Anybody else having trouble with Chrome signing you out of WN , citing security?

meyati Member Posts: 308
edited July 2021 in General Cancer
It pitts me off. I have this problem here and with Country Doctor on Wordpress. I do not have trouble with other sites at all. I am talking about Instagram, bulk food companies-(COVID)- and other commercial enterprises. O My DAWG---these companies associated with Chrome and Google won't let me buy, unless I give them my DNA and first born. I am calling up and complaining- I tell them I don't trust them- they are the companies with big data breeches. O- I live my cart filled and don't buy. Then they bug me and I call again and tell them I don't trust them. They say- quick-instant purchase would help me--NO - it only would help a 10 year old buy things online.

I click-- WN STAY LOGGED IN---I'm getting replies, but not the Greg worthy weekly notices of interesting ?s and new members. I get a reply and it says- Hi Meyati-but I cannot go to my HOME PAGE-- IF this stupid program knows who I am sends me an email--Why does it say that I need to sign in?


  • Molly72
    Molly72 Member Posts: 227
    What's Chrome?
  • Teachertina
    Teachertina Member Posts: 205
    edited May 2021
    This is a good issue for Colby to address! Where are you Colby?
  • MarcieB
    MarcieB Member Posts: 527
    edited July 2021
    It seems we still have a lot of bugs to work out on this site, but I think they are being addressed? One thing for sure - there are a LOT of us here who very much want this forum to continue. The *rain* of notifications was crazy, but that appears to have fallen into place? And we were even getting the daily notices for a while, I hope that will pick up again. Maybe there is only a *digest day* if there is something new happening?
  • meyati
    meyati Member Posts: 308
    edited May 2021
    Chrome is the whatever that manages your life-I mean computer- Internet Explorer and AOL are 2 older samples--I guess Yahoo was bought out by Chrome. It's confusing, but CHROME decides what shows. O My Dawg--- I've had pop up warning that WN and the USCG sites that included FEMA are dangerous sites that will damage our computer. My son is in the Coast Guard Auxiliary
    and he notified the Coast Guard about that, and I guess the CG took action--it's all about the money, and they don't care how much damage they do.
  • Carool
    Carool Member Posts: 787
    edited May 2021
    I have Safari, not Chrome. I have no problems with Safari — except that most of my WN notices go to my Junk file, so I have to go there to get them.
  • meyati
    meyati Member Posts: 308
    At least you get them. I sort of think this is a WhatNext problem, as when I ask a question-at least this question, I get your answers/comments. I think that is because there is a direct link. The notices of different questions seem to be indirect. It's sort of like turning a water faucet on and getting water-- and needing to go somewhere to get water.

    Being logged out-when I don't sign out on some sites is a Chrome problem. I'm just guessing. I can't get in my home, then when I sign in-everything is lost and I have to hunt for it
  • Jayne
    Jayne Member Posts: 134
    edited May 2021
    I use Safari (Mac) and have no problems with security warnings.
  • Bug
    Bug Member Posts: 393
    edited May 2021
    I'm not having any problems.
  • Molly72
    Molly72 Member Posts: 227
    edited May 2021
    I have a Mac, no problems.
  • Danfan714
    Danfan714 Member Posts: 7
    edited May 2021
    None here