Lobular in Situ - what are treatment options
Member Posts: 3
Lobular in Situ - what are treatment options
I was treated for invasive ductal and my treatment included chemo first, surgery to remove the tissue that had responded to treatment, radiation to clean up the area for stray cells, and now I take anastrozole.
I had a very good team of doctors working from a trusted area hospital and I followed the plan they outlined for me. I am two years over it and doing well. I don't know the unique qualities of your cancer, but if you have doctors you like I would advise you to hear them out and then decide your course of action.0 -
I agree with Marcie. In situ probably requires treatments very different from any invasive breast cancer (I assume much less treatment than invasive requires).
Mine was part part DCIS, part lobular, and part IDC. I had to have a lumpectomy, four chemo infusions, radiation, and then took Tamoxifen and after that Femara.
Good luck. Please update us.0 -
My understanding of LCIS is that it is just a risk factor to developing ILC, and removal of the tissue is the only treatment that is required. I had ILC, stage 2, and had a mastectomy, then 8 rounds of chemo, then a course of radiation followed by Letrozole (Femara) for 7 years.0
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