's my Lord & Savior .MY ONE AND ONLY KING Not the king. of this world that arre thinking their going to run this world soon through the anti -christ and satan.We have a choice to follow satan or Jesus Christ. And I will follow Jesus 'either 'til the rapture or called Home.He's in control and will be after this battle between Him and satan.
And I know what's coming next.Listen to JD every Thursdays dependingf on your time zone.Mine is >I have to listen on Fridays.Then The best is Sundays a 3PM my time,because of time change here.And again at 5:15PM.You could always go to his site and listen to videos he has from the past.A Lady from Japan was interviewed by him in June?Her testamony was very powerful and she was saved from listening to him.
They killed a lot of population if the numbers are right.And did mention people from the vaccines will still get sick or diein months from the time it was said.My brother wasn't even sick in 2020.And was forced to supposingly get as test(which I believe it's a lie.It's to change you DNA and someting else.This was on the 25th he was sent to the hospital and past away 8:32 AM on the 28th.0 -
I did not have any reaction from the vaccine. I had it in my left arm due to lymph node removal on the right side.0
They may of given you saline .That's what some may be given so people won't get suspicious. about everyone dying0
I never thought too much about which arm to get the vaccine in, but I have had lymph glands removed under my right arm & upper chest many years ago.
Did your dr. ever mention that lymph removal in regard to the vaccination? Interesting question!!!!0 -
Molly72, are you saying your doctor never told you to avoid needles, or blood draw in the arm where you had lymph nodes removed? I was told right after my surgery to never have needles (shots) in that arm if I could avoid it. When I had elective surgery last Nov. to even my breast size, they put a sleeve on my left arm that said No Needles or Blood Draw! That is why I had the vaccine in the right arm. In fact, when I went for the vaccine, the nurse asked which arm? I told her I had lymphs removed on my left, she immediately nodded and turned my chair so I could get the shot on my right.People even wear bracelets that say No Needles! in case they are in an accident and cannot communicate. (I actually ordered one of those bracelets, but it was the ugliest thing I ever I threw it away)
Anyway, my right side, especially my elbow just hurts. It is not swollen or red to indicate any reason for the pain, it just hurts. And it began after the vaccine. It also should be noted I got Covid a month after receiving the vaccine, so there's that. Very light case, but it was definitely the virus, I couldn't smell for a week.0 -
Very interesting! I will bring it up with one of my doctors.
What we learn from this site is amazing, and appreciated very much.
But I had this melanoma surgery back in the 1960's, & when I was young, no one ever mentioned no blood draws or shots in that arm or my right side.I have had one other minor surgery on my right arm & another very serious cancer surgery on my right chest wall, very close to where my lymph glands were removed.
These last surgeries were done about 10 years ago at the U.of M.. I did not receive proper medical care while there, but that's a whole new problem!0 -
Molly72, it makes sense that back in the 1960s it wasn’t known that if armpit lymph nodes were removed, that arm should never be injected or carry heavy objects, etc.
Same as Marcie, I was told to use my other arm for injections, etc., even though I had only the sentinel node removed.0 -
I've been getting bracelets from this company since 2012 to have on my left arm so they know not to use that arm for anything .It's called Atert Lymphedema the telephone number is 1-800 293- 3362.He will send 5 bracelets to you. If you're interested call this number between Tuesday and Friday..If they don't answer leave a message and he will call you back asap.
You can put it on any arm.The staff at the hospitals or doctors office don't pay attention most of the time..More than likely you might have to show them the bracelet and tell them what it's for.The bracelets last a long time if you take it off to shower.0 -
I haven't had anything like that either.0
I've been getting bracelets from this company since 2012 to have on my left arm so they know not to use that arm for anything .It's called Atert Lymphedema the telephone number is 1-800 293- 3362.He will send 5 bracelets to you. If you're interested call this number between Tuesday and Friday..If they don't answer leave a message and he will call you back asap.
You can put it on any arm.The staff at the hospitals or doctors office don't pay attention most of the time..More than likely you might have to show them the bracelet and tell them what it's for.The bracelets last a long time if you take it off to shower.0 -
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